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My Family

Meet the loves of my life.

My husband Jim

Jim is an Estate and Financial Planner, he sells life insurance at a major firm in NYC and handles all the computer aspects in Financial Planning Programs. He is currently 51 years old and usually goes on his annual trip to Mets Baseball Camp in Florida in the off season. (Even though he is an all time Yankee fan). Jim is a wonderful husband, father and the best third baseman you can find.

Nicole aka Nikki or Coley as I call her!

This is my daughter Nicole. Nicole is the most wonderful daughter who makes us all laugh and keeps us on our toes. Nicole is 23 years old, single, loves to draw and so in love with her cat Diesel, named after Vin Diesel of course. (Her two loves). She is one intelligent and amazing young lady and I love her to death! Don't dare try to win an arguement or fight with Nicole, as she is demanding and wise, yet her heart is full of love and made of gold. Both my children are my angels and my loves.

My son Michael

Ahhh, Michael. He is the youngest and the most ambitious car person you could meet! Mikes dream is to be a race car driver, and currently repairs and upkeeps Vintage Formula One race cars for Lee Chapman Racing. I could almost swear Mike has known how to drive since he was 2 years old. Wheels were his life always and you can tell by his 1998 Camaro Z28. Michael is handsome, smart and my hero. He is now 21 years old, muscular, and sensitive like myself which the girls love, he has deep compassion and a wonderful spirit.


Timber as we call him is about 11 years old. His mom was a wolf and his father a siberian husky, so he carrys on many wolf traits in looks and in personality. Timber is a wonderful dog who loves his family. He loves to sing to Native American music, Santana, and Enya. He actually picks out certain songs that he loves and just starts howling. Everytime I play the native american flute, Timber accompanies me. He also asks for water by saying WahWah, I taught him the Helen Keller thing. He is learning so much more too, and boy is he a runner!


Diesel is Nicoles kitty now about 3 years old, he is a mush. He acts like a panther, stalking around corners and such, but he loves to be kissed on the nose and loves to snuggle with you. He drinks out of a drinking glass only and when sleeping with you, he always puts out a paw to touch your face or neck. He's so precious, except when he drinks my water! Nicole has him totally trained not to jump or go off the deck outside and to retrieve her hair tie and tumble over. Her method of madness .... if he bites... bite him back!


One freezing cold winters day, about two to three years ago we saw a flash run past our bushes. It looked exactly like our older now passed on cat Biskit yet younger and thinner. We would see him from time to time and so we put out a bowl of water and cat food. Sure enough in the middle of the night the strange one came. He had bright yellow piercing eyes that stared at you. Sometimes he would put down a false lid, that was kind of see through, kind of like when crocodiles sleep yet keep watch. He was so frightend and hollow inside. He only weighed 2 lbs if at all. We figure he is about a year old if that. Needless to say, we coaxed him in and claimed him ours. Maximus is now older, fatter, healthier and happier. His frostbitten paw pads are all healed and he no longer keeps a watchful eye. I named him Maximus after the movie Gladiator played by Russell Crowe, because he was a gladiator out there in the wilderness against the wind, weather and creatures of the night. We love you Max!

DaVinci and Guisseppe Galileo

I had always had a special place in my heart for tortoises. They are so old and wise. Well so I thought until I got DaVinci and Guissepe. They are Hermanni Testudo Bottegeri Tortoises from the Mediteranean. In these pictures they are still young. They are only a year old so they are still small but will grow to about 10 inches give or take, depending on male, female. I love their necks and interesting like the Aldabra and Galapagos Island Tortoises. I did want one of them but was told the poop was like a horses and they actually move furniture so I took the smaller species.

Healing of Spirit