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Howdy! Welcome to my homepage. My name is “D.R.” Rosenbalm. I am an established “natural” horse trainer and a dedicated advocate of the “resistance-free” methods. I am originally from the Midwest. I grew up on a ranch there and have a great love and respect for horses. Their welfare and betterment have become my life’s ambition. I am glad to spend my days traveling in order to help those who need assistance in the ways of the natural horseman. I’ve also written a handy and informative pocket book and training manual in the interest of enabling a humane and readily cooperative partnership between every horse and rider. Y’all can E-mail me, write me or give me a call if you’d like more information or have any questions. On another note, I play guitar, sing and write music… guess that makes me a pretty busy guy, but I’m always glad to be of assistance!

A Horse Can Be Your Best Friend...

What is required to change the essence of a poor relationship or to start a new one off in a healthy manner? Certainly these five things are imperative: patience, understanding, focus, devotion and respect. All bad behavior is learned behavior and can be replaced with that which is desirable. Moreover, if we don’t put the “bad” in, then only good is learned. The horse in his natural world is beautiful, powerful and awe-inspiring. We can keep him that way. Once you learn to approach him through his language and become his friend and guide, he automatically becomes your attentive and willing partner. My goal is to help you and your horse have a working relationship that allows you to develop a growing bond and to enable you to approach him with gentle understanding and respect. Our intent is to see things from his perspective. Ultimately, you will grow into a deep and trusting partnership so you can begin and end each ride with a smile…you and your horse!

Specializing in Round Pen Training...

Although I am familiar with other methods of training, I prefer starting the horse at liberty in the round pen. The value of round pen training is irreplaceable for all horses. This is true whether starting a wild mustang or a horse that is already under saddle and has been ridden for years. It gives the horse and handler the opportunity to become “connected” in the herd-sense, with you as the leader, using no force or restraints. There is no better way to establish a more solid and effective foundation in a horse intended for any discipline or level of riding. Understanding and communication are the primary keys in my training. When you know the language each horse projects, communication and learning naturally develop. You can come to learn what every horse already knows. Your horse’s future is up to you!

Clinic Information...

I hold clinic's in various locations. I am also available for one on one training for horses, owners and aspiring trainers as well. Check out my links below for more information.

Links To Check Out....

Click HERE for "ROUND PEN" Clinic Information!
Information on my BOOK "The Way Of The Natural Horseman... Becoming Connected."
One on One Training available
Two and Three Day Clinic's Available

For More Information

Contact Me At:
D.R. Rosenbalm
P.O. Box 2
Oregon, IL 61061
(815) 440-1132

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