Mr. Yuck Disapproves of your face.

I lack the motivation to make anything elaborate or cool…however, I also
lack in the area of hobbies at night…and so this gave me something to do other
than roof jumping. So finally, after a year or so of being down, yakutatanai
has returned, along with a shitload of more…well, shit. Welcome to my page,
if you like it, look around and enjoy…if not, as my traditional saying goes,
go to hell. Now that that's out of the way, I have nothing else to say (hey
cool, it rhymed). Go where you want, and stay away from my ass.

Yakutatanai- Ah, yes, the old website, with an unrefreshing twist, and without a hint of lemon or vanilla.
Walnuts, A place where things almost make sense- This is where I stick the random things I draw, write, and come up with at points somewhere past 3am.
Heywood- The band I'm in. We're nuts. really fucking nuts. Like walnuts. yeah, walnuts, go eat some, and visit our page.
Other side of the mirror- A nice website about all the characters and whatever plotline I actually have about that story I've been working on since 7th grade...
Comics- I'm too lazy to come up with a catchy it's name explains it. I draw a lot of comics in my free time, and people apparently want to see them without actually having to see me, and so this solved that.
Yakiondori- I'm not providing a link to this, because if you know what it is, then you shouldn't need a link...if you don't know what it is, then you shouldn't need a link either. If you want to know what it is and get the link, try asking me.
I am yes- This is basically the portion of my space for odds and ends in which I am a whore to my friends and make odd pages at their request. Not just any whore, but a FREE whore...who is also a walnut...
The airport- free one way tickets out of here
Hell- Enjoy.