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Part I. (written): Constructed-Response - Short Answer

Please complete the following statements by filling-in-the-blank with the correct answer.

1. Scales which progress in upward movement are referred to as _______________, while downward movement is called _______________.

2. Whole tones and semitones are used to identify the _______________ between two notes and are called _______________.

3. The correct order of flats as they appear in a key signature are _______________, while the correct order of sharps are _______________.

4. Determining a sharp key signature name requires you to go up _______________ step(s) from the ______________ sharp in the key.

5. Determining a flat key signature name requires you to go down ______________ line(s)/space(s) from the _______________flat in the key.

Reason: This item type was chosen for the acquisition of basic information. These are basic statements students need in order to begin the process of assessing key signatures.

Expected Responses: I believe these statements and the responses are short and should be easily completed by the student. Students who have difficulty in this section will more than likely struggle throughout the remainder of the assessment. This will provide me with information for revisiting basic concepts, if needed.
ascending, descending
distance, interval
one-half, last
four, last

Grading: 1 point for each correctly completed blank
10 points total


Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V