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Todays Date:

Well as you probably know by now my name is Nick

I am 19 years old and live in Minnesota, born and raised here. Sorry to disappoint all of you but unless I am overwhelmed with requests I'm not posting picture at this time but you can download my pic at the bottom of this page if you wish. I'm quite tall at 6' 6" and have brown hair and green eyes. I am soon to turn 20 and within a few weeks of my birthday I will celebrate my1 year aniversery with my girlfriend who is very beautiful although she doesnt like to admit it. She is the best girlfriend that a guy could wish for. We are doing very well for all of you that are concerned. Currently I am attending NEI College of technoligy for my Associates of Science for Electronics. I am in the Radio and Television quarter, which means that we have to do repairs on equipment for credit, so if you have something that you would like me to TRY and fix please let me know. Im not guarenteeing anything but I will try to fix what I can. After I have achieve my Associates degree in the Spring of 2001 I will be getting my certificate for LAN and Networking. For those fo you that don't know LAN stands for Local Area Networking. Well if you have any questions or comments for me please email them to me.

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