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Healer of Souls

The healing of souls takes place when one totally gives of themself to God. It is a time of surrender and the clearing of all guilt we hold from our past and present. It is the purifying of the future. Each time we sin, it makes a little puddle within our soul. As we grow up and carry on our life, that puddle gets deeper and deeper making our soul heavier. That is why we have confession in the Catholic rite, and in other religions and faiths our own personal confession. With each guilt feeling or regret that puddle gets deeper weighing us down, making us sick, and it lowers our resistance to disease. Spiritual drowning you might call it.

Many people have cancer and other diseases. In most people you will find if not from hereditary or toxic chemical exposures, their cancer comes from a past guilt. Many women and men who have had to go through chemo and radiation therapy and are in remission have stated that they felt a new life come upon them, a fresh soul. They grieved out so much guilt and anger during their bout with cancer that finally when they adapted to a new life style of cleansing they literally felt released of the past and free. They start new lives.

You don't have to have cancer to do this, you can do it by yourself. All you need is the power of faith, the power of Gods love to know if you are truly sorry for your sins, you are set free. When you are set free, you will feel it. I once spoke with a nun who told me no matter what sin you have in the past, as long as you are truly sorry deep within your heart, you are forgiven. I don't know about you and how you will go about to feel truly sorry, but when I came to this I started just talking out in the open (outloud) to God and I wept hard. I talked and cried to him as if he were sitting right there with me. In all essence, he is sitting right there within us. We are God. We hold within us his presence, his love and life. If you look at God as the earth, the life within our soul, you will see how whatever we do that we hold guilt in with ends up what we did to God himself. Imagine hurting God? That is where guilt lies. We don't realize it, but we know that it haunts us and it hurts. As soon as we release it, we feel lighter and brighter. You can feel the burden just lift off of us. We cleared not only our concious, but we drained that puddle and filled it in with soul stuff. That soul stuff, is what I call the essence of love. It is purity, it is life. Free, fresh and clear.

I decided to write this page because of a man who wrote to me of his illness in search for peace. He not only wrote this for himself, but his wife also. They lost their son and their hearts must have gone through so much pain and anger, grief and guilt. To heal, you must let go and release yourself of all you ever thought, said, felt and done. As soon as you forgive yourself, you will be forgiven. Your soul will heal and you will be in the presence of a life everlasting joy with God. Do not be angry, but forgive. Do not hold grudges and hatred, love instead. If someone hurts you, let it go and pray for them to heal as they are hurting too. If someone does something unforgivable, pray and ask God to forgive them. We have to realize, we are only human and humans err. This is our earth school and our souls are in these cases that cause misjudgings and condemnment. If only you all could see the bigger picture.

What is the bigger picture you ask? Did you ever see a spiritual picture of a saint? They have a halo upon their head. That halo is actually the light within them. It is the goodness of their soul that shines. That is what our soul is.... SOULSHINE. Yes, like the Allman Brothers song. It's that soulshine that is within us. Have you ever felt so amazingly high within your chest? Your heart just wants to burst. No one can break that high. That is your soul with all it's amazing power of love. Imagine feeling that way always. It's to die for, right? Maybe you have never felt it? Do something really good all day long. Help others, feel for others, love others and you too will feel that ecstacy of Gods love and Soulshine.

You may say, this lady is crazy. Trust me I am not. I have felt this since a child and only when I forget who is within me, is when I feel sadness and the absence of his love. You don't need drugs, you don't need alcohol or money. You don't need a lover or sex etc... All you need is to have an open heart, release your self of guilt, pray and believe. Help others and give all you have of your heart and your soul will shine and fill up with an abundance of elation. This is how you will find home when it comes your time.

I hope this helps you and all who reads this. I was told I was the Healer of Souls from messengers in my dreams. It is my mission to help people heal their soul. If you want to contact me or wish for me to pray for you, you may do so at We are here to help one another. I cannot take away your sins though I wish I could, but I can help you to release them and fulfill your heart with Gods love.

Love and Blessings,

Denise Farka, MHt, RM, OM