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Thursday Night Hikes: West Summit Avenue and Portland Avenue West Architectural/House History Hike

Directions and Related Information


Start: Start at the St. Thomas More Church parking lot, the corner of Lexington Avenue and Summit Avenue

Go North: Proceed North on Lexington Avenue from the St. Thomas More Church parking lot to Portland Avenue.

Go West: Proceed West on Portland Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Griggs Street North

1117 Portland Avenue:Built in 1908.

1120 Portland Avenue: Warren T. Rogers House; Built in 1911.

1121 Portland Avenue:Built in 1907.

1123 Portland Avenue:Built in 1909.

1128 Portland Avenue: R. N. Katz House; Built in 1912.

1129 Portland Avenue: Katherine Lanpher House; Built in 1914.

1132 Portland Avenue: Built in 1910.

1133 Portland Avenue: Aaron L. Hauser House; Built in 1912.

1136 Portland Avenue: Built in 1912.

1137 Portland Avenue: W. W. Rothschild House; Built in 1912.

1141 Portland Avenue: Julian Empson Loscalzo House; Built in 1913.

1142 Portland Avenue: Samuel Rubenstein House/David Minge and Karen Minge House; Built in 1911.

1143 Portland Avenue: Built in 1909.

1146 Portland Avenue: Built in 1913.

1149 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1152 Portland Avenue: Albert C. Wandrei House; Built in 1905.

1153 Portland Avenue: Hans H. Freng House/Pierce Atwater House; Built in 1905.

1154 Portland Avenue: George H. Dunnavan House; Built in 1906.

1157 Portland Avenue: Built in 1904.

1162 Portland Avenue: P. C. Justus House; Built in 1910.

1163 Portland Avenue: Frederick C. Listoe House; Built in 1922.

1168 Portland Avenue: Built in 1907.

1169 Portland Avenue: Charles Herbert McGill House; Built in 1909.

1172 Portland Avenue: Built in 1907.

1173 Portland Avenue: Walter Rasmussen House; Built in 1909.

1176 Portland Avenue: Built in 1906.

1177 Portland Avenue: Edward A. Waters House; Built in 1909.

1180 Portland Avenue: Built in 1908.

1181 Portland Avenue: Thomas C. Daggett House; Built in 1909.

1184 Portland Avenue: Built in 1908.

1185 Portland Avenue: E. C. Schroeder House; Built in 1916.

1188 Portland Avenue: Built in 1908.

1189 Portland Avenue: Robert P. Liesch House; Built in 1921.

1192 Portland Avenue: Dr. Allison E. Brachlow and Benjamin A. Golnik House; Built in 1908.

1193 Portland Avenue: Built in 1949.

1195 Portland Avenue: Charles L. Swanson House; Built in 1924.

1196 Portland Avenue: Built in 1911.

1200 Portland Avenue: Aaron Dahlman House; Built in 1908.

1201 Portland Avenue: Built in 1923.

1204 Portland Avenue: Built in 1910.

1205 Portland Avenue: Raleigh H. Levine and Christopher J. Wood House; Built in 1923.

1208 Portland Avenue: A. A. Lindquist House; Built in 1912.

1209 Portland Avenue: Built in 1908.

1210 Portland Avenue: Martin Finholt House; Built in 1914.

1211 Portland Avenue: Built in 1912.

1217 Portland Avenue: Arthur J. Sauer House; Built in 1920.

Go South: Proceed South on Griggs Street North from Portland Avenue to Summit Avenue

Go West: Proceed West on Summit Avenue from Griggs Street North to Syndicate Street North

1229 Portland Avenue: Built in 1914.

1230 Portland Avenue: William H. McCoy House; Built in 1924.

1233 Portland Avenue: Kimberly Koffolt and Brahim Hadj Moussa House; Built in 1914.

1234 Portland Avenue: Built in 1923.

1235 Portland Avenue: Built in 1924.

1240 Portland Avenue: Reverend E. G. Richard Siebert and Caroline W. Siebert House; Built in 1928.

1241 Portland Avenue: Built in 1913.

1244 Portland Avenue: Built in 2001.

1245 Portland Avenue: Built in 1956.

1251 Portland Avenue: Built in 1925.

1253 Portland Avenue: Built in 1905.

1257 Portland Avenue: Built in 1965.

Go North: Proceed North on Syndicate Street North from Summit Avenue to Portland Avenue

Go West: Proceed West on Portland Avenue from Syndicate Street North to Cleveland Avenue North

1284 Portland Avenue: Bernard F. Bjornstad House; Built in 1919.

1288 Portland Avenue: James H. Dolan House; Built in 1924.

1293 Portland Avenue: Built in 1940.

1294 Portland Avenue: Built in 1921.

1297 Portland Avenue: Built in 1935.

1301 Portland Avenue: Built in 1936.

1302 Portland Avenue: Built in 1917.

1305 Portland Avenue: Built in 1936.

1306 Portland Avenue: Floyd C. Brink House; Built in 1916.

1307 Portland Avenue: John P. Rown House; Built in 1927.

1311 Portland Avenue: Built in 1922.

1312 Portland Avenue: Built in 1927.

1315 Portland Avenue: Built in 1925.

1319 Portland Avenue: Horace W. Redmond House; Built in 1926.

1320 Portland Avenue: Norbert L. Willwerscheid House; Built in 1928.

1322 Portland Avenue: Robert B. Holm House; Built in 1928.

1323 Portland Avenue: John I. Goldberg House; Built in 1929.

1326 Portland Avenue: William H. Gaskell House; Built in 1926.

1327 Portland Avenue: Built in 1926.

1330 Portland Avenue: Built in 1939.

1331 Portland Avenue: Built in 1949.

1337 Portland Avenue: Alex Mains House; Built in 1927.

1346 Portland Avenue: Built in 1950.

1347 Portland Avenue: Built in 1912.

1350 Portland Avenue: Built in 1950.

1351 Portland Avenue: Built in 1917.

1354 Portland Avenue: Built in 1950.

1355 Portland Avenue: Christopher Santer House; Built in 1920.

1358 Portland Avenue: Built in 1950.

1359 Portland Avenue: Built in 1974.

1362 Portland Avenue: Built in 1940.

1363 Portland Avenue: Emil A. Hauche House; Built in 1927.

1367 Portland Avenue: Richard A. D. Lee House; Built in 1926.

1371 Portland Avenue: Kristi Flugum Ylvisaker House; Built in 1922.

1372 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1375 Portland Avenue: Built in 1920.

1376 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1380 Portland Avenue: Built in 1925.

1381 Portland Avenue: Built in 1904.

1384 Portland Avenue: Edmund H. Bunker House; Built in 1918.

1385 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1388 Portland Avenue: Built in 1925.

1392 Portland Avenue: Built in 1922.

1395 Portland Avenue: Hortius Court Apartments; Built in 1922; Chicago-variant courtyard apartment building in style with a Gothic-Revival style main entrance surround.

1401 Portland Avenue: Woodland H. Gilbert House; Built in 1926.

1402 Portland Avenue: Harding Apartments; Built in 1922.

1405 Portland Avenue: Built in 1917.

1411 Portland Avenue: Built in 1917.

1412 Portland Avenue: Built in 1923.

1414 Portland Avenue: Built in 1921.

1415 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1416 Portland Avenue: Frederick C. Thiers House; Built in 1921.

1420 Portland Avenue: Built in 1922.

1421 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1423 Portland Avenue: Built in 1924.

1426 Portland Avenue: T. C. Stohr House; Built in 1922.

1429 Portland Avenue: P. S. Williams House; Built in 1914.

1432 Portland Avenue: Built in 1924.

1433 Portland Avenue: Built in 1921.

1436 Portland Avenue: Euan Kerr House; Built in 1925.

1439 Portland Avenue: David Magnuson House; Built in 1919.

1442 Portland Avenue: L. P. Auge House; Built in 1922.

1443 Portland Avenue: Built in 1918.

1444 Portland Avenue: Built in 1921.

1447 Portland Avenue: Gust A. Erickson House; Built in 1918.

1450 Portland Avenue: R. H. Bastian House; Built in 1921.

1451 Portland Avenue: Built in 1917.

1452 Portland Avenue: Joseph M. Donovan House; Built in 1921.

1455 Portland Avenue: Built in 1913.

1456 Portland Avenue: Built in 1922.

1457 Portland Avenue: Built in 1914.

1463 Portland Avenue: Louis R. Frankel House; Built in 1910.

1466 Portland Avenue: Former Sons of Jacob (Chevrah B'nai Ya'akov) Congregation/Bethel Christian Fellowship; Built in 1948.

1471 Portland Avenue: Reuel Durkee Harmon House; Built in 1926.

1479 Portland Avenue: Built in 1924.

1485 Portland Avenue: Built in 1922.

1491 Portland Avenue: Built in 1967.

1492 Portland Avenue: Built in 1936.

1499 Portland Avenue: Byron P. Benson House; Built in 1919.

1500 Portland Avenue: Built in 1921.

1503 Portland Avenue: Built in 1920.

1507 Portland Avenue: Built in 1913.

1508 Portland Avenue: Built in 1918.

1511 Portland Avenue: I. E. Van Dorn House; Built in 1921.

1514 Portland Avenue: New Castle Apartments; Built in 1916.

1517 Portland Avenue: Saratoga Apartments; Built in 1915.

1522-1524 Portland Avenue: Theodor Apartments; Built in 1922; Chicago-variant courtyard apartment building in style.

1531 Portland Avenue: Built in 1937.

1536 Portland Avenue: Built in 1917.

1539 Portland Avenue: Built in 1912.

1542 Portland Avenue: Built in 1992.

1543 Portland Avenue: Built in 1922.

1544 Portland Avenue: Built in 1996.

1546 Portland Avenue: Built in 1996.

1549 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1552 Portland Avenue: John E. Blomquist House; Built in 1925.

1553 Portland Avenue: Built in 1925.

1559 Portland Avenue: Built in 1915.

1560 Portland Avenue: Built in 1935.

1563 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1572 Portland Avenue: Portland Apartments; Built in 1921.

1576 Portland Avenue: Built in 1921; Chicago-variant open courtyard apartment building in style.

1583 Portland Avenue: O. F. Oleson House; Built in 1915.

1589 Portland Avenue: Mrs. Valentine Hinrichs House; Built in 1913.

1590 Portland Avenue: A. R. Hall House; Built in 1910.

1593 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1594 Portland Avenue: Built in 1912.

1599 Portland Avenue: Built in 1915.

1600 Portland Avenue: Eugene T. Villaume House; Built in 1914.

1604 Portland Avenue: T. D. Lane House; Built in 1915.

1609 Portland Avenue: C. G. Wright House; Built in 1909.

1610 Portland Avenue: E. P. Harmegnies House; Built in 1910.

1615 Portland Avenue: E. L. Kernkamp House; Built in 1913.

1616 Portland Avenue: Built in 1909.

1620 Portland Avenue: Christian Olson House; Built in 1912.

1621 Portland Avenue: E. R. Hubbell House; Built in 1915.

1625 Portland Avenue: A. M. Bergstrom House; Built in 1912.

1626 Portland Avenue: C. B. Kranz House; Built in 1909.

1633 Portland Avenue: Roland L. Barry House; Built in 1913; Buechner & Orth, architects.

1634 Portland Avenue: Built in 1901.

1639 Portland Avenue: Built in 1911.

1640 Portland Avenue: Built in 1912.

1642 Portland Avenue: Dr. Adolph Stierle House; Built in 1912.

1645 Portland Avenue: Dr. W. S. Fullerton House; Built in 1914.

1647 Portland Avenue: Dennis F. Lyons House; Built in 1914.

1648 Portland Avenue: Henry P. Huelster House; Built in 1910.

1654 Portland Avenue: Z. J. Taylor House; Built in 1912.

1655 Portland Avenue: Mrs. Diadema Whitcomb House; Built in 1910.

1660 Portland Avenue: Z. T. Hutchinson House; Built in 1913.

1661 Portland Avenue: C. G. Schulz House; Built in 1913.

1664 Portland Avenue: W. P. Kenney House; Built in 1911.

1667 Portland Avenue: J. W. Martin House; Built in 1915.

1668 Portland Avenue: C. E. Evleth House; Built in 1909.

1671 Portland Avenue: Valentine Hinrichs House; Built in 1910.

1676 Portland Avenue: Built in 1939.

1677 Portland Avenue: L. W. Terry House; Built in 1914.

1680 Portland Avenue: Built in 1913.

1681 Portland Avenue: Alf Quinby House; Built in 1915.

1688 Portland Avenue: G. C. Ansley House; Built in 1914.

1689 Portland Avenue: R. W. Todd House; Built in 1915.

1692 Portland Avenue: Built in 1913.

1693 Portland Avenue: Adrian Giberton House; Built in 1915.

1696 Portland Avenue: George H. Prudden House; Built in 1915.

1699 Portland Avenue: Judge Gustavus Loevinger House; Built in 1916.

1700 Portland Avenue: Built in 1911.

1705 Portland Avenue: James T. Crosby House; Built in 1919.

1708 Portland Avenue: John Borgeson House; Built in 1914.

1709 Portland Avenue: Edward L. Kannary House; Built in 1923.

1710 Portland Avenue: Hugh S. Alexander House; Built in 1915.

1714 Portland Avenue: J. H. Burns House; Built in 1917; Craftsman in style.

1715 Portland Avenue: Built in 1913.

1720 Portland Avenue: H. A. Andres House; Built in 1912.

1721 Portland Avenue: Built in 1914.

1725 Portland Avenue: Harry R. Bryant House; Built in 1916.

1726 Portland Avenue: Built in 1911.

1727 Portland Avenue: Built in 1915.

1730 Portland Avenue: Timothy Ruggles Palmer House; Built in 1908.

1731 Portland Avenue: John J. Farrell House; Built in 1919.

1732 Portland Avenue: Harry W. Powers House; Built in 1914.

1735 Portland Avenue: Edward L. Seyfried House; Built in 1918.

1740 Portland Avenue: Judge Richard D. O'Brien House; Built in 1908.

1741 Portland Avenue: Built in 1942.

1742 Portland Avenue: Thomas E. Cassill House; Built in 1915.

1745 Portland Avenue: Built in 1914.

1750 Portland Avenue: Maurice Edelstein House; Built in 1915.

1751 Portland Avenue: Sol Fligelman House; Built in 1915.

1752 Portland Avenue: G. J. Milton House; Built in 1915.

1755 Portland Avenue: W. L. McKnight House; Built in 1916.

1757 Portland Avenue: Built in 1919.

1760 Portland Avenue: Harry E. Burnham House; Built in 1912.

1764 Portland Avenue: Blake Apartments; Built in 1914.

1765 Portland Avenue: William H. Hall House; Built in 1916.

1768 Portland Avenue: Andrew Lilley House; Built in 1921.

1769 Portland Avenue: John A. Oace House; Built in 1910.

1774 Portland Avenue: Furman Mason Fargo House; Built in 1913.

1777 Portland Avenue: C. H. Jessop House; Built in 1913.

1778 Portland Avenue: Samuel Bronstein House; Built in 1909.

1782 Portland Avenue: Frank Henry Thorn House; Built in 1911.

1783 Portland Avenue: Forrest D. Varnum House; Built in 1910.

1784 Portland Avenue: H. F. Rohlfs House; Built in 1914.

1785 Portland Avenue: Chester Arthur Eklund House; Built in 1914.

1791 Portland Avenue: Charles F. Lovering House; Built in 1919.

1792 Portland Avenue: Edward P. Moran House; Built in 1909.

1795 Portland Avenue: Henry Thaemert House; Built in 1916.

1796 Portland Avenue: Milton Allyn Gallup House; Built in 1909.

1799 Portland Avenue: John Emil Port House; Built in 1916.

1800 Portland Avenue: R. D. Simmons House; Built in 1909.

1805 Portland Avenue: Eben Oakes House; Built in 1911.

1808 Portland Avenue: Fred J. Pratt House; Built in 1912.

1809 Portland Avenue: Francis Midlam House/Nic F. Helmers House; Built in 1913.

1812 Portland Avenue: John W. Butler House; Built in 1922.

1815 Portland Avenue: Built in 1913.

1822 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1823 Portland Avenue: Fairport Apartments; Built in 1923.

1828 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1831 Portland Avenue: Built in 1926.

1832 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1835 Portland Avenue: Harry E. Bergstrom House; Built in 1922.

1837 Portland Avenue: John R. Van Horn House; Built in 1923.

1838 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1844 Portland Avenue: Harry D. McPeak and Jane A. McPeak House; Built in 1914.

1845 Portland Avenue: Built in 1923.

1846 Portland Avenue: Built in 1947.

1849 Portland Avenue: Walter A. Barton House; Built in 1916.

1854 Portland Avenue: A. J. Hertz House; Built in 1916.

1855 Portland Avenue: Henry Blanchard House; Built in 1919.

1856 Portland Avenue: Allan B. Fisher House; Built in 1915.

1860 Portland Avenue: W. E. Lean House; Built in 1915.

1861 Portland Avenue: Harry A. Hohn House; Built in 1915.

1865 Portland Avenue: Otto T. Straeter House; Built in 1919.

1866 Portland Avenue: Milton P. Firestone and Irma C. Firestone House; Built in 1915.

1871 Portland Avenue: F. E. McAllister House; Built in 1922.

1874 Portland Avenue: John E. Palmer House; Built in 1916.

1875 Portland Avenue: C. Bruno Roemer House; Built in 1922.

1878 Portland Avenue: Joseph P. Buss House; Built in 1923.

1879 Portland Avenue: Bellevue Apartments; Built in 1915.

1882 Portland Avenue: David Holbrook Bartlett House; Built in 1922.

1885 Portland Avenue: William J. Regan House; Built in 1922

1886 Portland Avenue: John S. Hasslen House; Built in 1922.

1890 Portland Avenue: Built in 1980.

1891 Portland Avenue: Harold E. Chard House; Built in 1922.

1895 Portland Avenue: Built in 1922.

1896 Portland Avenue: F. A. Creech House; Built in 1920.

1899 Portland Avenue: Isaac Lederer House; Built in 1924.

1905 Portland Avenue: Built in 1916.

1906 Portland Avenue: William L. Harvey House; Built in 1921.

1909 Portland Avenue: George F. Ossery House; Built in 1925.

1910 Portland Avenue: Leo Cook House; Built in 1922.

1912 Portland Avenue: Lloyd G. Dack House; Built in 1915.

1915 Portland Avenue: Abe E. Cops/A. C. Kops House; Built in 1919.

1918 Portland Avenue: James P. Cannon House; Built in 1915.

1919 Portland Avenue: Built in 1919.

1920 Portland Avenue: Built in 1920.

1923 Portland Avenue: Joseph W. McKnight House; Built in 1923.

1926 Portland Avenue: Ernest A. Titus House; Built in 1919.

1927 Portland Avenue: Peter E. Anderson House; Built in 1915.

1930 Portland Avenue: T. G. Keough House; Built in 1916.

1931 Portland Avenue: F. A. Dailey House; Built in 1915.

1934 Portland Avenue: Charles D. Egley House; Built in 1923.

1935 Portland Avenue: Edward A. Eisenmenger House; Built in 1915.

1939 Portland Avenue: Fred Sommers House; Built in 1915.

1940 Portland Avenue: Frederic D. McCarthy House; Built in 1916.

1944 Portland Avenue: William G. Mitsch House; Built in 1919.

1945 Portland Avenue: Henry D. Van Hoven House; Built in 1919.

1946 Portland Avenue: Adolph Anderson House; Built in 1919.

1947 Portland Avenue: William J. Gibbons House; Built in 1915.

1952 Portland Avenue: Albert A. Gruber House; Built in 1921.

1955 Portland Avenue: Built in 1913.

1956 Portland Avenue: Patrick Fallon House; Built in 1924.

1957 Portland Avenue: Built in 1915.

1961 Portland Avenue: Otto S. Baier House; Built in 1923.

1962 Portland Avenue: Rudolph J. Steiner House; Built in 1925.

1965 Portland Avenue: John S. Rose House; Built in 1924.

1966 Portland Avenue: Harry Silver House; Built in 1922.

1970 Portland Avenue: S. C. H. Ansorge House; Built in 1920.

1971 Portland Avenue: William H. O'Gorman House; Built in 1915.

1975 Portland Avenue: Ivara A. Glemming House; Built in 1927.

1978 Portland Avenue: Built in 1920.

1979 Portland Avenue: Isaac N. Booth House; Built in 1900.

1982 Portland Avenue: Built in 1921.

1985 Portland Avenue: Built in 1915.

1990 Portland Avenue: William E. Clark House; Built in 1921.

1994 Portland Avenue: G. E. Riedell House; Built in 1921.

1995 Portland Avenue: Built in 1920.

2000 Portland Avenue: Dr. Mark L. Norman House; Built in 1922.

2001 Portland Avenue: J. Earl Swalley House; Built in 1923.

2004 Portland Avenue: John B. Hagarty House; Built in 1916.

2007 Portland Avenue: Built in 1923.

2008 Portland Avenue: William J. Quinn House; Built in 1915.

2010 Portland Avenue: Guy S. Wilson House; Built in 1915.

2011 Portland Avenue: Jacob S. Melamed House; Built in 1923.

2017 Portland Avenue: Milton L. Spater House; Built in 1922.

2018 Portland Avenue: Built in 1932.

2020 Portland Avenue: Michael J. Moriarty House; Built in 1917.

2023 Portland Avenue: Built in 1914.

2027 Portland Avenue: Walter E. Hatley House; Built in 1925.

2028 Portland Avenue: John T. Hushen House; Built in 1918.

2033 Portland Avenue: Brian J. Bruess House; Built in 1924.

2034 Portland Avenue: Walter E. Hatley House; Built in 1917.

2038 Portland Avenue: Samuel J. Abegg House; Built in 1917.

2039 Portland Avenue: Built in 1914.

2042 Portland Avenue: Built in 1917.

2043 Portland Avenue: Mrs. J. C. Bryant House; Built in 1921.

2044 Portland Avenue: James Jordan House; Built in 1917.

2048 Portland Avenue: Louis F. Orenstein House; Built in 1924.

2051 Portland Avenue: John E. Martin House; Built in 1923.

2057 Portland Avenue: William L. Meagher House; Built in 1924.

Go South: Proceed South on Cleveland Avenue to Summit Avenue.

Go West: Proceed West on the North Side of Summit Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard and the World War I Memorial obelisk.

North Side of the West End of Summit Avenue: University of St. Thomas/O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center; Built in 1959; Gothic Revival in style; Lang & Raugland, architects; Remodeled and expanded in 1991.

North Side of the West End of Summit Avenue: University of St. Thomas/Albertus Magnus Hall-John R. Roach Center For The Liberal Arts; Built in 1946-1948; Gothic Revival in style; Ellerbe Brothers, architects; McGough Construction Company, builders; Rennovated and rededicated in 1999-2000.

2115 Summit Avenue: University of St. Thomas/Aquinas Hall; Constructed in 1931; Gothic Revival in style; McGinnnis & Walsh of Boston, architects, and Foley Brothers, Inc., builders; Remodeled in 1964.

2183 Summit Avenue: Perry-Tryle Co. House; Built in 1925; Perry-Tryle Company, architect.

2187 Summit Avenue: Ethel Karon House; Built in 1923; Early Modern Georgian Revival in style.

2195 Summit Avenue: Joseph F. Rosenthal House; Built in 1925; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; H. F. Thamert, architect.

2215 Summit Avenue: Archibald Bush House; Built in 1927; Tudor Villa in style; G. A. Anderson, architect.

2225 Summit Avenue: J. W. Gover House; Built in 1923; Tudor Villa in style; Mather & Fleischbein, architects.

2233 Summit Avenue: E. J. Kingston House; Built in 1923; Early Modern Georgian Revival in style; Mather & Fleischbein, architects.

2241 Summit Avenue: R. O. Bishop House; Built in 1955; Contemporary in style; Ellerbe & Co., architects.

2249 Summit Avenue: Charles Coddon House; Built in 1951; Contemporary in style; Norman Johnson, architect.

2259 Summit Avenue: Dr. E. V. Goltz House; Built in 1922; Georgian Revival in style; F. O. Peterson, architect.

2265 Summit Avenue: George W. Robinson House; Built in 1922; Georgian Revival in style; Mather & Fleischbein, architects.

2279 Summit Avenue: George L. Burg House; Built in 1964; Contemporary in style; Associated Architects & Engineers, architects.

West End of Summit Avenue: World War I Monument; Built in 1922; Beaux Arts in style; Granite obelisk; Magnus Jemne, architect.

Go East: Cross to the South Side of the West End of Summit Avenue and proceed East on Summit Avenue to Lexington Avenue.

2260 Summit Avenue: University of St. Thomas/St. Paul Seminary, St. Mary's Chapel; Built in 1901; Romanesque Revival in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect.

South Side of the West End of Summit Avenue: University of St. Thomas/School of Divinity; Constructed 1988/1989; Griswold, Rauma, Egge & Olson, architects.

South Side of the West End of Summit Avenue: St. Paul Seminary North Residence/University of St. Thomas/Loras Hall; Constructed in 1894; Cass Gilbert, architect.

South Side of the West End of Summit Avenue: University of St. Thomas/O'Shaughnessy Science Hall

South Side of the West End of Summit Avenue: University of St. Thomas/Owens Science Hall/Frey Science and Engineering Center; Constructed 1995-1997; dedicated 1997; designed by Holabird & Root of Chicago, architects.

2174 Summit Avenue: S. Tierney House/University of St. Thomas; Built in 1921; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; F. X. Tewes, architect.

2170 Summit Avenue: H. S. Mills House/University of St. Thomas; Built in 1922; Two-story Colonial Revival/Georgian Revival variant in style; O. H. Round, architect.

2166 Summit Avenue: Ernest J. Murphy House/University of St. Thomas; Built in 1950; Cottage/Bungalow in style; William Golla, architect.

2156 Summit Avenue: A. A. Klemmer House/University of St. Thomas; Built in 1913; Two-story American Foursquare/Simplified in style; A. G. Erickson, architect.

2154 Summit Avenue: Herbert A. Folsom House /University of St. Thomas; Built in 1912; Oversized Bungalow/Tudor Revival in style; Joseph Frisby, architect and builder.

2150 Summit Avenue: McAnulty Company House/University of St. Thomas; Built in 1918; Bungalow in style; McAnulty Company, builder and architect.

2144 Summit Avenue: Helena C. Smith House/University of St. Thomas; Built in 1931; Tudor Revival/Spanish Colonial Revival in style.

2140 Summit Avenue: Mrs. O'Gorman House/University of St. Thomas; Built in 1938; Tudor Bungalow in style; Emil Nelson, architect.

2134 Summit Avenue: Michael M. Tierney House/University of St. Thomas; Built in 1921; Craftsman Bungalow in style.

2130 Summit Avenue: Edna Glass House/University of St. Thomas President's House; Built in 1918; Two-story Colonial Revival/Twenties Villa in style; Edna Glass, architect.

2120 Summit Avenue: Walter Butler House/University of St. Thomas Development Office; Built in 1924; Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; Butler Brothers, builders and architects.

2110 Summit Avenue: Harry Sinykin/Simpkin Duplex/University of St. Thomas; Built in 1923; Two-story Colonial Revival/Early Modern Rectilinear in style.

2100 Summit Avenue: University of St. Thomas, Summit Classroom Building/Mitchell Law School Building; Built in 1957.

2078 Summit Avenue: Former Christ Child School/University of St. Thomas, Christ Child Hall/University of St. Thomas, Harry and Adelaide McNeely Hall; Built in 2005-2006.

2056 Summit Avenue: Nathan Coddon House; Built in 1924; Spanish Colonial in style; Lindstrom-Anderson, architects.

2055 Summit Avenue: J. Lisle Jesmer House/University of St. Thomas-Sitzmann Hall; Built about 1926; Georgian Revival in style.

2052 Summit Avenue: Bernard Druck House; Built in 1912; Bungalow in style; _?_ Rundquist, architect.

2048 Summit Avenue: Charles Coddon House; Built in 1919; Prairie Style/Classical Revival/Early Modern Georgian Revival in style; Henry Firmenger, architect; Lundstrom & Anderson, builders.

2045 Summit Avenue: Jay J. Levine House; Built in 1936; Modified French Chateau/British American French Chateau in style; Car-Dell Co., architects.

2040 Summit Avenue: Built in 1980.

2038 Summit Avenue: John D. Asselin House; Built in 1949; Bungalow in style.

2037 Summit Avenue: Morris Fineberg House; Built in 1928; Twenties Villa in style; Gustave Wiegner, architect.

2032 Summit Avenue: J. P. Kennedy House; Built in 1936; Tudor Villa in style; J. A. Deutschlander, architect.

2029 Summit Avenue: William Harris House; Built in 1925; Mediteranean Revival/Spanish Colonial in style; William T. Harris, architect.

2022 Summit Avenue: John Leuthold/Dr. Ward L. Beebe House Built in 1912; English Arts and Crafts/Wrightian scheme and detailing/Prairie School in style; William Gray Purcell, George Feick, Jr., and George G. Elmslie, architects, Minneapolis; F. N. Hegg, builder.

2020 Summit Avenue: C. A. Taney House; Built in 1913; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; A. L. Garlough, architect.

2015 Summit Avenue: J. J. Corneveaux House #2; Built in 1921; Georgian Revival in style; Alden and Harris, architects.

2010 Summit Avenue: Frederick Crosby and Edith Crosby House; Built in 1910; Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect.

2007 Summit Avenue: B. L. Karon House; Built in 1924; Colonial Revival/Georgian Revival in style.

2005 Summit Avenue: Alfred H. Auger and Delina Auger House; Built in 1924; Prairie School/Early Modern Rectilinear in style.

2004 Summit Avenue: J. J. Corneveaux House #1; Built in 1910; Tudor Revival/Cottage/Tudor Villa in style; J. S. Sweitzer, architect and builder.

1995 Summit Avenue: Edward Kennan House; Built in 1917; Simplified Rectilinear in style; H. Edward Walker, architect.

1994 Summit Avenue: August M. P. Cowley House; Built in 1913; English Manor House Revival/English Cottage/Twenties Villa in style; John Walter Stevens, architect; St. Paul Building Company, builder.

1988 Summit Avenue: J. A. Childs House/Maryhill Convent and Renewal Center; Built in 1914; J. B. Wiles, architect.

1987 Summit Avenue: S. R. Reuler House; Built in 1916; Tudor Villa in style; Carl Nelson, architect.

1982 Summit Avenue: B. F. Robertson House; Built in 1910; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; Hartford & Jacobson, architects.

1979 Summit Avenue: Moses C. Shapira House #2; Built in 1924; Mediteranean Revival/Early Modern Georgian Revival in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Jr., architect; Lindstrom & Anderson, builders.

1978 Summit Avenue: George T. Withy House; Built in 1913; Tudor Villa in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect.

1969 Summit Avenue: Edward G. Riedel and Hulda Riedel House; Built in 1925; Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; H. M. Elmer, architect.

1964 Summit Avenue: Charles Miller House; Built in 1955; Contemporary Georgian Revival in style; Roy A. Spandle, architect.

1960 Summit Avenue: Valentine O'Malley House; Built in the 1950's according to Sandeen; Bungalow in style.

1959 Summit Avenue: George K. Gann House; Built in 1924; Tudor Villa in style; Mather & Fleischbein, architects.

1954 Summit Avenue: William J. Saint Onge House; Built in the 1950's; Contemporary in style.

1953 Summit Avenue: Louis A. Weidenborner House; Built in 1919; Early Modern Georgian Revival in style; Morin Westmark, architect.

1950 Summit Avenue: J. F. George House; Built in 1911; Bungalow in style; Ellerbe-Round, architects.

1944 Summit Avenue: Dr. John C. Nelson House; Built in 1912; Craftsman/Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; Arthur C. Clausen, architect.

1943 Summit Avenue: Louis L. Dow/Louis F. Dow House; Built in 1913; Tudor Villa in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect.

1941 Summit Avenue: J. L. Hoffman House; Built in 1925; Twenties Villa in style.

1936 Summit Avenue: Victor Ingemann House; Built in 1912; Period Revival/Tudor Revival/Craftsman/Tudor Villa in style; Ingemann & Company, architect and builder.

1935 Summit Avenue: Fannie Olkon House; Built in 1922; Prairie Style/Early Modern Rectilinear in style; W. D. Blumenthal, Inc., architect and builder.

1926 Summit Avenue: Carolyn Dohs House; Built in 1925; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; C. A. Lee Co., architects.

1923 Summit Avenue: E. A. Jackson House; Built in 1926; Tudor Villa in style; Liebenberg & Kaplan, architects.

1920 Summit Avenue: Dr. M. N. Moss House; Built in 1931; Spanish Colonial in style; Sal Goldie, architect.

1917 Summit Avenue: Feldstein and Miller House/Alexander Place Condo; Built in 1925; Twenties Villa in style; Feldstein & Miller, architects; Ralph Rapson, renovation architect.

1916 Summit Avenue: William Dunn/Dr. Tilendaier House; Built in 1926; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; O. H. Rundquist, architect.

1912 Summit Avenue: Warren Seely House; Built in 1911; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; C. A. Pear, architect.

1911 Summit Avenue: Built in 1928.

1906 Summit Avenue: A. N. Thome House; Built in 1926; Spanish Colonial Revival in style; A. S. Thome, architect.

1905 Summit Avenue: William J. Huch House; Built in 1928; Spanish Colonial/Spanish Colonial Revival in style; L. G. Scherer Co., of Los Angeles, California, architect, and Albin Wall, builder.

1902 Summit Avenue: P. J. McGuire House; Built in 1928; Twenties Villa in style; Ben Lindahl, architect.

1897 Summit Avenue: Dr. T. C. Fulton House; Built in 1910; Tudor Villa in style; H. J. Frandson, architect.

1896 Summit Avenue: A. Johnson House; Built in 1925; Tudor Revival/Twenties Villa in style; Nelson Benson, architect.

1894 Summit Avenue: Warner Ogden House; Built in 1924; Mildly Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; G. A. Anderson, architect and builder.

1890 Summit Avenue: W. J. Gilberson/A. L. Gilbertson House; Built in 1926; Colonial Revival/Georgian Revival in style; N. G. Persson, architect.

1889 Summit Avenue: A. L. Goffstein House; Built in 1926; Twenties Villa in style; Jay Axelrod, architect.

1884 Summit Avenue: A. S. Fine House; Built in 1931; Spanish Colonial/Spanish Colonial Revival in style; Jacob Fine, architect.

1883 Summit Avenue: J. R. Fry House; Built in 1910; Tudor Revival/Craftsman/Bungalow/Tudor Villa in style; H. J. Frandsen, architect and builder.

1874 Summit Avenue: G. A. Aston/Ashton House; Built in 1928; Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; F. O. Peterson, architect.

1873 Summit Avenue: Lytton James Shields House; Built in 1912; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect.

1866 Summit Avenue: E. J. Daly House; Built in 1912; Bungalow in style; E. J. Donahue, architect.

1865 Summit Avenue: Jens Pedersen House; Built in 1922; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; Jens Pedersen, architect.

1858 Summit Avenue: Ben Weed House; Built in 1912; Georgian Revival in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect.

1855 Summit Avenue: Ben M. Hirschman House; Built in 1916; Classical Revival/Mission/Classical Rectilinear in style; Ralph Mather, architect.

1850 Summit Avenue: Bertha (Mrs. J. L.) Hinners House; Built in 1907; Simplified Rectilinear in style; F. L. Breitkreutz, architect.

1846 Summit Avenue: V. J. Hawkins House; Built in 1914; Simplified Rectilinear in style; Nicholas Steinmetz, architect.

1845 Summit Avenue: Ruth Cukier House; Built between 1969 and 1970; Contemporary in style; Sam Cukier, architect.

1844 Summit Avenue: A. D. Cumming House; Built in 1922; Early Modern Rectilinear in style.

1838 Summit Avenue: A. H. Holler/Heller House; Built in 1921; Tudor Revival/Twenties Villa in style; C. K. Carpenter, architect.

1837 Summit Avenue: Morris H. Wax House; Built in 1949; Contemporary in style.

1834 Summit Avenue: John W. Nabersberg House; Built in 1906; Mildly Colonial Revival/Simplified Rectilinear in style, altered by a subsequent enclosure of the porch; F. L. Breitkrentz, architect and builder.

1831 Summit Avenue: William W. Kennedy House; Built in 1928; Spanish Colonial in style; Robert C. Martin, architect.

1826 Summit Avenue: Hermann G. Graaf House; Built in 1912; Tudor Villa/Modified Bungalow in style; Samuel A. Nicholson, architect and builder.

1825 Summit Avenue: Louisa Lindeke House; Built in 1911; Simplified Rectilinear in style; Martin Fenstad, architect.

1818 Summit Avenue: Bernard P. Rosenstein House; Built in 1916 and altered later with porch addition; Ornate Prairie Style/Early Modern Rectilinear in style; Wyvill & Stewart, architects.

1815 Summit Avenue: J. B. Forrest House #3; Built in 1938; Contemporary in style; A. G. Erickson, architect.

1812 Summit Avenue: C. E. Bergman House; Built in 1914; Tudor Rectilinear in style; Olai Haugen, architect.

1811 Summit Avenue: J. B. Forrest House #2; Built in 1938; Late bland Colonial Revival/Georgian Revival in style; A. G. Erickson, architect and builder.

1801 Summit Avenue: J. B. Forrest House #1; Built in 1938; Georgian Revival in style; A. G. Erickson, architect.

1800 Summit Avenue: Wilkie E. Collins House; Built in 1910; Simplified Rectilinear in style; W. E. Collins, architect.

1799 Summit Avenue: M. Donnelly House; Built in 1957; Contemporary in style; Antler Corporation, builders and architects.

1798 Summit Avenue: T. A. Matthews/Ida and Alice Mathews House; Built in 1910; Mildly Colonial Revival/Craftsman/Simplified Rectilinear in style; C. A. Fowble, architect and builder.

1795 Summit Avenue: Mary Donnelly and Francis Donnelly House; Built in 1951; Contemporary in style; L. W. Santa, architect.

1789 Summit Avenue: Mrs. Mary E. Monkhouse House; Built in 1917; Period Revival/Colonial/Craftsman/Georgian Revival Variant in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect.

1788 Summit Avenue: Peter Maendler House; Built in 1913; Simplified Rectilinear in style; H. M. Elmer, architect.

1779 Summit Avenue: Rose (Mrs. Thomas M.) Furniss House; Built in 1925; Elizabethan Revival/Tudor Villa in style; Peterson-Lang, architects and builders.

1774 Summit Avenue: Sam Friedman House; Built in 1922; Tudor Villa in style; C. F. Rule Construction, builder and architect.

1773 Summit Avenue: Herbert A. Sullwold/J. L. Sullwold House; Built in 1910; Tudor Villa in style; F. J. Jenny, architect.

1770 Summit Avenue: George S. MacLeod House; Built in 1915; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; Ralph Mather, architect.

1761 Summit Avenue: R. B. Whitacre House; Built in 1916; Tudor Rectilinear in style; S. M. Bartlett, architect.

1760 Summit Avenue: Philip Weiss/Mrs. Mae Weiss Fox House; Built in 1922; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; J. W. Lindstrom, architect.

1753 Summit Avenue: Reuben Blumberg House; Built in 1926; Period Revival/Tudor Villa in style; H. M. Elmer, architect.

1750 Summit Avenue: L. D. Coddon House; Built in 1924; Twenties Villa in style; Lindstrom-Anderson, architects.

1747 Summit Avenue: J. G. Robertson House; Built in 1912; Tudor Villa in style.

1740 Summit Avenue: Dr. J. C. Nelson House; Built in 1909; Tudor Villa in style; Mark Fitzpatrick, architect.

1737 Summit Avenue: Moses Shapira/S. L. Shapiro House; Built in 1913; Simplified Rectilinear in style; Eugene Schmidt, architect.

1732 Summit Avenue: R. H. Gerig House; Built in 1909; Craftsman Bungalow/Simplified Rectilinear in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect.

1731 Summit Avenue: George G. Whitney House; Built in 1912; Twenties Villa in style; Allen W. Jackson, architect.

1726 Summit Avenue: P. W. Connell/Mrs. Francis J. Connell House; Built in 1906; Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; Louis Lockwood, architect.

1725 Summit Avenue: Louis F. Shaw House; Built in 1915; Early Modern Georgian Revival in style; Ernest Hartford and Charles Hausler, architects.

1722 Summit Avenue: Professor Preston T. Jackson House/Macalester College Student Housing; Built in 1886; Victorian/Vernacular Stick in style; Brack & Brothers, architects and builders.

1719 Summit Avenue: Wilfred Johnson House; Built in 1925; Tudor Villa in style; H. M. Elmer, architect.

1713 Summit Avenue: F. B. Strunz House; Built in 1908; Tudor Villa in style; John R. Schmit, architect.

1705 Summit Avenue: Louis A. Weidenborner House; Built in 1910; Mildly Colonial Revival/Slightly Prairie Style/Simplified Rectilinear in style; H. M. Seby, architect and builder.

1700 Summit Avenue: Ramsey Junior High School; Original building built in 1926 and gymnasium addition built in 1978; Collegiate Gothic/Art Deco in style; St. Paul City Architect, architect, and Perry A. Swanson, builder.

1695 Summit Avenue: Chris Hanson, Jr., House; Built in 1920; very restrained Georgian Revival in style; H. A. Sullwold, architect, and Lange & Krengel, builder.

1683 Summit Avenue: Orville Helgeson House; Built in 1911; Tudor Villa in style; Gust Anderson, architect.

1671 Summit Avenue: St. Paul Area Council of Churches; Built in 1952.

1665 Summit Avenue: William B. Harris House; Built in 1924; Tudor Villa in style; H. M. Elmer, architect and builder.

1652 Summit Avenue: Macalester Park Presbyterian Church/Stella Louise Woods Children's Center; Original church built in 1889 and the replacement church built in 1925, with a 1956 expansion; Queen Anne in style; Charles A. Wallingford, architect, and Taylor-Craig Corporation, builder.

1649 Summit Avenue: Fred Anderson House; Built in 1922; British American Renaissance in style; Lund Wirth, architect.

1645 Summit Avenue: Dr. Robert Earl House; Built in 1922; Georgian Revival/Colonial in style; J. O. Cederburg, architect.

1644 Summit Avenue: Former Macalester College President's House/Hugh S. Alexander Alumni House; Built in 1926; Georgian Revival in style; P. Steenberg, architect and builder.

1635 Summit Avenue: W. N. S. Ivins House/Macalester College School of Journalism/Macalester College International Center/Current Macalester College President's House; Built in 1907; Simplified Rectilinear/Arts and Crafts in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect.

1632 Summit Avenue: Macalester College-Wallace Residence Hall; Built in 1906 and renovated in 2003; Bell & Detweiler, architects.

1623 Summit Avenue: D. Simon House; Built in 1914; B. Schmuckler, architect.

1621 Summit Avenue: Built in the 1920's; Tudor Rectilinear in style.

1617 Summit Avenue: W. S. Gilliam/Mrs. May/Mary Mather Gilliam House; Built in 1906; Simplified Rectilinear in style; A. Koerner, architect.

1610 Summit Avenue: Macalester College-Dupre Residence Hall; Built in 1962 and renovated in 1994.

1605 Summit Avenue: Samuel A. Anderson House; Built in 1905; Tudor Revival/Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; E. F. Klinkerfues, architect and builder.

1591 Summit Avenue: Frank J. Waterous House; Built in 1904; Craftsman/Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; Thomas Ivey, architect and builder.

1583 Summit Avenue: M. A. Tschida House; Built in 1925; Early Modern Georgian Revival in style; Joseph Tierz, architect.

1576 Summit Avenue: Hugo Hurschman House/Macalester College International Center; Built in 1914; Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa/Maison Francaise in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect, and Lindstrom & Anderson, builder.

1575 Summit Avenue: Harry Drauger House; Built in 1908; Colonial Revival/Mission/Georgian Rectilinear in style; C. M. Brettschneider, architect and builder.

1568 Summit Avenue: F. M. Wheeler House/Macalester College Residence; Built about 1920; Georgian Revival in style; Peter Dowling, architect and builder.

1567 Summit Avenue: John J. Dobson House; Built in 1906 and altered in 1914; Tudor Revival/Prairie Influence/Tudor Villa in style; Mark Fitzpatrick, original architect, and C. J. Buell, original builder, and Lindstrom & Anderson, alteration builder.

1559 Summit Avenue: Celia Friedman House; Built in 1920; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect.

1550 Summit Avenue: Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church and School/The Art Academy; Built in the 1950's.

1543 Summit Avenue: C. F. Phillips House; Built in 1913; Tudor Villa in style; __?__ Sjostrand, architect.

1537 Summit Avenue: Leonard Lampert, Jr. House; Built in 1925; Georgian Revival in style; Gust Anderson, architect.

1531 Summit Avenue: Built in 1925.

1525 Summit Avenue: Dr. Arthur Sweeney House; Built in 1910; Georgian Revival in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect; Minnesota Investment Company, builder.

1524 Summit Avenue: St. Paul's Church on the Hill (Episcopal)/El Santo Nino Spanish Episcopal Mission; Built in 1913; Additional buildings built in 1922 and 1952; English Gothic Revival church in style; Emanuel L. Masqueray, church architect.

1516 Summit Avenue: Walter F. Lindeke House; Built in 1908; Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect.

1515 Summit Avenue: Arthur W. Wallace House; Built in 1906; Classical Revival/Colonial Revival/Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; Louis Lockwood, architect, and Baumeister Brothers, builder.

1510 Summit Avenue: Dr. Charles R. Ball House; Built in 1907; Colonial Revival/Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; Charles E. Johnson, architect.

1509 Summit Avenue: M. M. Seward House #2; Built in 1922; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; __?__ Palmer, architect.

1507 Summit Avenue: Built in 1922.

1504 Summit Avenue: G. E. Routh House; Built in 1911; Early Modern Georgian Revival in style; Hartford & Jacobson, architects.

1501 Summit Avenue: M. M. Seward House #1; Built in 1922; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; __?__ Palmer, architect.

1500 Summit Avenue: Built in 1997.

1494 Summit Avenue: Joseph D. Tyler House; Built in 1885; R. H. Tyler, architect.

1493 Summit Avenue: George D. Taylor House; Built in 1909; Period Revival/Tudor Villa in style; O. H. Round, architect, and Harrison & Schmidt, builders.

1490 Summit Avenue: Dr. H. E. Hunt House; Built in 1911; Tudor Revival/Tudor Rectilinear in style; Ernest M. Hartford and Silas Jacobson, architects, and J. R. Schmit, builder.

1489 Summit Avenue: Built in 1960.

1487 Summit Avenue: F. E. Mahler House; Built in 1910; Georgian Revival Variant in style; Morton Fenstad, architect.
1484 Summit Avenue: Dr. S. N. Mogilner House; Built in 1922; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; Kindy C. Wright and Charles Hausler, architects.

1481 Summit Avenue: John H. Donohue House; Built in 1905; Slightly Tudor Revival/Medieval Rectilinear in style; Edward J. Donohue, architect.

1480 Summit Avenue: Harry L. Brown House; Built in 1929; Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; Jay Axelrod, architect and builder.

1473 Summit Avenue: F. A. Upham House #2; Built in 1904; Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; E. Sekall, architect.

1472 Summit Avenue: Built in the 1950's; Contemporary in style.

1465 Summit Avenue: Mrs. W. W. Klingman House; Built in 1926; Georgian Revival in style.

1464 Summit Avenue: T. D. Lovering House; Built in 1906; Medieval Revival/Medieval Rectilinear in style; Mark Fitzpatrick, architect, and T. D. Lovering, builder.

1461 Summit Avenue: John A. "Cooker John" Sagner House.

1459 Summit Avenue: Richard Ambrose Walsh House; Built in 1922; Greek Revival in style; John Wheeler, architect.

1456 Summit Avenue: Alb I. Shapira House; Built in 1912, with an addition and repairs in 1942; Tudor Villa in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., original architect, and H. J. Frandsen, builder.

1451 Summit Avenue: Philip C. Justus House; Built in 1929; Period Revival/Tudor Villa in style; Philip C. Justus, architect and builder.

1446 Summit Avenue: Charles F. Diether House; Built in 1906; Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; Louis Lockwood, architect.

1445 Summit Avenue: Harry L. Brown House; Built in 1925; Georgian Rectilinear in style; Walter Stevens, architect.

1440 Summit Avenue: Frances (Mrs. B. H.) Dickerman House; Built in 1914; Tudor Villa in style; __?__ Sjostrand, architect.

1439 Summit Avenue: Ben L. Kostuck House; Built in 1925; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; __?__ Blumenthal, architect.

1434 Summit Avenue: Henry F. Stock House; Built in 1910, with 1925 alteration; Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; Charles William Buechner and Henry W. Orth, architect; John Olson, builder.

1431 Summit Avenue: Built in the 1930's; Twenties Villa in style.

1428 Summit Avenue: L. F. Cronhardt House; Built in 1919; Early Modern Georgian Revival in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect.

1425 Summit Avenue: Dr. F. M. Owens House; Built in 1913; Georgian Revival in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect.

1420 Summit Avenue: Raymond W. Berglund House; Built in 1925; Colonial Revival/Early Modern Georgian Revival in style; Adolph Wald and Albin Wald, architects and builders.

1415 Summit Avenue: Charles B. Gedney House; Built in 1918; Bungalow in style; Thomas D. Lane, architect and builder.

1414 Summit Avenue: C. J. Stevens House; Built in 1908; Tudor Rectilinear in style; C. M. Brettschneider, architect.

1411 Summit Avenue: John A. Swenson House; Built in 1900; Simplified Rectilinear in style; Louis Lockwood, architect.

1410 Summit Avenue: William David Stewart House; Built in 1907; Tudor Villa in style; Louis Lockwood, architect.

1405 Summit Avenue: G. C. Bohn House; Built around 1910; Tudor Villa in style.

1400 Summit Avenue: George Bookstover House; Built in 1913; Tudor Villa in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect.

1397 Summit Avenue: S. J. Melady House; Built in 1922; Dutch Colonial in style; Wright and Hausler, architects.

1396 Summit Avenue: F. Hildred House; Built in 1924; Georgian Revival in style; William Murphy & Son, architect.

1395 Summit Avenue: Built in 1923.

1393 Summit Avenue: J. M. Gaffney House; Built in 1923; Twenties Villa in style; William M. Lindau, architect.

1390 Summit Avenue: J. C. Fitzgerald House; Built in 1922; Georgian Revival in style; George W. Blood, architect.

1389 Summit Avenue: Yale Libman House; Built 1952; Contemporary in style; Norman Johnson, architect.

1382 Summit Avenue: Clarence H. Slocum House; Built in 1899; Colonial Revival/Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; Louis Lockwood, architect, and Harry Lange, builder.

1381 Summit Avenue: Mrs. B. Knuppe House; Built in 1899; Simplified Rectilinear in style; Louis Lockwood, architect.

1376 Summit Avenue: Rush B. Wheeler House; Built in 1909; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect.

1374 Summit Avenue: Ruth B. Wheeler/Perry Smith House; Built in 1889; Victorian/Queen Anne in style; Adams, Dewey & Smith, architects.

1373 Summit Avenue: James B. Gribben/Thomas E. Yerxa House; Built in 1890; Colonial Revival/Georgian Rectilinear in style; Malcolm McKay, architect and builder.

1366 Summit Avenue: F. A. Upham House #1; Built in 1910; Gust Anderson, architect.

1365 Summit Avenue: William Filben House; Built in 1927; Tudor Villa in style; William Larsen, architect.

1364 Summit Avenue: F. J. Errett House; Built in 1899; Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; Louis Lockwood, architect.

1358 Summit Avenue: E. Barenson House; Built in 1918; Simplified Rectilinear in style; Johnson-Schwartz, architects.

1353 Summit Avenue: William Segal House; Built in 1954; Contemporary in style; Bream & Sons, architects.

1352 Summit Avenue: Joseph M. Dickson House; Built in 1899; Colonial Revival/Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; O. Hahn, architect and builder.

1345-1347 Summit Avenue: Walter Butler and Pierce Butler House; Built in 1900; NeoJacobean/British American Dutch Renaissance in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect, and the Butler-Ryan Co., builder.

1344 Summit Avenue: Charles E. Otis House/Uptown House; Built in 1898; Addition in 1912; Colonial Revival/Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; C. P. Wildung, builder.

1335 Summit Avenue: Vernon O'Connor/Walter Butler House; Built in 1920; Georgian Revival in style; Linhoff-Ziegler, architects, and Butler Brothers Co., builders.

1325 Summit Avenue: Built in the 1950's; Contemporary in style.

1317-1319 Summit Avenue: Charles Dibble and Julia B. Dibble House; Built in 1895; Colonial Revival/Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect, and G. W. Thayer, builder.

1307 Summit Avenue: Built in 1994.

1300 Summit Avenue: Mount Zion Temple; Built in 1951 and altered in 1967; International/ Contemporary in style; Eric Mendelsohn, original architect, and Bentz/Thompson/Rietow, renovation master architect.

1297 Summit Avenue: Built in 1922; Contemporary Georgian Revival in style.

1289-1291 Summit Avenue: Built in 1928; Contemporary Georgian Revival in style.

1285 Summit Avenue: Edwin Rydeen House; Built in 1924; Georgian Revival in style; Edwin Rydeen, architect.

1220 Summit Avenue: John McCardy House; Built in 1909; Simplified Rectilinear in style; A. L. Garlough, architect.

1218 Summit Avenue: Built in the 1950's; Bungalow in style.

1213 Summit Avenue: Margaret Rann House; Built in 1922; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; Jens Pedersen, architect.

1212 Summit Avenue: Warren Arend House; Built in 1956; Contemporary in style; Warren Arend, architect.

1211 Summit Avenue: Frances W. Gates House; Built in 1922; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; F. W. Gates, architect.

1209 Summit Avenue: Homer H. Hoyt House; Built in 1911; Bungalow in style; Homer H. Hoyt, architect.

1206 Summit Avenue: Orrin E. Keller House; Built in 1926; Mission/Classical Revival/Early Modified Georgian Revival in style; B. J. Raak, architect and builder.

1205 Summit Avenue: William F. Keefe House; Built in 1922, with 1952 addition to the rear of the house; Prairie Style/Early Modern Rectilinear in style; W. F. Keefe, architect and builder.

1201 Summit Avenue: Built in 1990.

1200 Summit Avenue: Morris Rossman and Mary Rossman House; Built in 1921; Prairie Style/Mission Revival/Early Modern Rectilinear in style; L. Fridman, architect.

1195 Summit Avenue: Built in the 1950's; Contemporary in style.

1190 Summit Avenue: Conrad O. Searle House; Built 1909; Conrad O. Searle, architect.

1189 Summit Avenue: Built in 1885 (1890 according to Ramsey County property tax records;) Victorian/Vernacular stick in style, altered significantly.

1186 Summit Avenue: Built in 1916; Dutch Colonial in style; McAnulty Co., architect and builder.

1180 Summit Avenue: George F. van Slyke and Emmalynn van Slyke House; Built 1909; Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect, and Finstad & Anderson, builder.

1179 Summit Avenue: John McDevett House; Built in 1915; Simplified Rectilinear in style; F. Sjostrand, architect.

1171 Summit Avenue: Otto N. Raths House; Built in 1925; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; F. J. Eder, architect.

1165 Summit Avenue: Fred M. Fogg House; Built in 1927; Colonial Revival/Georgian Revival in style; Lundstrom & Anderson, architects and builders.

1164 Summit Avenue: Albert P. Wallich House; Built in 1914; Craftsman/Prairie Style/Colonial Revival/Medieval Rectilinear in style; Alden & Harris, architect, and A. G. Erickson, builder.

1157 Summit Avenue: Dr. D. C. Walde House; Built in 1924; Tudor Villa in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect.

1156 Summit Avenue: George R. Holmes House; Built in 1907; Baroque Revival/Classical Rectilinear in style; Charles A. Bassford, architect, and Henry Kohlman, builder.

1153 Summit Avenue: D. J. Hertz House; Built in 1925; Twenties Villa in style; Gus Lindgren, architect.

1149 Summit Avenue: O. G. Hasper House; Built in 1904; Simplified Rectilinear in style; Buechner & Orth, architect.

1142 Summit Avenue: Charles A. Roach House; Built in 1912; Colonial/Georgian Revival in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect.

1141 Summit Avenue: William Ivins House; Built in 1919 and altered in 1934 and 1937; Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; Clarence H. Johnston, Sr., architect, and O. H. Rundquist, builder.

1135 Summit Avenue: Thomas D. McLaughlin House; Built in 1905; Colonial Revival/Prairie Style/Eclectic Rectilinear in style; Louis Lockwood, architect, and H. D. Frankson, builder.

1134 Summit Avenue: Built about 1912; Tudor Revival/Early Modern Rectilinear in style.

1127 Summit Avenue: Smith and J. W. Taylor House; Built in 1891; Early Modern Rectilinear in style; John Haulen, architect.

1126 Summit Avenue: Laurence C. Jefferson House; Built in 1905; Tudor Revival/Tudor Villa in style; St. Paul Building Co., architect and builder.

1118 Summit Avenue: Dr. Knox Bacon House; Built in 1902; Colonial Revival/Queen Anne Rectilinear in style; Louis Lockwood, architect, and J. J. Booth, builder.

1111 Summit Avenue: St. George's Greek Orthodox Church; Built in 1967; Byzantine Revival in style; Voight-Fourre, architect.

1106 Summit Avenue: Minnie F. Lennon House; Built in 1911 (1922 according to Ramsey County property tax records;) Tudor Villa in style; Peter J. Linhoff, architect, and Minnesota Investment Company, builder.

Go North:

Proceed North on Lexington Avenue to the St. Thomas More Church parking lot.


Thursday Night Hikes Homepage

Achitectural Style Notes I

Information from the University of Minnesota, Northwest Architectural Archives, was used in this webpage.

This webpage was last modified on March 17, 2011.