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"Imported From Iceland in 2000"
  Competition / Pleasure  Mare 
Brúða fra Bræðratungu  #93288530 (IS)
Sire: Gyllir fra Bræðratungu  #90187524 (IS)                       Dam:    Þrístjarna fra Bræðratungu.  #88288521 (IS)

With 2004 Stud colt "Vinni Fra Arnarbaeli" at side
Vinni will sell for $3,000 US  as a stallion prospect (or) 1,700 US Gelded

Brúða fra Bræðratungu  #93288530 (IS)       

Brúða  arrived from Iceland the month of February 2000. She was flown into New York and Quarantine there for 3 days,  then  transported to Arnarbaeli

Brúða is a top notch Icelandic 5 gaited Pleasure Horse.  I had the opportunity to go to Iceland in 2000, to purchase this wonderful  horse from Þingeyrar Icelandic Horse Farm in Blondos (trained by Helga)  and  import her  to the Midwest.  My goal on this tthis trip was to find the smoothest gaited Icelandic Horse I could find and bring back to the midwest.     We feel she would compliment our Stallion Ægir Fra Klakahross (imported in utero), a stunning 5 gaited Dun Stallion, for a late 2006 foal.    Her 2006 foal, will sell between  2,500 - 5,000 US 
