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Hello, and welcome . . .

. . . to the idyllic Northwoods of Minnesota. Click here to see more of where we live.

Kevin is president of American Eagle Security Systems click here, the company he founded in 1987. After experiencing a stroke in April, 2002, Kevin slowed his work schedule, devoting time to trapshooting and other outdoor pursuits. He loves landscaping, which is good because we have a huge yard (five lots!).

Karla manages Kevin's office and also is a freelance bookkeeper. She loves to sew, quilt, and machine embroider, and is the organist for the Longville Community Church. Summer is her favorite time because she enjoys her herb garden and flowers. Additionally, Karla is an avid reader of novels--especially mysteries; and likes dabbling in watercolors.

Our son, Kyle, is proudly serving the United States Air Force in Korea (the left picture is from his graduation from BMT). His unit is combat-ready, with Kyle as a satellite communications specialist. After spending a year in South Korea, he is now assigned to Hickham AFB, Honolulu, Hawaii. Kyle has earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Still at home is our youngest, daughter Katelyn, a high school senior, cheerleader, band member, and avid trapshooter. She also has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do! She is considering enlisting in the U.S. Air Force or a career in the field of law enforcement.

Alissa and Kendall are wonderful parents to Lauren Haley, 3, and Taylor Renee, almost 2.

Our oldest son, Kendall, married Alissa after attending Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK. He now works for American Eagle. Alissa helps run a church-sponsored daycare and also helps out in the American Eagle office. Together, they are remodeling the home they bought (four doors down from us). They are parents to our two precious granddaughters, Lauren and Taylor.

Rounding out our family are beloved American Water Spaniels and hunting companions, "Zeke" and "Willis."

The quilt Karla made for Kendall's High School Graduation has more than 2000 patchwork pieces! The design is "Road to Oklahoma." In the foreground is a flannel "Pioneer Braid" Karla also made and quilted.

Please visit Karla's machine embroidery site, "In the Northwoods," where there are lots of designs she has digitized waiting for you to download!

If you would like to e-mail us, we would love to hear from you. Click on the mailbox...