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Amanda’s Homepage


Work Information

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Contact Information

Current Projects

Biographical Information

Personal Interests

Work Information

Job title

Independent Beauty Consultant

Interested in a free makeover? Visit me, your Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant:

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Hot List

For A Smile

For Another Smile, Enter Smiley Land

Another of my web pages

"Bad Bug Book"


Click for Minneapolis, Minnesota Forecast

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Contact Information

Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome.  I am interested to hear what you think of my web page.

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Current Projects

1. Attending graduate school at Minnesota State University, Mankato

Going for my Masters degree in Food Microbiology

2. Working steadily on my graduate thesis research project and starting to write my thesis:

Looking at the adherence of Listeria monocytogenes, forming biofilms, on glass beads. Then determining the D-values at 37C rather than 25C (its optimal growth temperature).

3. Keeping my resume updated including:

My summer internship position at Pillsbury, in Minneapolis, a couple summers ago, where I performed microbial tests on different yeast strains. This is where I met my first French man, Francois, who daily tried to take over my lab, and was given the opportunity to demonstrate my excellent musical ability with my supervisor Bill on two special occasions. Go visit their web site at

4. Starting the job hunting venture.

5. Reflecting on my trip to Tanzania, Africa this past summer. And trying to finish my scrapbook to show everyone else even part of what all I experienced.

To learn more about Tanzania and see some of the beautiful sites and animals check out:

Find out more about my trip.

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Biographical Information

Birthday: March 30, 1977

Siblings: Two older brothers (Matt and Nick), one younger brother (Clayton), and one sister- in-law (Lisa), and soon to be a second sister-in-law (Julie)

Pets: (Present) In Stillwater: multiple fish, one dog - Poco (Jack Russel Terrier)

In Hastings: two dogs – Pepper (Toy Poodle/Lasaopsa) and Lucky (Toy Poodle)

One partial adopted cat - CK (Chad's Kitty) and her sister - Trinity

(Past) one cat - Patches (Calico), two dogs - Rap (Siberian Husky) and Bailey (Springer Spaniel), and multiple fish mainly Sunny (Gold Sevron) and those two awesome huge placostimi  (sp)

(Future) one cat (no name yet), one dog (Bulldog) - Buster or Barney or Violet - if it is a girl, and one tarantula (no name yet)

Nicknames: Mandy, Meanda, Manda, (one and only) Man, Maundy, Monday, Mandolyn, Mady, Munchie, Other Brother Daryl, Amanda Pooh, Amanda Bug, Tweedlebug, Cupcake, and Sniffles.

My Identifying Muppet Character:

You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

Who Are You?

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Personal Interests

1. Watching and playing soccer

            see more soccer

2. Listening to new Christian music groups and getting involved in Chi Alpha
    for a few good Christian links

Check out a taste of the concert weekend of a lifetime. Don't wait!

CCM magazine

My favorite radio station

3. Listening to country music

a few of my favorites

4. Camping and grilling out

5. Going bowling, especially cosmic or moonlight

6. Watching WCW wrestling

to find out more

7. Playing my viola in the Orchestra and String Ensemble and sometimes even at work

see past concert info.

8. My favorite Endangered Species - Rhinoceroses (see some)

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Last Revised: May 28, 2002