The Core Kids

What is the core? The core is that group of people who are just a bit more close knit than any other people around them. They are a clique within a clique, existing inside of an already established social circle. Though there may be many who are their friends, associates, and aquaintances, none are as priveledged as those in the core. Some benefits of core membership include immediate acceptance into the late night crew (whether you want it or not), an almost guaranteed seat on any roady, near immediate acceptance into any other social group or gathering.

The Minnesota Chapter

This the first and the original core. We are four in number and what follows is a brief description of all of us.

Weight:152 lbs.
Description: Derek is nineteen years old and(barely) a high school graduate. He stands no chance of ever getting a girl and spends most of his time driving around in his truck. His hobbies include Tae Kwon Do, House of the Dead(he's beaten the game several times and now holds the second highest score), and air hockey. His favorite musical group is the Dropkick Murphys.
Quote:"Where the bitches at?"

Weight:135 lbs.
Description: Elliot is seventeen years old and(barely) a student in high school. He has no drivers liscence and even less ambition. He wastes his time with pat, pat, and more pat. He is a gifted artist, his favorite medium being the crayon, yes, the crayon. He is also quite the proficient guitar player.
Quote:"Wanna roll around for a square?"

Weight:155 lbs.
Description: Rohling is seventeen years old and considers himself a college kid because although technically still in high school, the only classes he goes to are post-secondary. As it is right now, he stands the best chance of actually making it out of the core and living a good life.
Quote:"Fuck you guys. I'm goin' home."

Weight:166 lbs.
Description: John is the newest addition to the core, having replaced Al. He is nineteen years old and a high school graduate. He is also the only member of the core who doesn't partake of the pat. Which is probably a good choice.
Quote:"I was mister popular, the cool kid's just didn't know it."