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Alright guys, for those of you that have been to 'The Lounge' before you know what it's all about. For those of you who haven't been to this webpage we here fight for legalization/decrimilization of marijuana and some pyschadelic drugs (LSD, Magic Mushrooms, ect.). This page talks about diffrent facts, point of views, news, and even a 'How to' section. If you decide this isnt for you then by all means please leave now, but if you feel this topic is intresting and you are intrigued by all means...go on! Well I hope you like what you see and if you have any questions don't be afraid to drop me an e-mail. And another thing, we are under heavy construction at the moment so please be patient, thanks!

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This webpage is for educational use only, we are only stating are opinions. We will not take blame for anyones actions because of this page and we will not be held responsible. Anything used from this webpage without consent is prohibited. Copyright © 1997 rainy & ac1d.

Marijuana, Cannabis, Weed, Reefer, Pot, Dope, Grass, Ganja, Hemp, Mary Jane