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O/our Thoughts on a Collar

His thoughts

What does the Collar mean?

Collar means Committment. Comittment of Master and slave to O/one A/another, to the relationship. Committment to a lifestyle and a way of thinking and living. Not just when its convenient, but living and breathing it - heart and soul.

Collar means Obligation. Obligation to the responsibilities of being a Master or a slave. Obligation to the life that was placed in My hands, and the obligation of the slave to fulfil her promise to please and obey.

Collar means Love. Love deeper and more rich than ever imagined. Love founded on trust, respect, honesty, sincerity, and devotion. Love for E/each O/other and love for the relationship being built.

Collar means Labor. Labor of love. For neither partners are the roles easy. It take work to the relationship to bloom. It's rarely easy, but the things worth having rarely are.

Collar means Always. Always throughout each day. Always till the end of time. The collar is not meant to be removed. Not meant to be worn only when fashionable.

Collar means Respect. Respect for each other. Respect for the lifestyle and the relationship. The slave must always respect and obey the wishes of her Master, and the Master must respect the feelings and needs of the one He has claimed, and be certain to consider those in the decisions He makes, and the actions He takes.

my thoughts

To me a collar is much like a wedding ring in a vanilla relationship. The collar symbolizes that a slave/submissive is owned, that she has a Master. The collar binding the couple together as Master and slave. Accepting my Master's collar was not a decision that i entered into lightly. In fact when he first claimed me as His submissive, i did not take His collar.

We both wanted to be sure that taking that step was right for U/us both. For six months W/we spent much of O/our time together, learning about each other. i explored Him as much as He explored me, on many different levels. Then the time came that He wished to give me His collar. my Master and i met in the rooms of yahoo. So O/our relationship is now and will always be a long distance relationship.

But when He collared me, He gave me a special gift. As i was only expecting to wear His collar vt. But He sent me His collar so that i may wear it rt. W/we had a private ceremony just the two of U/us, which can be found within these pages. As i told Him the day of the collaring, i was His heart, mind, body, and soul, before He placed His collar around my neck. *smiles* i told Him that He collared my heart from day one.

But especially since O/our relationship is long distance, the collar just helps me to feel Him more. Now my collar will not look like a collar to anyone but me. Because it's not the normal collar, it's a silver chain. He chose this as my collar, because He wanted it to be something that i could wear no matter where i was or what i was doing.

By me wearing His collar it's a symbol of my love and devotion to Him. It's a symbol of His ownership of me as well as His love and pride of me. It shows the love, devotion and trust W/we both place into O/our relationship.

Although it is a long distance relationship, there is no doubt that i'm His slave, and He is my Master. He has been here for me, guided me, nurtured me, loved me more then any other person in my life. He's the one person that i can tell my secrets to and not fear being abandoned. He as helped me grow from His submissive to His slave. He has made me into a better woman.

A D/s relationship goes deeper then a marriage ever could. He is so much more demanding to know every part of me. It's a deeper love, deeper commitment of the heart, soul, and mind. His collar stands for unity, making each of us more then we could ever be alone. He needs me as much as i need Him. Together O/our love completes each other, making U/us one.

Due to circumstances my Master and i will never be real life. At least not in the sense of U/us physically being together. So i use the phrase long distance, because what He and i share goes way beyond an 'online' relationship. He has helped me in my real life, He effects my real life, He makes decisions for me in my real life. i've given Him that right, that control. my life is His without question and i trust Him to make the best decisions for me. Despite the distance, He is my Master 24/7. And the bond W/we share as Master and slave is unbreakable.

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