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E-mail Kali's Mom, Vicki



August 5, 2003. I hope you visit Kali's site today, Vicki. I tried to send you this email and it was returned. Please write to me Julane.
Dearest Vicki, I don't even know if you still have this email address. I haven't written in so long. I have thought of Kali all day today. Can you believe it, we had thunder and lightning today! You have to believe me when I say we almost never have it more than once a year, if that. And even though today she missed by a day, we had her presence, certainly. Six years, but I bet it still never feels like more than two. I know you can remember everything about her and that it can't possibly be more than a few years since you last saw her beautiful face or heard her laughter. I hope Pat and Travis are growing up well and not causing you too many problems. Remember, it is not fair to compare them to the sweetest girl, ever. I am sending my love to you and lots of good wishes to Kali as she celebrates her heaven day. Gosh, don't you wonder if angels age and if so, what Kali would be like at 20. Darren would be 35 but I just can't imagine that because he will forever be 22. How could I possibly know what a man Darren would be like compared to a 22 year old KID Darren. And, how would you know what a young woman would be like compared to the young teenager Kali. If you send balloons up to Kali, put Darren's name on one, I know they are together, that may be the reason for the lightning and thunder. I think they're dancing. My love to you, Julane