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In the name of God, Amen. I, Chauncey Freeman, of the Town of Clarkson in the county of Monroe in the state of New York of the age of fifty-six years and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following, that is to say:

FIRST, I give and bequeath to my wife, Harriet, all my personal and real estate of every name and nature wheresoever it may be found to have and hold for her own use and benefit during the time she remains my widow.

SECOND, I give and devise to my son, Daniel, one hundred and eighty dollars.

THIRD, I give and devise to my son, George, eighty dollars to be paid with Daniel's at my death or as soon after as convenient.

FOURTH, I give and devise to my son, Philander, three hundred dollars.

FIFTH, I give and devise to my son, Gifford, sixty dollars to be placed in the savings Bank there to remain till he is of age.

SIXTH, I give and devise to daughter, Caroline, three hundred dollars.

SEVENTH, I give and devise to my Grandson, Jobe Phelps, fifty dollars.
I give and devise to my grand daughter, Harriet Phelps, fifty dollars.
The sums given and devised to my son Philander and daughter, Caroline, and Jobe & Harriet Phelps to be paid at the final division of all my real and personal estate.

EIGHTLY, I give and bequeath all my real and personal estate, goods and chattels of what nature or kind soever after the death or marriage of wife, Harriet, to my four male heirs viz. Daniel, George, Chauncey & Gifford to be equally divided between them share and share alike.

LASTLY, I do hereby nominate and appoint Isaac J. Whitney to be the executor, and my wife, Harriet, executrix of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this twentieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred fifty seven.

Chauncey Freeman SS

The above instrument consisting of one sheet was at the date thereof signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Chauncey Freeman as and for his last will and testament in presents of us who at his request are in his presents and in the presents of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.

Henry C. Rice - residing at Clarkson, county of Monroe.

Geo. W. Estes - residing at Clarkson, county of Monroe.

County of Monroe:

Be it remembered that at a surrog. held at Brockport in and for the county of Monroe on the 17 day of October, 1857, before Henry G. Norton, Surrogate of said county, the last will and testament of Chauncy Freeman, late of the town of Clarkson in the county of Monroe, aforesaid deceased of which the preceeding Record of Will is a true copy, was duly proved and admitted to probate, as a will of real and personal estate after citation for that purpose had been duly opened to all persons entitled to service, and the said citation served returned and filed according to law, and the following depositionof the witnesses were therefore taken to establish the execution genuineness and validity of said will:

County of Monroe
County of Monroe
In the matter of
proving the will of
Chauncy Freeman

County of Monroe

Henry C. Rice and George W. Estes of the town of Clarkson in the county of Monroe aforesaid being duly sworn do depose and say that they are the subscribing witnesses to the last will and testament of Chauncy Freeman, late of the town of Clarkson in the county of Monroe, aforesaid deceased, and these deponents further say that the said Chauncy Freeman, the said testator, did in the presence of these deponents subscribe his name at the end of the instrument which is now shown and exhibited to these deponents, which purports to be the last will and testament of the said Chauncy Freeman and which bears date on the 20th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven.

And these deponents further say that the said testator did at the said time of subscribing his name as aforesaid at the end of the said will, declare the said instrument so subscribed and now exhibited to be his last will and testament and these deponents did thereupon subscribe their names at the end of the said will as attesting witnesses thereto in the presence and at the request of the said testator. And these deponents further say that at the said time when the said testator subscribed his name to the said will as aforesaid and at the time of these deponents subscribing their names as attesting witnesses thereto as aforesaid the said testator was of sound mind memory of full age to execute a will, and was not under any restraint. And that the said will now apears in all respects as whence executed without any alterations whatsoever.

Subscribed and sworn this 17 day of
October, 1857, before Mr HG Norton,
Surrogate of Monroe County.

(signed) Henry C. Rice
(signed) Geo. W. Estes

Monroe County

A true Record of the Will of Chauncy Freeman late of the town of Clarkson county of Monroe, aforesaid deceased, & of the proof, proceedings & examination had & taken on admitting said will to probate as a will of real and personal estate.

Recorded & examined October 17, 1857.


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