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IVCF Archive



-May 5th of 1999: "Native American Indian Testimony" by Tom Valtiera of Native American Indian Assembly of God in Minneapolis. Testimony: Grew up surrounded by booze, drugs, smoking, gambling, fighting, and adultery. Reached out by his brother-in-law who became born-again, then his sister-in-law too!


-Wed. Feb. 28th and Wed March 7th @ 7pm: "Creation" by Roger Melquist of Creation Science Museum of Minnesota... brings you vital information on the Creation/Evolution Issue at Oyate Hall.
E-mail Forward : "Once a dogmatic evolutionist, Roger Melquist presenets this subject from a scienctific and Biblical approach in a non-thretening manner." This will be a two part series, the first week he will be doing an overview of Creation Science, and then the following week he will be focusing on the Flood. Spearheaded by Jenn (Anderson) George, large group coordinator



-1999 on Oct. 22-24 "Driving In, Going Deep" Cost $40. Cooridnator: Sara Heutink
-1998 on Nov. 13-15 "Disciples of Christ" Cost $25. Coordiantor: Sara Heutinck



-"Lunch Break Hour" on Wednesdays @12p-12:50 at MRC 205 between classes (Quarter System in 1998-1999)


-"Jericho Walk (Joshua 5:13) on October 26h-Nov 1st in 1997 @7am met first as a group in prayer at the Science Auditorium and then walked around campus 1x for 7 days. Then the last day, we walked around again and met at the Campus Mall and shouted! From there we went to our individual places of residence (halls) and prayed with our floormates/hall mates. Spearheaded by Mark Daigle.


{Evangelism Archive}


-1999 March 19-27th to Utah (Canyonlands and Arches Nat'l Parks and Deadhourse State Park) near Moab. Cost $175 (less with decent fundraising). Contact: Dan Ford and Jay Sykes.

*NOTE: if you would like resources (copies, notes from speakers, saved documents in disks, etc...) of any of the following above, feel free to contact Sal, UMM Alumn 99', who has stored some of them.

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