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Keets Healing Angels

I have been making "Healing Angels" for 10 years now. You may wonder how and why I got started....well...about 16 years ago my sister got cancer which eventually took her life. I had the tools the knowings then but just didn't know it. She chose her own path of chemo and radiation, I didn't agree but that was her choice, her life. I researched every natural way to heal her but she wasn't comfortable with that path. So I had to find another way to heal her..or prepare her. I figured if I cant get to her physically I will spiritually...I will tap the soul.

That's when I started making my angels. Her angel was taken to the spirit world with her at her request. It accompanied her to the hospital for treatment and slept with her every night for comfort. So....... afterwards.... I started out sending them to anyone and everyone in need.... then people started asking for more for their friends and family..... as its the perfect gift to give when words or gifts seem at a loss. When people receive these little stuffed angels...they feel the energy I placed in them,they feel a closeness...a warmth....hope...and healing. It is our creator who allows this of course.... I am just one of his earth angels here making these little spirits for him to fill with love and healing energy that will then tap into yours. But only if you believe... in somehow ..someway..your life will change as you hold these little spirits near. Each angel is given a special name and is prayed over and charged with healing energy which is transmitted from God into me. As you hold them near, most of you will feel the sensation it will give you, a sensation of love and light and energy.

I have many stories/miracles that have happened with my angels...but I will not go into detail here. If you are interested, I will share them with you at my "Barrys Gift" website which can be found from "The Healing Place" link below. Each one is made by hand and energy charged....they are about 4 inches high... they are stuffed with cotton and made from velvet/velvetine material, with real feather wings. Each comes with an energy charged stone inside with little gold trinkets, beads and a charm around their neck. The gems are mixed glass media, gold or silver beads, and Swarvsky crystals.

It is a great gift. There are people who have been healed physically, mentally, spiritually. The angels are just a tool.. they are made to be used as an instrument for you to work with. People have been sent these in the past for their own healing..of mind and body, for parents grieving from loss of children or family members, for children who are ill or dying who need hope and guidance. They have been bought for baby showers, and wedding favors, for communions, graduations, Christmas, you name it! When you think of it...when is an angel not appropriate for giving. My angels have made it all over the country, to Mickey Mantle and Rod Carews daughter, doctors, lawyers and many others... You can see my healing angel story on my other page entitled "Barrys Gift". That is just one of many connections my angels have made.

If you would like to purchase an angel for yourself or someone you love please contact me at my link below. It will take approximatley 2 to 4 weeks for shipping depending on order demand.

Please specify preferrence of cross or no cross.

My angels are $25 to purchase as a gift for someone who loves angels or needs one. Or you can make your donation to through the use of PayPal, by credit card or other forms of payment.

Official PayPal Seal

Keetonah aka Denise, is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Hands on Healer, Spiritual & Grief Counselor, Medium, specializing in helping children and adults with cancer. She also uses aromatherapy, herbs and alternative therapy on her patients.

href="">The Healing Angel

When the Angels Came