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Barrys Gift

Written by Denise Farka

copyright 1995

  • of life
  • of love
  • of healing
  • of death

After this even took place in my life, I thought about it long and hard, as to whether I should tell you about this or to keep this precious experience to myself. But keeping it to myself does not help others, so I take what risk I might, as there are some skeptics out there, by sharing this wonderful experience with you.

I shall tell you this story in hopes it will bring love and light and faith into your hearts. I hope it touches you and helps you believe in all that we are all that we are here for, and all that is to come after.

It was a Saturday around 4 in the afternoon. While heating up some rice for my daughter (who was home ill) a presence was felt. I can only describe it as if a car ran into me, the impact of saddness and darkness poured throughout my body. I started crying and shaking. My heart seemed to stop for a second and then it beat stronger and louder in my chest. It was then the angel (which I made for Barrys healing and strength) came out of his closet and did its magic.

I knew then Barry was with me. (Barry was a wonderful guy who worked with my husband). I had the honor of meeting him once at a black tie affair in Manhattan through my husbands company. (Oddly enough, a life insurance company). He was glad to say he was in remission and felt wonderful. As he hugged and thanked me for the angel I made him to help him through his bout with cancer. I felt such an energy exchange between us. It was the most thankful and warming hug I have ever felt in my lifetime. I hadn't seen Barry after that, and a year or so went by, until I was told his cancer had returned. But he was doing well and taking things day by day with the courage of a lion that once again this cancer would leave his body. When I felt this darkness on that Saturday afternoon, I began to cry. I thought I was loosing my mind to cry so hard and hurt so bad and not understanding why. But then I looked up and and saw his face, and I knew Barry had just died. He was passing by on his way to heaven back home to our creator, to say thankyou and I love you. He told me that I had touched his life in a way no one else had. I told him he is no longer in pain (from the cancer he had) and now he is free to go back home with our creator. I then asked him to give my sister, Renee (who also died of cancer)a hug for me and tell her I love her.

Well, I stopped talking when I felt Barry leave. I cried some more then wiped my tears and brought the rice up to my daughter. She said, "Mommy, have you been crying?" I softly said yes and then I explained to her about my visitation with Barry. She (knowing my past experiences with these kind of messages) said jokingly...."Mom your scaring me". (Not really scaring her).. but her amazement in what I experience every now and then. My husband came home shortly afterward, and I didnt know what to tell him. He is the worlds biggest skeptic about this kind of stuff. I shoveled some peices of chocolate in my mouth and he questioned what was wrong with me. I told him "Barry died". He asked how I knew. I said.. believe me ...I know, he visited with me here. He laughed and said there was no way Barry died. That he was fine. I said okay.. you'll see, you never believe in me.

Sure enough around 7pm, the phone rings and its a co-worker of my husbands. My husbands mouth hangs open and I hear him say.."No shit, Barry died?" (excuse the expression but you need the whole story here) He told his coworker, "I knew that",and well you could imagine how hard that one was to explain. Slowly I watch his head turn around to look at me...he hangs up the phone and moves the furthest away from me as possible. He says "This is too freaky for me!" "Guess what... sorry hon...but I'm not sleeping with you tonite!" I just looked at him and said...."You never believed me all these times." (Since a child I never had real proof of what I knew, so people didn't believe me, and now finally someone saw)

People like my husband are afraid of what cannot be explained or experienced first hand, but he was the first one to go to that family two days later and tell them of my visit with Barry.

I tell all of you this, because I know and I have felt these people in my soul. We in our earthy bodies, can not always see and feel beyond what we have been taught. Some of us reach out to learn, we pray to be for the people. This is what I have prayed for since a child, to be able to help others. That is why I make my little stuffed cloth angels and pray over them. I am certified in Reiki and have done hands on healing since a child, so before I send them off, I put my energies that God pours within me into each one.

God has given me another gift (a tool) my job is to help you all believe and have faith while we are here on our mother earth. Each hurt and pain we feel, is a lesson in life. It is helping us grow and learn so that we too may reach our ultimate destiny. You see I know, and now you know, (if you believe in what I have told you) that when we die, our bodies are given back to mother earth, we don't need it anymore. When we are (dead) in our spirit form we are seen by our soul. We are no longer old and gray or deformed from an accident or disease. We are no longer the cripple in the wheelchair or the victim burned in a fire. We are no longer a handicapped child confined to a wheel chair or bald from chemo treatments. We are a spirit that shines with light and love, that goodness in our hearts, the kind deeds we have done, the things we gave up and surrendered for others, the pain and hurt we feel.... all shows....and it shines so big and clear it attracts all others. This is how we are measured.... this is all that counts. Not money, not jewelry, houses or clothes or medals. Its who we are inside...our goodness.

I didn't see Barry as I see you but ..... I felt him. I felt his spirit and it shone through in an image of him. I know many of you, with kind hearts, ones who think life is so unfair, ones who live constantly in pain, ones who do for others and it goes unnoticed. (so you think) know ... you are the people, who when the time comes, are going to shine through and you are not going to go unnoticed. Everything we do here is a lesson learned. Each hurt and pain teaches us something. So take today, and smile your biggest smile for those who need it. Hug that person, who has kept quiet and not thanked you for that deed, share your gifts as I have today with your freinds and family. If we all shared just a little bit of what we know, we can make a difference in many peoples lives. I hope I made a difference in yours today!

Love,healing & blessings,


PS. My story has been copyrighted, as I am writing a book entitled "Barrys Gift". What you have just read is the basis for this book. I will post notice when it is published so if you are interested in ordering a copy I can set that up for you. Thankyou for visiting.

More about life..

Healing of Spirit
Keets Healing Angels
The Makah Whalers
My Special Friends
