Hello. My name is Maureen. This site is a place where people can submit their stories and poetry. It is also a place where people can discuss their favorite books or comment on some of my favorite books.GOOD NEWS!! I'm in the process of doing a serious update/renovation type thing on my site. Unfortunately, between school and work this will be happening little by little, but, I promise the result will be worth it. I've got a lot of poetry and stories of my own to add on. I am still open to other writers work. Check out the submissions page for details. Write on and keep the Lady always in your heart.


Nicole's Coloring Pages. This website offers you ebooks with printable coloring pages illustrated by Nicole Florian.
8/9/05-Yet another story has been coded. I'm almost done putting my work up on the site. Check out Daniella and the God.
8/8/05-(again)-Something strange is happening. I coded another story today. Go to My Stories and check out The Legend of Alayncinia. Also, I finally coughed up the cash to get rid of all the stupid ads on the site.
8/8/05-Someone congratulate me, I actually managed to get another story coded. For those of you keeping score at home, that's the first one since October of 2004. Check out Warrior Poet on the My Stories page. Check back soon for more.
6/21/05-Hey everybody, sorry I haven’t updated lately. School is apparently more important than my website. If you’re bored and want something new to do- check out Neopets--There are a lot of fun games to play. It's just as much fun for adults as it is for kids. Plus, it's totally free."
10/24/04-Added a little more to "From the Tarot Deck"
10/23/04-Added the rest of my poetry and a new story, "From the Tarot Deck," to the site. Check it all out.
10/22/04-Added 2 new poems to the My Poetry page. Check them out. I just realized that my new color scheme matches the Ravenclaw badge at the bottom of this page. Complete coincidence.
10/21/04-Hey, check out the new color scheme! I also deleted missing images and took out things nobody seemed to care about, like my book list. If anyone is still interested in what books I have, you can e-mail me using the link below. I hope to add new stuff this weekend.

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i'm in ravenclaw!
be sorted @ nimbo.net