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<13 align="center">Christian Life: Backslidden


"Holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith."-1 Timothy 1:19

The famous shipwrecked of Shackleton in the cold south pole tundra of Antartica is a famous story of endurance to live. Have you ever heard of this amazing near death story?

Shackleton's Expedition, by PBS

I (Sal) was first told of this story from a good friend name Shannon (UMM Class of 02'), who told me about the special display at the Science Museum in St. Paul-Minnesota last summer. I thought about this story again after doing my devotional quiet time the other night in St. Paul (home for Thanksgiving weekend 11/29/03).

Shipwrecked is similar to being backslidden, or falling away from the light of Christ that gives life. I've been there before, like many Christians! It can be compared to being in the "wilderness" or "desert" that the Bible talks about in both the Old Testament (Job losing all what he got, Moses in the dessert, etc...) and New Testament (Jesus in the desert for 40 days, Peter's denying Christ 3x, etc..). It all depends how the individual perceives it and does with it.

Personal Backslidden Stories

After giving my life to Christ in the Spring of 96', I kind of drifted away that summer as I was no longer surrounded by fellowship of Christ's family. I was so glued into my summer job of making money fast! I did attend some weekly Bible studies, but I wasn't solidified with the Truth (see one church)!

Then, I kind of drifted away purposely from other believers a couple years ago after getting "offended" by my local church. After time in season, I was healed as God showed me how we need to avoid "division" (1 Corinthians 1 & 12)in the church-Satan's way of having us believers turn against one another.

Reccomended Resources




"The Apostle Peter went through some incredible changes within the years of his life. He boasted of never abdoning Christ, but then denied him three times. Yet it was him who spoke on Pentacost and had a vision that declared that salvation was for all people, both Jews and Gentiles"


Light the Fire Again

" MBC Church Retreat"


  • "Transformed Lives", ex-Satanist returns to the loving and more powerful-God!
  • 101 Ways To Show Appreciation To Your Volunteers
    "Volunteers are the life-blood of many organizations and businesses. If you use volunteers, you depend upon their passion and commitment to get much of your work done. But utilizing volunteers is much more than making an appeal and then giving assignments to those who show up. They need to know they are a valued part of your business or organization. And they need to be appreciated and cared for, even as you appreciate and care for your staff. This book offers you 101 ways to show appreciation to your volunteers - that's part of keeping them. We also offer tips on recruitment, placement, management, and retention of these very special people."
    *With God's help!

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