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This is a poem, or words you might say that came to me as I was in deep thought about one mans visit to a prison out west. There was a native american man among others whom he was visiting. This man was innocent and he told his visitor how he is treated there, stripped of his native rights, beliefs. My heart was deeply saddend that day, and I believe my soul soared and jumped into that native american man as he sat there in his circle of brothers in the rain. I felt his pain and his devotion, and so this was written.


Here I sit in this damp dark cell

why I am here, I do not know for sure

The white man says I killed someone

and so I am trapped.

My spirit searches for what I have done wrong

perhaps it was being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but my soul remains innocent.

So I sit here with anger and pain from within

why must it be this way.

I am trapped.

I guess you can say, I was the only indian there

and in many eyes of course I am the first to blame.

We keep our traditions to stay in the old world of our grandfathers

but we move on and travel to new times,

but the others .. the white man.. he stays in his history book days, stereotyping, grudging

so I am trapped.

I go out to pray among my brothers

for spirit is what keeps us sane

We live for spirit, we live for love,

we cry our chants in the rain

No shelter, no compassion no dry clothes or accomodations

I am trapped.

I may stay here forever,

till the end of my days

till I make my journey home

that makes the white man proud he has contained me

but as I sit here cold and damp

with no fire to light the sacred pipe

I send my prayers into the wind, thru the voice within me that cries.

My spirit soars and we are one

I am flying like an eagle

seeing all around the earth below and above

my heart lightens for here is my peace

I am free in spirit so my heart smiles

for it is the white man and others

who are trapped.

Written by Keetonah aka denise

Oct 31, 2000

Please click on my other links for more poetry and for healing of body, mind and spirit.


With Love


Healing of Spirit
Healing through Prayer
