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Carla's Page

WEll HELLO everyone! well here is my new up-dated page which i haven't done since this summer....i would say it's about time HUH! haha! well enjoy..~Carla Erickson~

This is ME!

well this is me by my sister new '01 monte carlo....and i was just tryin on her bridemaids dress one afternoon!~

well here is my BIG bro and sis! :) yeah my sis is 22 and my bro is 19 and SINGLE ladies..hehe! :)the dress i'm wearing is my purchased dress that i won court of honor on at the state fair...all thanks to my BIG sis! :) thanks hun!~ us 3 kids just all happened to be wearing purple!~

well this is me and sus! at the time we were drivin home from MONTE, yeah babe..gettin over you isn't that hard...right sus?! haha!

well these are the two of my cloest girls cuz's i have! they are jessie (luther)frank, lisa frank, and me (charlie)!

this is britt, laura, me and suz at pizza hut in monte.....b4 a pep band! now don't get to loud GIRLS! haha!

oooooo this is jeff from colorado......haha! we say row-row your boat for his was really funny...on the FFA trip! haha!

well this is luther and charlie here...and we were just doin some funky pose! :)

well this is the best FARM EQUIPMENT around! o yeah BABY! :)

well this is me, sarah, and amanda..we are the 3 trombone girls...haha! TROMBONE kicks butt! :)

this is bryce hansen and i after our homecomin lovely state fair buddy.

this is amy, laura, karin, and i just doin a cUTEY pose...! but ya can't really see AMY! :P

this is britt kissin the window and makin cute lip markS! hehe!

this is sus makin a possied look..tryin to get a carmel apple out of my mouth ...cuz it was STUCK! haha! LOL!

this is our ffa chapter that went down to louisville kentucky! :) those were some fun tIMES! :)

this is me aGAIN...and we're in laura's truck headin out to clarkfield!

this is britt doin her funny smile....! :)

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