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"Globe Jeans"
M&M's Ads
1960's CD

Welcome to Daver's Photoshop "dumping ground."  Because of the large size of many of
the files, I decided to park them here rather than trying to send them as Email or Email attachments.
Why here and not as part of "Daverville?" -Because my regular ISP only provides a miserly 10 Megs for my website,
which wouldn't leave much room for anything.  The subjects of my Photoshop projects will likely seem quite
familiar to those of you who know me well, but I am also posting all of my assigned projects from school
and whatever else I have thrown together along the way.  Please keep in mind that the "ads" you see in between
the light blue menu bars are 100% FICTION.  (The ones you see above the menu bar are, unfortunately, quite real...
the price to pay for free web site hosting services)  If it's blinking or flashing at you - it's NOT mine  If it's complicated
layers of garbled graphics - it's mine.  Comments always welcome... Clicking the link to Daverville will take you to my REGULAR
web site... which should is starting to have some Photoshop "efforts" popping up - and hopefully improving that site.
One important side note:  The projects for my intro class require us to show that we can use all the buzzers
and bells of the software - so overkill is expected... FUNCTION before FORM.
A couple of them are way too busy for my own taste (did I just claim to have taste?)... but that's
what I need to do.  Again, sorry for the LARGE file sizes, they are supposed to be 8½ x 11 -
(I've shrunk them to fit the screen) Also these are the 100dpi versions and not the 300 dpi
versions, which I had to do for the actual printing process.

"Globe Jeans"
M&M's Ads
1960's CD