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Sigma Alpha Roadtrip: Price Is Right!

April 24th, 2002: Turn on your television sets to CBS at 10:00am, because Sigma Alpha Roadtrip came on down to be the next contestant on the Price Is Right! ...Actually we didn't get on contestant's row, but we are in the audience - which, for a spring break trip as amazing as ours, is good enough for me.

For next year's repeat trip, however, we know what it takes to get on...
B, O, Double B, A, R-K-E-R, spells Bob Barker!

This is what made it all happen.
A big thank you to Rent-n-Travel for giving me
the most stress filled spring break ever.

3 drivers, 5 (then 6) more passengers, 8 states ... 7 days straight.
Cractus Head, BART!, Wizard, Speaks with Saliva, Hoobastank, Chief Shit 'em Pants, Generator, Short Bastard.

From the inside though, it was rather cozy.
Plenty of room to have fun, relax, spend time by yourself... one was ready and willing to kill each other by the 3rd day...

Passing the time between destination cities was
easy with our card table/dining table/bed.

It took us two days to realize that the propane tank needed to be on in order to get heat!

It was interesting to sleep so close to each other in such a small living space for 8 days.
Something bad was bound to happen...

The first stop on the way was supposed to be Denver,
but we were too excited to stop and just drove the 31 hours straight to Las Vegas.
Vegas ... Pai Gow heaven.

Having driven through Denver, through the mountains, through the night, through a blizzard...
we arrived in Vegas with an extra day to tour the city.
Frank is smiling because he jumped from a building!

Ceaser's Palace... The only place you can play Casino War.
Plus, they have a cool shopping mall area.

Just enjoying the wonderful photo opportunities on the strip.
Vegas really is the best city on earth, where else
can you call two girls named Stacy and Kim about a $169 special.

After a day and a half in Vegas, we set out for L.A.
On the way out, though we had to stop to ride the biggest, fastest,
and darndest roller coaster in the world.
They had one of those dancing video games like at the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells,
just had to try it out again!

...and again!

I actually don't have any pictures of L.A. The only thing we did there was talk to some canadians at the KOA campsite, and stand in line for the Price Is Right. No cameras were allowed on the set, so no pictures to show. But we do have a new Jeep, Neon, and Trailer RV to show for it...

After picking up Fineman at Venice Beach, we were able to take 10 minutes and enjoy the California coast.
But, after Grant started to enjoy himself, we were off again!
This time for San Fran!

Don't really know why this picture is funny. Well, actually ...
Grant was a bit of the comedic relief on our trip (anyone want ravioli?) ... this just exemplifies it a bit.

Its a long story, i'll give you the cliff's notes:
Fineman didn't want to stay at the KOA, i didn't want to pay for a hotel parking lot
Hage drove us to a Grocery Store by the BART!
Hopped a curb and blew the tire

Got a free place to camp for 2 days

If anyone wonders where your AAA membership dues go,
During a call for help, they made certain to send a guy out right away to tell us there was nothing he could do.
Thanks a whole freakin' lot!

So we used our own resources to change the flat tire.
Who ever said Hage's Calculus book wouldn't come in handy during our trip?

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