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Below are consumers' testimonies of these products I found on the internet:

Health Products

Laundry Detergent: Quixtar Products


"Also, I've been using Quickstar S8 Laundry Detergent (powder does more loads!) because of the frequent dryness of my sensitive skin to other laundry detergents....sensitive skin education"-Sal's Praire Home Health

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:10 am
aussiegirl - the SA8 detergent I use is from Quixtar, which used to be called Amway. I haven't tried their fabric softener. We have a big problem with static and I find the Bounce free (no perfumes) eliminates the static, even with just half a sheet.
The SA8 detergent seems a little pricey too, but a small box will last me three months, as the scoop you use is very small. Works great too!
-from Organized Home Online Chat

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:56 am
I also use SA8 from Quixtar. Doesn't leave residue in washer. 4L bottle liquid lasted my family of 5 for 7 months. I also use the dryer sheets. I love them both. I use one sheet for 2 loads. Feel free to ask me more about the products.

LISA1013 Supreme Deal Empress
Joined: Sep 2000
free sample: You can't get away from it...laundry. So why not make it easy on yourself. The SA8® advanced laundry care system does more. Not only is it packed with cleaning power, it's dermatologist and allergist tested. The result is clothes that are fresh, healthy and clean. The SA8's like medicine for your clothes.-from Deal of Day Forum

Lady TS
Registered User I have used our Amway SA8 powdered laundry detergent since we have been married--almost 7 yrs and prefer it. I was almost out 2 months ago and gave in to the Fuller Brush Man selling his detergent and after using it I much prefer "mine".
With two adults and one toddler, a ~$29 10 lb box lasted 10 months last time. It's concentrated, so you only use like 1/4 cup, but if our clothes aren't filthy I have been known to use less.
For the tougher baby stains/food stains I use OxyClean as well and am pretty happy with it. Not as happy with the Family Dollar version of OxyClean though.
-from Homesteading Today Forum

"In the fast-paced society that we live in, where convenience is often a commodity, consumers have high expectations for the products they use," commented Ms. Huyser of Quixtar. "We knew we had to come out with a superior product when introducing our tablets. The SA8 tablet doesn't sacrifice clean for convenience. It delivers both."
Quixtar will launch its tablets line this March. The company expects a positive reception.
The S8A tablet overcomes some of the drawbacks of other laundry tablets, according to Ms. Huyser. "Our product actually dissolves in 60 seconds," she insisted, "and it leaves no residue. It is also safe to use in all temperatures. This product is going to be wonderful for college students, apartment renters and anyone who needs portability but at the same time, demands quality."
-from Laundry Detergent Market

"23. Interestingly consumer reports of the product have failed to substantially prove the unquestioned superiority of SA8® LC when compared with other laundry detergents. However, as far as price is concerned, it proved to be on the high end. I have included the following section regarding SA8® LC. However, for additional consumer information regarding other selected Amway products refer to the following web page:
SA8 Concentrate, powder and liquid (2/95) 35 products were tested, 17 liquids and 18 powders/ The SA8 powder was rated #5 overall and #4 among the powders. The cost/load of the top five products tested were as follows:
Tide with Bleach Alternative (liquid)............... $.52
Cheer with Color Guard Bleach Ultra (powder...$.41
Tide with Bleach Ultra (powder)......................$.41
Gain w/Odor Removing Ultra Bleach (powder)..$.32
(recommended Best Buy)Amway SA8 Concentrate (powder)...........$.41
The difference in effectiveness between the Amway and the Tide Ultra seems fairly minimal, with the SA8 in the low end of "Excellent" and the Tide in the high end of "Very Good." At distributor pricing, including shipping, the cost /load of the SA8 would be about $.38. The SA8 liquid was rated #32 out [of] 35 products tested and #13 out of 17 liquids tested. At $.35 per load (dist.cost), it was not the most expensive of the liquids on a cost-per-use basis, but of the 12 liquids that were rated as more effective, 6 were less expensive to use. The SA8 liquid was a full 40% more expensive on a cost-per-use basis than Arm&Hammer Double Power Fresh Free Concentrated, only $.25 per use."
-from Lewis and Clarke School: ( Sociology Research Study)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:39 pm
Hi Marc,
The only reason I stopped using SA8 was, like I said, because of the high price compared to Tide and Costco's Kirkland. The cleaning factor was not an issue, both on my own laundry and later based on CR. In my opinion, and I base this on my own experience, if SA8 and Kirkland's both clean the same, but one is considerably cheaper than the other, for me it's a no-brainer, I will save myself the $. Also, cleaning absolutely depends on the type of water you have. My in-laws have very soft water and can use any cleaning product, so they buy whatever is on sale.
I disagree with your comment of CR ratings "going down hill." I have not found that to be the case at all. I've been reading CR for over 20 years and have yet to disagree with a report on a product I have purchased that they have recommended.

  • Amway Quixtar-All the Business Myths, price comparisons
  • Amway/Scamway SA8, from gardenweb

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