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Glendale Newsletter

Fifth Edition
October 2000
Watch this space for this upcoming newsletter

Serving: Rocky Creek, Northern Valley, and Glendale Hills Drives; Northern Slopes, 9th Ave, Beverly, Devon, Glenview and Char Lanes, 26th, 30th, and 31st Streets, 6th Avenue and 32nd Ct. NE

email list: Send your email address to to get
added to our neighborhood email mailing list.

Neighborhood Watch

Presently, there are only two streets in the Glendale Neighborhood Association which have active neighborhood watches, Northern Valley Drive south of Rocky Creek and Northern Slopes Lane. If you would like to get the neighborhood watch on your street going, there is a free community education class offered on Tuesday, March 21 in the evening. Call Community Ed at 285-8350 and register for course 8151.211. It is not too late to register right up until the day of the class.

Businesses/Business Owners!

We have ad space available in future issues of this newsletter. The prices are : $50 for a full page (8.5"X11"), $30 for a half page, $20 for a quarter page, and $10 for a business card size ad. These are per issue prices. Contact Lora Powell (285-4421; ) for further information.