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Thursday Night Hikes: St. Paul West Side Hike Architecture Notes, Part 3

Observations on Architectural Styles, Part 3

St. Paul West Side Hike

Assembled by

Lawrence A. Martin

Webpage Creation: September 30, 2003

Specific Structures. The following presents available information on the housing styles and the residents of specific structures located along the hike:

201 Ohio Street: Built in 1978. The structure is a one story, 6400 square foot, light manufacturing commercial building. The current owners of record of the property are Constance C. Matt and Alphonse J. Matt, Jr.

215 Ohio Street: Built in 1976. The structure is a one story, 7500 square foot, commercial warehouse. The current owner of record of the property is David J. Cammack of New Brighton, Minnesota.

218 Ohio Street: Built in 1968. The structure is a one story, 3816 square foot, light manufacturing commercial building. The current owner of record of the property is City Bluffs LLC of Minneapolis. The 1920 city directory indicates that Edward M. Carr, a clerk employed by the Northern Pacific RailRoad, boarded at the former nearby 257 Ohio Street and that Malvern J. Carr, a special officer employed by the Northern Pacific RailRoad, resided at the former nearby 257 Ohio Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that the Yoerg Brewing Company and the Yoerg Milk Company were located at the former nearby 229 Ohio Street and that Charles G. Orloski, the president of the National Wire Cloth & Iron Works, and his wife, Bertha Orloski, all resided at the former nearby 257 Ohio Street. Charles G. Orloski (1898-1971) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Marklowitz, and died in Ramsey County. [See note on the Northern Pacific RailRoad.] [See the note for Yoerg Brewing for 215 Isabel Street West.]

420 Ohio Street: Built in 1904. The structure is a two story, 2630 square foot, ten room, three bathroom, brick house, with two detached garages. The 1930 city directory indicates that Fred Rosen, a partner with Adolph T. F. Rosen in Fred Rosen & Son, fur dressers and dryers, resided at this address. Fred Rosen & Son was established in 1884 and was located at 268 West Fillmore Avenue in 1930. Fred (Gustave T.) Rosen ( -1948) died in Ramsey County. The current owners of record of the property are C. Robert Brost and Linda A. Newbauer.

428 Ohio Street: Built in 1926. The structure is a two story, 1600 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Adolph T. F. Rosen, a partner with Fred Rosen in Fred Rosen & Son, fur dressers and dryers, and his wife, Margaret Rosen, resided at this address. Adolph T. F. Rosen (1904-1974) was born in Minnesota and died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold for $80,000 and that sale occurred in 1992. The current owner of record of the property is Mary L. Altman.

456 Ohio Street: Built in 1909. The structure is a two story, 1323 square foot, six room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. Stephen John Alton (1892- ,) a Private, Clarence Whipple, and William. G. Whipple, Jr., were World War I veterans who all resided at this address in 1919. Stephen Alton ( -1921) died in Hennepin County. Clarence Almond Whipple ( -1942) and William G. Whipple ( -1947) both died in Ramsey County. The 1930 city directory indicates that Fred Maltby, a clerk employed by the Dispatch-Pioneer Press Company, his wife, Irene A. Maltby, Eugene Maltby, a helper employed by the Marquette Manufacturing Company, and Mildred Maltby, a typist, all resided at this address. Clarence Whipple (1892-1980,) the son of William G. Whipple (1858-1947) and Carrie Whipple (1863- ) and the grandson of Lucien and Emma Whipple, was born in Minnesota, married Emily M. Garden (1898- ) in 1918, was a boarder in Denver, Denver County, Colorado, in 1920, and died in Las Cruces, Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Clarence Whipple and Emily M. Whipple were high school physical education teachers in 1920. Clarence Whipple and Emily M. Whipple were the parents of Marion E. Whipple (1922- .) The Marquette Manufacturing Company was located in Minneapolis and was the maker of Marquette welders and battery chargers. The Marquette Manufacturing Company was active in performing welding services on race cars participating in the 1950 Indianapolis 500 Race. The Dispatch and Pioneer Press Company was incorporated in 1923 as a Delaware corporation by Charles Blandin to replace the Dispatch Printing Company, a Minnesota corporation that was formed in 1885 by George Thompson when he purchased the St. Paul Dispatch newspaper. Frederick Maltby ( -1951) died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold in 1996 with a sale price of $83,500. The current owners of record of the property are Richard H. Swedberg and Kari L. Klingman. Richard Swedberg, a facilities planner for the University of Minnesota, was a contributor to the John Kerry for President campaign in 2004. [See note on Charles K. Blandin for 340 Summit Avenue.]

457 Ohio Street: Built in 1884. The structure is a one story, 1324 square foot, nine room, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1887 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doherty resided at this address. The 1903 city directory indicates that Richard M. Abel, a laborer at the M. A. Gedney Pickling Company, resided at this address. Alfred J. Abel (1891- ,) a Private, was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#7632) indicate that Alfred A. Abel (1890- ,) a 1917 enlistee and a Private First Class in Battery "C" of the 151st Field Artillery, who was born in St. Paul, had brown eyes, black hair, and a dark complexion, was 5' 4 1/2" tall, was a machine operator at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, including Baccarat, Champagne-Marne, Ausne-Marne, St. Mihiel, St. Bencht, the Meuse, and Argonne, was a locomotive fireman employed by the Minnesota Transfer RailRoad after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his mother, Mrs. R. M. Abel, at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Alf J. Abel, a fireman, boarded at this address and that Richard M. Abel, a cooper, resided at this address. The 1920 federal census indicates that Richard M. Abel (1861- ,) a cooper employed by a packing plant and the head of household, who was born in Germany to parents who were born in Germany, who emigrated to the United States in 1862, and who was naturalized in 1883, his wife, Christina E. Abel (1870- ,) who was born in Minnesota to a father who was born in Germany and a mother who was born in Switzerland, his son, Alfred J. Abel (1891- ,) a locomotive fireman who was born in Minnesota, his daughter, Isabel B. Abel (1893- ,) a who was born in Minnesota, and a boarder, Phebe E. Long (1846- ,) who was born in Pennsylvania to parents who were born in Pennsylvania, all resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Christine Abel and Isabelle B. Abel both resided at this address. Alfred J. Abel ( -1922) died in Ramsey County. The M. A. Gedney Pickling Company, a Minnesota corporation, has been in existence since 1880 and produces pickles, sauerkraut, sauces, vinegars, and preserves among its 44 products under 15 labels, which are marketed to 210 retail customers and 10 nationally branded and private label customers. Mathias Anderson Gedney (1822-1905) was the founder of the company, after working for Northwestern Pickle Works in Evanston, Illinois, and the S. M. Dingee & Company in Chicago. Although it originally was located at Lowry Avenue and Pacific Avenue in Minneapolis and it expanded to St. Paul, Chaska, Minnesota, Omaha, Nebraska, Kearney, Nebraska, and Mauston, Wisconsin, the company now is located solely in Chaska, Minnesota. The entire Gedney operation moved to a 50,000 square foot warehouse, condiment plant, and offices built on l8 acres near Chaska, Minnesota, in 1958. Four Gedney sons were involved in the business, with Isadore Valiere Gedney (1868-1945) managing the main Minneapolis plant, Henry Edwin Gedney (1870-1906) managing the St. Paul picklery, Charles Bailey Gedney (1860-1938) managing the Omaha, Nebraska, plant, and John Gedney (1857-1908) in charge of sales. The great grandson of Isadore Valiere Gedney and the great-great grandson of Mathias Anderson Gedney provided additional imformation about the Gedney family. Mathias Anderson Gedney was born either in Patterson, Passaic County, New Jersey, or New York City, moved to Minneapolis in 1879, established a large pickling business, and died in Minneapolis. Mathias Anderson Gedney married Calista Jane Bailey (1834-1874) in New York City in 1852 and the couple had twelve children, seven boys and five girls. Two of the boys, William Anderson Gedney (1862-1964) and Edward Leigh Gedney (1871-1938,) had little or no involvement in the Gedney Pickle Company and one other boy, Stephen Bailey Gedney (1859-1860,) died very young in Greenfield, La Crosse County, Wisconsin. At their wedding, the Gedneys received an engraved (with both their initials) sterling silver service for twelve. The mother of Calista Jane Bailey Gedney, Eliza Ann Dingee (1812-1876), had a brother, Squire M. Dingee (1817-1900). Mathias Gedney, immediately after marrying, was working with his brother, Absalom Gedney, in Greenfield, Wisconsin. Mathias Gedney, Calista Gedney, Absalom Gedney, and Mary Gedney then moved to New Trier, Illinois, to work for the Northwestern Pickle Works. Calista Gedney died very young, and Mathias Gedney found himself suddenly raising eleven young children alone when his uncle-in-law offered him a job in his pickle company, the Squire M. Dingee Pickle Company, if he moved to Wilmette, Illinois, which he did. Isadore Valiere Gedney went on to head the M. A. Gedney Pickling Company. Isadore Gedney married Sarah Louise Huntington (1872-1959,) of Tomah, Wisconsin, in 1896 and the couple had three daughters, of whom two survived. The surviving daughters were Ruth Gedney (1897-1985,) who was born in Minneapolis, married Jefferson Jones, the son of Minneapolis Journal founder Herschel V. Jones (1861-1928,) and died in Santa Barbara, California, and Louise Gedney (1899-1979,) who was born in Minneapolis, whose husband was involved in the management of the M. A. Gedney Pickling Company, and who died in Minneapolis. Herschel V. Jones (1861-1928,) the son of William S. Jones and Helen E. Merchant Jones, was born in Jefferson, New York, was educated in the public schools of Jefferson, New York, attended the Delaware Literary Institute in Franklin, New York, was a journalist and a crop estimator, engaged in newspaper work after 1876, worked on the staff of the Jefferson Courier in Jefferson, Schoharie County, New York, purchased the Jefferson Courier in 1879 and published it until 1883, settled in Minneapolis in 1885, married Lydia E. Wilcox in 1885, was a reporter for and a member of the editorial staff of the Minneapolis Journal from 1885 until 1902, founded the Commercial West, a financial and grain news weekly, in 1901, was the originator of wheat crop estimates made from personal inspection of growing northwest crops in 1902, discovered black rust in the Northwest in 1904, bought the Minneapolis Journal for $1,200,000 from the estate of E. B. Haskell of Boston in 1908, was the editor and president of the Commercial West Company, was a member of the Watson Company of Minneapolis, was the president and manager of the Journal Printing Company after 1908, was one of the directors of the Associated Press, was a personal friend of Theodore Roosevelt, was a trustee and benefactor of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, was a noted book collector, with 600 first editions of modern authors, 2,000 volumes of early English poetry and drama, and 1,700 volumes, primarily first editions, of Americana, was the author of Adventures in Americana (1928,) was a member of the Minneapolis Club, was a member of the Minneapolis Commercial Club, was a member of the Minikahda Club, was a member of the Skylight Club, left trust funds to the Minnesota Historical Society and the library of the University of Minnesota in his estate, resided at 1816 Colfax Avenue South in Minneapolis in 1907, and officed at the Lumber Exchange Building in 1907. William S. Jones was the brother of Herschel V. Jones and was a co-owner of the Minneapolis Journal. Carl W. Jones, the son of Herschel V. Jones, became the publisher of the Minneapolis Journal after his father's death. Winton Jones, who built Anchor Bancorp into the eighth-largest Minnesota bank holding company, was Herschel V. Jones' grandson. Chuck Weil is the current chief executive officer and president of the M. A. Gedney Pickling Company. M. A. Gedney Pickling Company and the Bakery, Laundry, Allied Sales Drivers & Warehousemen, Local Union No. 289, have had a collective-bargaining relationship since about 1962. The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2002, after it bought Cain's, a Massachusetts-based regional pickle and food company, but emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2003. Herschel Vespasian Jones anonymously donated more than 5,300 prints to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts in 1916, establishing one of the first public print departments in the country, including prints were from the Ladd Collection, which Jones also purchased in 1916. William M. Ladd, of Portland, Oregon, collected prints for 30 years and the Ladd Collection contained woodcuts, engravings, etchings, and lithographs tracing the history of graphic arts. To supplement the donated Ladd Collection, Jones purchased additional rare and esoteric works. The Minneapolis Journal was founded in 1878 as an evening paper and, in 1939, joined with the Minneapolis Star, which was founded by the Nonpartisan League in 1920, to become the Minneapolis Star Journal. John Cowles and Gardner Cowles bought the Minneapolis Star Journal and began using the name Star Journal, soon truncated to the Star, also in 1939. The Cowles family purchased the Minneapolis Tribune in 1941 and, in 1982, the Minneapolis Star merged with the Minneapolis Tribune. The Huntington family was associated with the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie (Soo Line) RailRoad, which was once partially owned and is now wholly owned by the Canadian Pacific RailRoad. In 1933, Isadore V. Gedney owned the property located at 5501 Excelsior Boulevard, St. Louis Park, Minnesota, which became the First Federal Savings and Loan building in 1955 and now is the home of Diversified Brokerage Services. Mathias Gedney died in Hennepin County. John Gedney ( -1908) and Isadore Valiere Gedney ( -1945) both died in Hennepin County. William Anderson Gedney died at New Trier, Cook County, Illinois. Edward Leigh Gedney died at St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. The previous owners of record of the property were Robert D. Harriman and Suzanne Harriman and the current owner of record of the property is Robert D. Harriman. The 1920 city directory indicates that Margaret A. Davidson, a stenographer employed by The Dictaphone, boarded at the former nearby 460 Ohio Street. [See note for Minnesota Transfer RailRoad.] [See note on the Soo Line RailRoad.] [See note on the Canadian Pacific RailRoad.]

461 Ohio Street: Built in 1879. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1430 square foot, eight room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. World War I veteran Edward H. Schletty resided at this address in 1919. The 1920 federal census indicates that Peter Schellty (1857- ,) an inspector employed by the State dairy and food inspection service and the head of household, who was born in Switzerland to parents who were born in Switzerland, who emigrated to the United States in 1879, and who was naturalized in 1896, his wife, Rosette Schellty (1860- ,) who was born in Switzerland to parents who were born in Switzerland, who emigrated to the United States in 1880, and who was naturalized in 1880, his son, Edward H. Schellty (1897- ,) a house painter who was born in Minnesota, his daughter, Margaret D. K. Schellty (1900- ,) a saleswoman employed by a department store who was born in Minnesota, his son, Frank O. L. Schellty (1902- ,) a wagon driver employed by a dairy who was born in Minnesota, his daughter, Helen E. Schellty (1904- ,) who was born in Minnesota, and a boarder, Mary K. McCurt (1900- ,) a stenographer employed by an automobile association who was born in Minnesota, all resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frank L. Schletty, a painter, his wife, Evelyn Schletty, and Edward Schletty, a painter employed by C. A. A. Beaurline, all resided at this address. Edward H./E. Schletty (1896-1978) was born in Minnesota and died in St. Louis County, Minnesota. Frank Schletty ( -1975) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Flogerzi, and died in Ramsey County. The last sale of this property was in 1997 and the sale price was $46,600. The current owners of record of the rental property are Peter H. Kramer and Bonnie D. Olsen Kramer, who reside at 156 Delos Street West.

462 Ohio Street: Built in 1907. The structure is a two story, 2760 square foot, 12 room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Andrew Charbonnel, a mushroom grower, boarded at this address and that Phillibert Chevrolat, the widow of Andrew Chevrolat, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Andrew Charbonnel, a partner with William F. Lehmann in Lehmann & Charbonnel, mushroom growers at 6 West Channel Street, resided at this address. Andrew Charbonnel (1874-1971) was born outside of Minnesota and died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold for $102,000 and that sale occurred in 2000. The current owners of record of the property are Robbie J. Bluhm and Courtney O. Bluhm, who reside at 647 Manomin Avenue. The 1920 city directory indicates that Otto Erwin, a cleaner employed by the Minnehaha Dry Cleaning & Dyeing Company, boarded at the former nearby 464 Ohio Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Carl M. Evenson, an operator employed by the Villaume Box & Lumber Company, and his wife, Ruby Evenson, resided at the former nearby 464 Ohio Street. [See note on Eugene Villaume and the Villaume Box & Lumber Company for 123 Isabel Street West.]

465 Ohio Street: Built in 1884. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1120 square foot, six room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Eugene D. Staples resided at this address in 1894. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Edwin D. Curtis resided at this address in 1896. The 1920 federal census indicates that John B. Grogan (1879- ,) a mail carrier employed by the U. S. Post Office and the head of household, who was born in Minnesota to parents who were born in Ireland, his wife, Annie E. Grogan (1880- ,) who was born in Minnesota to parents who were born in Ireland, his son, Thomas E. Grogan (1909- ,) who was born in Minnesota, and his son, John M. Grogan (1914- ,) who was born in Minnesota, all resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that John B. Grogan, a letter carrier employed at the Riverview Post Office Station, his wife, Anna Grogan, and Thomas A. Grogan, a driver, all resided at this address. Clara N. Staples (1890-1894,) who died of meningitis, was the daughter of Eugene D. Staples. Eugene Drake Staples ( -1925) died in Stearns County, Minnesota. John B. Grogan ( -1946) died in Nicollet County, Minnesota. The property was last sold in 1996 with a sale price of $50,500. The current owner of record of the property is Sean Connolly.

468 Ohio Street: Built in 1884. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1527 square foot, eight room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Gust J. Burch, a foreman employed by the Broderick Company, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Gustave J. Burch, a machine operator employed by the Webb Publishing Company, his wife, Frieda Burch, and William Germuss all resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Montell L. Pierce and Theresa M. Pierce. Montell Pierce attended Humboldt High School from 1968 to 1972 and was the recipient of a $50,000 loan from the Small Business Administration in 2006. The Humboldt Secondary Complex is named for Baron Alexander Von Humboldt, a German scientist, explorer, geographer, and diplomat, who was known as the last universal person, and has served the community since 1889. The school building has grown to a 316,000 square foot complex on 16 acres on Saint Paul's West Side. The oldest portion of the current facility was built in 1909, with additions made in 1924 and 1959. The newest portion of the complex opened in Fall 1976 as an educational complex for grades 7-12. In Fall 1981, Humboldt Senior High became a four-year school with the inclusion of 9th grade students. Humboldt Junior High maintained grades 7 and 8. In 1982, the two schools formed Humboldt Secondary Complex of grades 7–12. The 1920 city directory indicates that Lena Davison, a seamstress, and William J. Davison, a clerk employed by the Emporium, both boarded at the former nearby 468 1/2 Ohio Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Andrew M. Collier resided at the former nearby 468 1/2 Ohio Street. The Emporium was a St. Paul department store located on Robert Street between Seventh Street and Eighth Street. The store was built in 1920 by F.J. Romer and closed in 1967, retooled as an office building. Andrew M. Collier ( -1976) was born outside of Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Mackie, and died in Hennepin County. [See the note for the Webb Publishing Company for 58 Prospect Boulevard.]

469 Ohio Street: Built in 1889. The structure is a two story, 1740 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1895 Minnesota census indicates that Patrick Kehoe (1844- ,) a shoemaker and the head of household, who was born in Nova Scotia, who was a Minnesota resident since 1878 and who was a resident at this address since 1880, Rebeca Kehoe (1857- ,) who was born in Massachusetts, James Kehoe (1875- ,) who was born in Massachusetts, and Melia Kehoe (1883- ,) a who was born in Minnesota, all resided at this address. Enoch R. Carlson and George F. Olson were World War I veterans who resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#18475) indicate that Henry Clarence Olson (1898- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in the S. A. T. C. at the University of Minnesota, who was born in St. Paul, had blue eyes, brown hair, and a medium complexion, was 5' 7" tall, was a clerk at induction, was an order clerk employed by Swift & Company after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his father, Aug. L. Olson, at this address. The 1920 federal census indicates that August L. Olson (1865- ,) a stone mason and the head of household, who was born in Sweden to parents who were born in Sweden, who emigrated to the United States in 1884, and who was naturalized in 1897, his wife, Emma C. Olson (1866- ,) who was born in Sweden to parents who were born in Sweden, who emigrated to the United States in 1885, and who was naturalized in 1897, his son, George F. Olson (1894- ,) who was born in Minnesota, his son, Henry C. Olson (1899- ,) who was born in Minnesota, his son, Leonard W. Olson (1902- ,) who was born in Minnesota, and his daughter, Florence E. A. Olson (1904- ,) who was born in Minnesota, all resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Burt I. Richmond resided at this address. Enoch R. Carlson (1891-1963) was born outside of Minnesota and died in Ramsey County. Enoch R. Carlson, an operator employed by S. Berglund Lumber Company, his wife, Ruth Carlson, resided at 716 Case Street in 1930. The structure was on the city vacant house list in 2007. The previous owners of record of the property were Jerome T. Murtaugh and others and the current owners of record of the property are Gerald A. Kern and Kerry L. Kern, who reside at 531 Marie Avenue West.

471 Ohio Street: Built in 1924. The structure is a one story, 768 square foot, four room, one bathroom, frame house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edwin J. Jones resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Federico M. Nobello and Judith A. Nobello.

472 Ohio Street: Built in 1904. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1547 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Caroline Maeurer, the widow of Christian Maeurer (1861-1930) and a tankman, Arthur Maeurer, a boilermaker employed by the Omaha Shops, Elsie M. Maeurer, a clerk employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, and Emma Maeurer, a nurse employed by the City Health Department, all resided at this address. The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RailRoad, nicknamed the "Omaha Road," was formed as a corporation in 1880, was one of the Upper Midwest's foremost freight and passenger lines, was controlled by Chicago & North Western RailRoad since 1882, became a subsidiary of the Chicago & North Western, merged into Chicago & North Western RailRoad in the late 1970's, and eventually merged into the Burlington Northern RailRoad. The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway was an amalagmation of the the North Wisconsin Railway, the West Wisconsin Railway, and the St. Paul & Sioux City RailRoad, all dating from the 1860's and 1870's, by a group of out-of-state capitalists led by Henry H. Porter of Chicago in 1880 and 1881. The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway was a medium-sized railroad comparable to its midwestern rivals, the Chicago Great Western RailRoad, the Minneapolis & St. Louis RailRoad, and the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie RailRoad and generally operated independently of but harmoniously with its parent, the Chicago & North Western RailRoad. The property was last sold in 1998 with a sale price of $75,000. The current owners of record of the rental property are Peter Kramer and Bonnie Olsen Kramer of 156 Delos Street West. [See note on the Great Northern RailRoad.] [See note on the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RailRoad.] [See note on the St. Paul & Sioux City RailRoad.] [See note on the Chicago Great Western RailRoad.] [See note on the West Wisconsin Railway.] [See note on the Chicago & North Western RailRoad.] [See note on the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie RailRoad.] [See note on the Minneapolis & St. Louis RailRoad.] [See note on the Burlington Northern RailRoad.]

475 Ohio Street: Built in 1924. The structure is a one story, 986 square foot, five room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Herbert F. Jones, a clerk employed by the St. Paul Bridge & Terminal RailRoad, and his wife, Evelyn Jones, resided at this address. The Saint Paul Bridge & Terminal RailRoad was a terminal & transfer railroad that provided the primary interchange route between many of the roads that directly serviced Saint Paul (the Omaha RailRoad, the Great Western RailRoad, the Rock Island RailRoad, and the Milwaukee RailRoad) and provided transfer services to Minneapolis railroads (including the Northern Pacific RailRoad and the Minnesota Transfer RailRoad.) The St. Paul Bridge & Terminal RailRoad was a Chicago Great Western subsidiary, was renamed the Stockyards Railway Company from 1941 to 1962, and both railroads became part of the Chicago & NorthWestern RailRoad in 1968. The St. Paul Bridge & Terminal Railway was involved in the fabled wreck of the 145,000 "Ten Spot" locomotive engine and eight rail cars from the steam operated river swing bridge three miles south of St. Paul in South St. Paul, Minnesota, which plunged 25 feet into the Mississippi River on a foggy October 15, 1912, after Lyman B. Tibbetts, the bridge tenderopened the bridge for the sidewheeled steam boat Hiawatha. The crash resulted in the death of the engineer, Charles Cramer (1874-1912,) buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery, and the injury of fireman Frank Weber and brakeman James Gavin. The "Ten Spot" lacked air brakes, which contributed to the accident. Pierce Butler represented Willa Cramer, the wife of Charles Cramer, in a legal action against and the law firm of Davis, Kellogg & Severance and its client, the St. Paul Bridge & Terminal RailRoad, under the new Federal Employer Liability Act, but the parties ultimately settled out of court. The last sale of this property was in 1999 and the sale price was $60,000. The previous owners of record of the property were John S. Woodward and Mark M. Casey of Inver Grove Heights and the current owner of record of the property is Allan P. Dahl. [See note on the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RailRoad.] [See note on the Chicago Great Western Railway.] [See note on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RailRoad.] [See the note for the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RailRoad.] [See note on the Northern Pacific RailRoad.] [See note for Minnesota Transfer RailRoad.] [See note on the Chicago & NorthWestern RailRoad.]

479 Ohio Street: Built in 1924. The structure is a one story, 922 square foot, six room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided bungalow. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Rose Maher resided at this address. The property was last sold for $134,000 and that sale occurred in 2005. The previous owners of record of the property were Franklin J. Rice and Darlene M. Rice and the current owner of record of the property is Alayne L. Hopkins. The 1930 city directory indicates that William J. Roppes, a checker employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Anna Roppes, resided at the former nearby 483 Ohio Street. [See the note for Swift & Company for 110 Robie Street West.]

487 Ohio Street: Built in 1884. The structure is a two story, 3504 square foot, 14 room, three bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that George S. Bircher and Katherine Ellen Bircher (1877-1903,) who was born in the United States, whose parents were born in Germany, and who died of pulmonary tuberculosis, husband and wife, resided at the former nearby 484 Ohio Street in 1904. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that John Jaros resided at this address in 1917. The 1920 city directory indicates that Marcus Colt boarded at this address. The 1920 federal census indicates that John Jaros (1876- ,) a laborer employed by a brick company and the head of household, who was born in Minnesota to parents who were born in Bohemia, his wife, Mathilda Jaros (1879- ,) who was born in Bohemia to parents who were born in Bohemia, who emigrated to the United States in 1896, and who was naturalized in 1903, his son, Charles B. Jaros (1904- ,) who was born in Minnesota, his son, Edward A. Jaros (1906- ,) who was born in Minnesota, his son, John Jaros (1908- ,) who was born in Minnesota, his son, Leopold J. Jaros (1914- ,) who was born in Minnesota, and his daughter, Caroline S. Jaros (1917- ,) who was born in Minnesota, all resided at this address and that Fred W. Mayhugh (1872- ,) a drug compounder employed by a drug company and the head of household, who was born in Minnesota to a father who was born in Scotland and a mother who was born in Pennsylvania, his wife, Elizabeth M. Mayhugh (1876- ,) who was born in Iowa to a father who was born in Pennsylvania and a mother who was born in New York, his son, Raymond M. Mayhugh (1904- ,) who was born in , his son, Benjamin F. Mayhugh (1907- ,) who was born in , and his father-in-law, Mark Colt (1850- ,) who was born in Pennsylvania to parents who were born in Pennsylvania, also all resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Bendix Johansen/Johanson, a shoe dealer with a store located at the corner of East Seventh Street and Payne Avenue, his wife, Josephine Johansen, and Edward M. Schutt all resided at this address. George S. Bircher ( -1936) died in Hennepin County. The property was last sold for $287,000 and that sale occurred in 2004. The current owners of record of the property are Bernard P. Kerrigan and Carol E. Kerrigan, who reside in Minneapolis.

491 Ohio Street: Built in 1884. The structure is a two story, 1232 square foot, five room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached one car garage. The 1895 Minnesota census indicates that Thomas Coombs (1855- ,) a bookkeeper and the head of household, who was born in California, who was a Minnesota resident since 1893, and who was a resident at this address since 1894, Maggie Coombs (1867- ,) who was born in Canada, and Junita Coombs (1893- ,) a who was born in Wisconsin, all resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Peter Parquette (1838-1904,) the father of Elizabeth Colgrave, who was born in the United States to parents who were born in France, who was married, and who died of chronic gastritis, resided at this address in 1904. John E. Swift was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Elizabeth Swift, the widow of James Swift, resided at this address. The Colgrave burial plot at Oakland Cemetery includes the graves of Peter Parquette (1838-1904,) his wife, Mary Parquette (1843-1934,) Mayme Parquette (1868-1948,) George H. Colgrave, Jr. (1833-1914,) and his wife, Elizabeth Colgrave (1870-1964.) George H. Colgrave, Jr., was born in England, the son of George H. Colgrave, Sr., a coffee and tea dealer in Leek, England, and in the Sheffield West District, York, England, and Jane Green Colgrave, settled in St. Paul in the 1850's, was indentured in 1851 as an apprentice to Scott & Bascom to learn the trade of bookbinding, became a naturalized citizen in 1854, was appointed as Second Lieutenant to the 32nd Regiment of the Minnesota State Militia in 1863, was discharged from the military with a disability in 1864, was associated with the Acker Post, No. 21, Department of Minnesota, Grand Army of the Republic, was the drama critic for the St. Paul Daily Press, married Elizabeth Parquette in 1895, was a member of the International Order of Foresters, Lodge #2, and was a foreman at and later operated the Press Printing Company in St. Paul. The current owner of record of the property is Ted Page.

493 Ohio Street: Built in 1884. The structure is a two story, 1232 square foot, six room, one bathroom, stucco house. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Mrs. Sarah Louisa Sayles resided at this address in 1891. The 1895 Minnesota census indicates that Thomas Kelley (1854- ,) a blacksmith and the head of household, who was born in England, who was a Minnesota resident since 1881, and who resided at this address since 1894, and Susan Kelley (1852- ,) who was born in England, resided at this address. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Miller resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Minnie Chapman, the widow of Oscar H. Chapman, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Ted Page, who resides at 491 Ohio Street.

497 Ohio Street: Built in 1884. The structure is a two story, 3546 square foot, 17 room, three bathroom, asbestos-sided house. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Bernard A. Giantvalley (1862-1894,) of Norwegian extraction who died of tuberculosis, and his wife resided at this address in 1894. The 1895 Minnesota census indicates that Fredrick Hoag (1850- ,) a __?__ and the head of household, who was born in Maine, who was a Minnesota resident since 1867, and who was a resident at this address since 1894, Matilda Hoag (1868- ,) who was born in Minnesota, Frances Hoag (1887- ,) who was born in Minnesota, Herbert Hoag (1890- ,) who was born in Minnesota, Fredrick Hoag (1892- ,) who was born in Minnesota, George Hoag (1894- ,) who was born in Minnesota, James Burbridge (1859- ,) a railroad trucker and a head of household, who was a Minnesota resident since 1883, and who was a resident at this address since 1883, Luella Burbridge (1862- ,) who was born in Wisconsin, Mable Burbridge (1885- ,) who was born in Minnesota, Grace Burbridge (1887- ,) who was born in Minnesota, Fred Burbridge (1888- ,) who was born in Minnesota, and Arthur Burbridge (1890- ,) who was born in Minnesota, all resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that John Heisinger (1839-1910,) the husband of Amy Heisinger, who was born in Germany to parents also born in Germany and who died of branchopneumonia, resided at this address in 1910. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Elizabeth Caroline Salisbury (1864-1910,) the wife of James S. Salisbury, who was born in England to parents also born in England and who died of heart failure and abdominal cancer, resided at this address in 1910. The 1920 city directory indicates that John E. Carlson, a helper employed by C. E. Lindell, boarded at this address and that Ole N. Carlson, a cabinetmaker employed by C. E. Lindell, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Walter A. Buechner, a checker employed by G. Sommers & Company, his wife, Hilda Buechner, Roy E. Huffman, a laborer, and his wife, Edna E. Huffman, resided at this address. Walter A. Buechner (1889-1969) was born in Minnesota and died in Ramsey County. Roy Huffman (1889-1962) was born outside of Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Holland, and died in Ramsey County. The name "Giantvalley" appears to have been an adaptation of or a replacement name for the Norwegian name "Kjompdahl/Kjempedahl/Kjæmpedal." John Heisinger ( -1910,) Elizabeth Salisbury ( -1910,) and James Salisbury ( -1932) all died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold in 1998 with a sale price of $63,000. The previous owner of record of the property was Jerusa C. Carswell, who resided at 414 Minnehaha Avenue East, and the current owners of record of the property are Jerusa C. Carswell and Kevin J. Looney, who reside at 414 Minnehaha Avenue East. The 1920 city directory indicates that Francis Dwucet, a bookkeeper, resided at the former nearby 499 Ohio Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that James Salisbury and Edith Salisbury, a clerk employed by the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company, both resided at the former nearby 499 Ohio Street. James Salisbury ( -1932) died in Ramsey County. [See note on the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company for 297 Bates Avenue.] [See note on the G. Sommers & Company for 9 South St. Albans Street]

500 Ohio Street: Built in 1950. The structure is a one story, 1024 square foot, four room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with two attached garages, a one car garage and a multiple car garage. The property was last sold in 2004 with a purchase price of $170,000. The current owner of record of the property is Taylor M. Kearns.

503 Ohio Street: Built in 1968. The structure is a three story, 13893 square foot, apartment house. World War I veterans Hector E. Bisson and Lewis P. Bisson resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#10261) indicate that Hector E. Bisson (1892- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Corporal in Company F of the Third Pioneer Infantry, who was born in Minneapolis, had brown eyes, black hair, and a fair complexion, was 5' 5 1/4" tall, was a clerk at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, including the Meuse Argonne Offensive, was a typewriter repair man employed by the Underwood Typewriter Company after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his mother, Mrs. Olive Gagnon, at this address. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#10264) indicate that Louis P. Bisson (1896- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in Company D of the Third Pioneer Infantry, who was born in St. Paul, had brown eyes, black hair, and a dark complexion, was 5' 6 1/2" tall, was a musician at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, including the Meuse Argonne Offensive, was an icing maker employed by the Sanitary Food Manufacturing Company after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided at 718 University Avenue. The 1920 city directory indicates that Fred Bisson, a pressman employed by the National Checking Company, and Hector J. Bisson, a representative of the Underwood Typewriter Company, both boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Anthony M. Carbone, a salesman, and his wife, Rose Carbone, resided at this address. Hector Edward Bisson ( -1934) died in Ramsey County. Louis P. Bisson (1895-1974) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Byron, and died in Ramsey County. The current owners of record of the property are Gerald J. Schult and Bernice M. Schult, who reside in South St. Paul. The 1930 city directory indicates that the United States Knitting Company was located at the former nearby 510 Ohio Street. [See note on the Meuse-Argonne Offensive/Argonne Front for 366 St. Clair Avenue.]

515 Ohio Street: Built in 1948. The structure is a one story, 3070 square foot, commercial warehouse. The current owner of record of the property is Kowski Trucking Incorporated, a garbage and waste hauler located in White Bear Lake, Minnesota.

518 Ohio Street: Built in 1889. The structure is a two story, 1760 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, stucco house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Sidney Rogers, a clerk employed by St. Paul Book & Stationery Company, and his wife, Anna Rogers, resided at this address. Sidney Rogers (1891-1987) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Gates, and died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold for $109,000 and that sale occurred in 2001. The previous owner of record of the property was Joshua J. Favilla and the current owner of record of the property is Epstein Enterprises LLC, located in Mendota Heights, Minnesota. [See note for the St. Paul Book & Stationery for 629 North Street.]

524 Ohio Street: Built in 1914. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1404 square foot, eight room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Oliver Gagnier, a salesman employed by the McGuire Fruit Company, and his wife, Catherine Gagnier, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Gary A. Helgeson and Glenda G. Helgeson.

525 Ohio Street: Built in 1921. The structure is a one story, 5401 square foot, commercial warehouse. The 1930 city directory indicates that James M. Jensen, who operated a meat market at this address, and his wife, Bertha Jensen, resided at 859 Hall Avenue. The property was last sold for $120,000 and that sale occurred in 2001. The current owner of record of the property is Brad Nilles, of Callabash Properties, located at this address.

528 Ohio Street: Built in 1914. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1932 square foot, eight room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#12115) indicate that Louis Wolf (1887- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in the First Company of the Dis. Det., who was born in Roumania, moved to Minnesota in 1914, had brown eyes, dark hair, and a fair complexion, was 5' 8" tall, was a barber at induction, was a barber employed by the Ryan Hotel Barber Shop after the completion of service, and was married, resided with his wife, Sarah Wolf, at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that William Avrick, a travel agent, boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that James E. McDonald, a police officer assigned to the Central Station, and his wife, Alice McDonald, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Roger J. Kutz and Maureen Kutz.

530 Ohio Street: Built in 1914. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1932 square foot, nine room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Alf S. Gale, a driver, and his wife, Marie Gale, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Bruce W. Cherrier.

531 Ohio Street: The property is a vacant commercial lot. The 1930 city directory indicates that Aug C. Nier, a clothes cleaner, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Brad Nilles, of Callabash Properties, located at 525 Ohio Street. The 1920 city directory indicates that Francis A. Fetsch, a trucker, resided at the former nearby 532 Ohio Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that John C. Solheid, a shipper employed by the Minnesota Macaroni Company, and his wife, Alice Solheid, resided at the former nearby 532 Ohio Street. [See the note for the Minnesota Macaroni Company for 334 Robie Street West.]

537 Ohio Street: Built in 1890. The structure is a two story, 5292 square foot, apartment building. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. P. R. McDonnell/McDonnall resided at this address. The 1895 Minnesota census indicates that Louis Gibson (1853- ,) a porter and the head of household, who was born in Denmark, who resided in Minnesota since 1881, and who resided at this address since 1892, Christine Gibson (1855- ,) who was born in Denmark, and Ola Mikalson (1871- ,) who was a grocery worker, who was born in Denmark, who was a Minnesota resident since 1891, and who resided at this address since 1891, all resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Albert E. Carlson, a chute counter employed by the St. Paul Union Stockyards, his wife, Agnes Carlson, J. Frederick Granstrom, a helper employed by the American Hoist & Derrick Company, his wife, Minnie Granstrom, Beach Griffin, an engineer, and his wife, Lora Griffin, all resided at this address. South St. Paul once was home to the largest stockyards in the world. Alpheus B. Stickney, a prominent railroad businessman, had the vision of a potential stockyard, and in 1886, he organized the St. Paul Union Stockyards in St. Paul. Eventually, the stockyards moved to South St. Paul, which was founded in 1887. The St. Paul Union Stockyards Company was a Minnesota corporation that was formed in 1886, owned more than 240 acres of land South of St. Paul, one half of which had stockyards, packing plants, its own sewer system, and 15 miles of rail line, located on a Chicago & Great Western RailRoad line and on a Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RailRoad line. In 1907, the St. Paul Union Stockyards Company had a facility capable of processing 12,000 hogs, 15,000 head of cattle, and 35,000 sheep and had facilities for the feeding of 110,000 sheep. The St. Paul Union Stockyards Company had a four story brick and stone office building for its offices, the Stock Yards National Bank, various livestock commission firms, the Cattle Loan Company, and a joint railroad agency in 1907. In 1907, the St. Paul Union Stockyards Company had $2 million in issued stock and had $2.1 million in funded debt. The officers of the St. Paul Union Stockyards Company in 1907 included Louis F. Swift, chairman, A. A. McKechnie, secretary-treasurer, H. B. Carroll, acting manager, and J. S. Bangs, L. A. Carton, K. D. Dunlop, A. B. Stickney, Louis F. Swift, and R. C. Wight, members of the board of directors. Almost every family in the city of South St. Paul had a connection to the livestock operation along the Mississippi River. The stockyards eventually attracted four major meatpacking plants, including Swift & Company in 1897 and Armour & Company in 1919. Meatpacking and its related businesses became the heart of South St. Paul's economy. World War II brought peak years to the meatpacking industry when the plants had government contracts to supply military needs worldwide. In their heyday, the big meatpackers and others employed thousands of immigrants, mainly Eastern Europeans. In the late 1960's and 1970's, the meatpacking market decentralized and the sprawling meatpacking plants became obsolete. Swift's meatpacking plant closed its doors in 1969, while Armour remained open until 1979. In 1990, the Armour plant was demolished and was replaced with an industrial park. The Central Livestock Association, successor to the St. Paul Union Stockyards Company, is expected to end local operations in 2008. The Blue Cross & Blue Shield non-profit health care movement began in Minnesota and the South St. Paul Stockyards. In 1932, the Hospital Service Association of St. Paul was formed for the purpose of operating a nonprofit prepaid hospitalization plan. The association, operated by Dr. Peter Ward, Dr. Arthur Calvin, and its first manager, E. A. van Steewyk, began with a capital investment of $857, and a basic annual premium of $9.00. Contract 1, Group 1, was taken out in July 1933 by the employees of the St. Paul Union Stockyards. In 1934, van Steewyk chose a "blue Greek or Geneva cross, a symbol of relief for those struck by disaster" as the association's logo. In 1939, it became the national symbol of pre-paid hospitalization plans. The Minnesota setup became a national model. Van Steewyk left for Philadelphia in 1939, replaced by Dr. Calvin. In 1940 the number of participating hospitals reached 75, the number of subscribers, over 380,000. Growth continued through World War II and after. The property was last sold in 2001 with a sale price of $210,000. The previous owner of record of the property was Blaine Niven of Scandia, Minnesota, and the current owners of record of the property are Aureliano Toriz and Patricia Toriz, who reside at 755 Aurora Avenue. The 1895 Minnesota census indicates that H. C. Peterson (1867- ,) a janitor and the head of household, who was born in Denmark, who was a Minnesota resident since 1886, and who resided at this address since 1886, Mary Peterson (1870- ,) who was born in Norway, Anton Peterson (1892- ,) who was born in Minnesota, and Soaphia Peterson (1894- ,) who was born in Minnesota, all resided at the former nearby 539 Ohio Street. The 1920 city directory indicates that Mary A. Fay, the widow of Matthew Fay, resided at the former nearby 539 Ohio Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Ralph E. Breckon, a conductor employed by the Twin City Rapid Transit Company, resided at the former nearby 539 Ohio Street. [See note on the Chicago & Great Western RailRoad.] [See note on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RailRoad.] [See note on the Twin City Rapid Transit Company.] [See note on Ker Dunlop for 10 Crocus Place.]

541 Ohio Street: Built in 1958. The structure is a one story, 3062 square foot, retail structure. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Helen Kirkeby, who resided at 1506 Blair Street, was a confectioner located at this address, and Mrs. Esther L. Rice, the widow of Morris S. Rice, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $55,000 and that sale occurred in 1999. The previous owner of record of the property was Sharon Ann East and the current owner of record of the property is Specialty Properties LLC.

542 Ohio Street: Built in 1883. The structure is a two story, 4392 square foot, apartment building. The 1895 Minnesota census indicates that Frank Kellar (1862- ,) a butcher and the head of household, who was born in Minnesota, who was a Minnesota resident since 1862, and who was a resident of this address since 1894, Louisa Kellar (1861- ,) who was born in Minnesota, Henry Kellar (1892- ,) who was born in Minnesota, and Mary Kellar (1893- ,) who was born in Minnesota, and John Arth (1833- ,) an inn employee and a head of household, who was born in Germany, who was a Minnesota resident since 1867, and a resident at this address since 1884, Katie Arth (1835- ,) who was born in Germany, and Harry Arth (1873- ,) who was born in Minnesota, all resided at this address. World War I veteran Stanley R. Mickelson resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Ole R. Mickelsen, a grocer, and his wife, Anna Mickelsen, resided at the front of this address and Mads P. Carlsen, a shoe rebuilder was located at the rear of this address. The current owner of record of the property is Horner-Carlson Family Partnership of Minneapolis. The 1920 city directory indicates that Charles I. Fitzsimons operated a barber shop at the former nearby 546 Ohio Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Henry J. Hoye, a salesman employed by the J. T. McMillan Company, and his wife, Zelva Hoye, resided at the former nearby 544 Ohio Street, and that John H. Hoye, a clerk employed by J. J. Kokesh, and his wife, Nellie Hoye, resided at the former nearby 544 1/2 Ohio Street.

548 Ohio Street: Built in 1884. The structure is a two story, 9240 square foot, apartment house. The 1918 city directory indicates that Dr. Walter Fitzsimons resided at this address. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#14908) indicate that Edward S. Bakula (1895- ,) a 1915 enlistee and a Sergeant T. F. W. in the U. S. Marine Corps, who was born in St. Paul, had brown eyes, dark brown hair, and a ruddy complexion, was 5' 8" tall, was a clerk at induction, served in Guam, was a employed by after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Hans Peter Rasmussen resided at this address in 1920. The 1920 city directory indicates that Edward S. Bakula, a clerk employed by Price Robbins & Newton, a wholesale paper dealer, boarded at this address and that Charles I. Fitzsimons operated a notions store and resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that a barber, Charles I. Fitzsimons had a shop located at and resided with his wife, Ida Fitzsimons, a seller of notions, and John Hamon at this address. The current owner of record of the rental property is George A. Ohio LLC of 7400 Metro Boulevard, Minneapolis.

549 Ohio Street: Built in 1885. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1488 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with an attached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Otto H. Rasmussen, an auto mechanic employed by D. B. Shotwell Company, and his wife, Sadie Rasmussen, resided at this address. The previous owners of record of the property were Jose E. Vega and Veronica Peralta and the current owner of record of the property is Veronica Peralta.

480 Orleans Street: Built in 1884. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1364 square foot, six room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frederick W. Webb, the chief clerk employed by the Northern Pacific RailRoad, and his wife, Laura Webb, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1996 with a sale price of $45,200. The current owners of record of the rental property are Peter H. Kramer and Bonnie D. Olsen Kramer, who reside at 156 Delos Street West. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Sarah Oxborough (1830-1910,) the widowed mother of Matthew Oxborough, who was born in England to parents who were also born in England and who died of exhaustion and senile debility, resided at the nearby former 488 Orleans Street in 1910. [See note on the Northern Pacific RailRoad.]

498 Orleans Street: Built in 1955. The structure is a one story, 1013 square foot, four room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached one car garage. The last sale of this property was in 1998 and the sale price was $90,400. The current owner of record of the property is Debra L. Maertens.

500 Orleans Street: Built in 1902. The structure is a two story, 1912 square foot, nine room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Howard P. Ramaley, a clerk employed at the Commercial Post Office Station, and his wife, Ella A. Ramaley, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $43,500 and that sale occurred in 1994. The previous owner of record of the property was Mark G. Johnson and the current owners of record of the property are James E. Heimer and Teresa L. Sierzant.

501 Orleans Street: Built in 1949. The structure is a one story, 1186 square foot, six room, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The current owner of record of the property is Florence A. Monsour Stewart, who resides at 334 Cherokee Avenue.

504 Orleans Street: Built in 1902. The structure is a two story, 1716 square foot, eight room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached one car garage. World War I veterans Ralph T. Wholer and Ralph T. Wohlers (1892- ), a Private, resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Norman D. Purves, a clerk employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Anna Purves, resided at this address. Ralph Thomas Wohlers, Sr., (1892-1968) was born in Minnesota and died in Ransey County. The current owner of record of the rental property is Lawanda L. Blissenbach, who resides in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota. [See the note for Swift & Company for 110 Robie Street West.]

505 Orleans Street: Built in 1937. The structure is a one story, 1008 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The property was last sold in 1998 with a sale price of $85,800. The previous owner of record of the property was Ryan J. Wedlund and the current owner of record of the property is Neala J. Schluening. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#32175) indicate that William M. Ahern (1895- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in the 54th Company of the Transportation Corps, who was born in Calmar, Iowa, moved to Minnesota in 1910, had blue eyes, brown hair, and a dark complexion, was 5' 6" tall, was a brakeman at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, was unemployed after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his mother, Catherine Ahern, at the nearby former Avenue. The 1920 city directory indicates that Catherine Ahern, the widow of John T. Ahern, resided at the former nearby 509 Orleans Street and that Emmet D. Ahern, a telegraph operator, James A. Ahern, a brakeman, Margaret M. Ahern, a stenographer employed by the Northern Pacific RailRoad, and William Ahern, a brakeman, all boarded at the former nearby 509 Orleans Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Margaret M. Ahern resided at the former nearby 509 Orleans Street. [See note on the Northern Pacific RailRoad.]

510 Orleans Street: Built in 1902. The structure is a two story, 1839 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. Jas. A. Leaon was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1920 city directory indicates that Samuel J. Anglesey, a cabinetmaker, boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Chester G. Horsnell, a travel auditor employed by the Northern Pacific RailRoad, and his wife, Susan Horsnell, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Lily A. Schultz. [See note on the Northern Pacific RailRoad.]

523 Orleans Street: Built in 1885. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1271 square foot, six room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Thomas J. Montgomery resided at this address in 1892. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Thomas C. Robinson and Matilda Robinson (1818-1894,) of English heritage who died of hemiplegia, husband and wife, resided at this address in 1894. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Thomas C. Robinson (1807-1898,) of English extraction who died of asthma, resided at this address in 1898. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Lillian Leeman Owen (1857-1913,) the widowed mother of George Leeman, who was born in Minnesota to parents also born in England and who died of heart failure, resided at this address in 1913. Charles S. Owen was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Robert P. Schlirf, a salesman employed by the Electric Fixture Mart, and his wife, Lillian Schlirf, resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Robert P. Schlirf resided at this address in 1930. In 1879, Thomas Montgomery, a porter employed by Bohrer & Hullsiek, resided at the former nearby 69 Fort Road. Thomas Johnston Montgomery ( -1933) died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold in 2004 with a sale price of $168,000. The previous owner of record of the property was Amy B. Myrvik and the current owner of record of the property is Jami L. Shoemaker.

524 Orleans Street: Built in 1880. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1150 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1920 city directory indicates that Frank C. Elwell, a clerk employed by the Maas Keefe Company, wholesale bakers and confectioners, boarded at this address and that Frank C. Elwell, a salesman employed by the St. Paul Electric Company, resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Alma Peterson resided at this address in 1928. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frank Peterson, a laborer employed by the St. Paul Department of Parks, resided at this address. The St. Paul Electric Company was established in 1899, built a new building in 1918 which was located at 145-147 East Fifth Street, and had as its officers in 1918 B. B. Downs, president, and S. B. Howarth, secretary and treasurer. In 1905, the St. Paul Electric Company was a distributor of telephones and telephone equipment manufactured by the Chicago Telephone Supply Company of Elkhart, Indiana. During World War I, the St. Paul Electric Company had 12 employees enter the armed forces, J. Anderson, T. E. Corcoran, S. L. Hallett, R. S. Howarth, D. Jenkins, A. Johnson, W. A. Langton, G. Lindorfer, G. Peterson, R. Pew, W. Puvogel, and L. Walker. In 1919, the St. Paul Electric Company reorganized its machinery department managed by M. R. White. The current owners of record of the property are Paul A. Nelson Feroe and Julie A. Feroe Nelson.

528 Orleans Street: Built in 1880. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 885 square foot, five room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that John Fischer, a carpenter, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Dominik Jannette, a planer employed by the William H. Ulmer Company, his wife, Lucy Jannette, Alf D. Jannette, a mech dentist employed by William D. Hurley, and Loretta Jannette, a stenographer employed by the West Publishing Company, all resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2003 and the sale price was $147,500. The current owner of record of the property is Isaiah Ellis. [See note on the West Publishing Company for 415 Summit Avenue.]

529 Orleans Street: Built in 1909. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1220 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that George E. Mahood resided at this address. The property was last sold for $36,000 and that sale occurred in 1992. The previous owner of record of the property was George M. Rakich and the current owner of record of the property is EMK Development Company LLC, located at 500 Grand Avenue. Pauline M. Rakich also resides at this address.

547 Orleans Street: Built in 1880. The structure is a one story, 850 square foot, four room, one bathroom, stucco bungalow. The 1930 city directory indicates that Carl John, a painter employed by William J. Haas, and his wife, Catherine John, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1996 with a sale price of $42,900. The current owner of record of the property is Mary T. Ecker.

550 Orleans Street: Built in 1890. The structure is a two story, 1760 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, frame house. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that James Wassel resided at this address in 1891. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#28016) indicate that Fred L. Carlton (1895- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Supply Sergeant in the Supply Company of the 358th Infantry, who was born in St. Paul, had gray eyes, brown hair, and a ruddy complexion, was 5' 10" tall, was a railroad clerk at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, including St. Mihiel, Muese, the Puvenelle Sector, the Epreny Offensive, Argonne, and the Villers en Haye Sector, was a clerk employed by the Northern Pacific RailRoad after the completion of service, and was married, resided with his wife, Clara Carlton, at this address. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#29411) indicate that Bernhard Henry Mueller (1892- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Corporal in the 10th Company of Dev. Battalion No. 3, who was born in St. Paul, had brown eyes, brown hair, and a dark complexion, was 5' 8" tall, was a printer at induction, was issued one Bronze victory button, was a printer employed by the Capital Envelope Company after the completion of service, and was married, resided with his wife, Helen Mueller, at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Anthony L. Dario, a laborer employed by the Twin City Brick Company, his wife, Mabel Dario, and Mrs. Louise Tompkin, the widow of Albert Tompkin, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2000 and the sale price was $81,500. The current owner of record of the property is Christopher F. Martin. Christopher F. S. Martin owns Sea Martin Boat Works, a model restoration service. [See note on the Northern Pacific RailRoad.] [See note for the Twin City Brick Company for 797 Goodrich Avenue.]

166 Prescott Street: Built in 1880. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1418 square foot, six room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Murphy resided at this address. The 1902 University of Minnesota Alumni Record indicates that Myrtle Agnes Murphy, a 1902 graduate, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that George W. Linnell resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1991 and the sale price was $63,000. The current owner of record of the property is Holly B. Henjum.

173 Prescott Street: Former Christian F. Meyer House site. The property is currently a vacant residential lot. The 1894, 1896, 1898, and 1900 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. John V. I. Dodd resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Orlitta Holmes Osgood (1835-1912,) the widowed mother of Mrs. Otto Sandor, who was born in Maine to parents born in the United States, who died of cancer of the stomach, and whose remains were removed to the Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis, resided at this address in 1912. The 1918 city directory indicates that Rev. Justus Neumann resided at this address. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board indicate that Jerome William Baker (1894- ,) a 1917 enlistee and a Chief Storekeeper in the U. S. Navy, who was born in Ellsworth, Wisconsin, moved to Minnesota in 1914, resided at 144 East Winifred Avenue in 1917 upon induction, and was a railroad employee employed by the Chicago Great Western RailRoad upon discharge, resided at this address. Ella Baker, of Ellsworth Wisconsin, was the mother of Jerome W. Baker. The 1930 city directory indicates that Karl W. Menard, a glassworker employed by the Ford Motor Company, and his wife, Sylvia Menard, resided at this address. John V. I. Dodd (1860-1902) was born in St. Peter, Minnesota, was admitted to the practice of law in 1883, was the city attorney of St. Peter, Minnesota, for three years, moved to St. Paul in 1887, was a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives from 1893 until 1894, and moved to California for health reasons. Christian F. Meyer ( -1908) died in Dakota County, Minnesota. The current owner of record of the property is Joseph Card of Mendota Heights, Minnesota. [See note on the Chicago Great Western Railway.] [See note on the Ford Motor Company for 334 St. Clair Avenue.]

180 Prescott Street: Built in 1889. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1047 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1898 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Swenson resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Elma H. Schneider, the widow of Emanuel C. Schneider, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2006 and the sale price was $160,500. The previous owner of record of the property was Bank of America Mortgage of Louisville, Kentucky, and the current owner of record of the property is Lina M. Sath.

186 Prescott Street: Built in 1884. The structure is a two story, 4989 square foot, apartment building. The 1890 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. J. Slavin resided at this address. The 1892 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Henderson resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Olive B. Simmons (1846-1910,) the widowed sister of Mary Rossiter, who was born in Canada to parents who were born in England and who died of cerebral hemorrhage, resided at this address in 1910. World War I veteran Edward B. Ryan resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#17375) indicate that Edward B. Ryan (1890- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in Company G of the 158th Infantry, who was born in St. Paul, had blue eyes, brown hair, and a ruddy complexion, was 5' 6 1/4" tall, was a teacher at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, was a student at the University of Minnesota after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his mother, Mrs. J. J. Ryan, at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that John J. Ryan, a painter, and his wife, Catherine Ryan, resided at this address. James T. Slavin (1846-1907) died in Ramsey County. In 1879, Melvin B. Henderson, an assistant bookkeeper employed by E. E. Henderson & Company, boarded at the corner of Oak Street and Gorman Street. Annabel Wheaton, an 1885 graduate in piano from the Carlton College School of Music, was the wife of Melvin Brooks Henderson. Annable Henderson and Brooks Henderson resided in St. Paul Park, Minnesota, in 1921. Melvin Brooks Henderson ( -1939) and Annabel W. Henderson ( -1946) both died in Ramsey County. The current owner of record of the property is David A. Chapin of Shoreview, Minnesota. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Samuel D. Rumbaugh, who was born in the United States, resided at the former nearby 188 Prescott Street in 1908. The 1920 city directory indicates that Elmer J. Bryant, a foreman employed by Swift & Company, and James H. Conway, a yardman, both resided at the former nearby 188 Prescott Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Byron D. Cosgriff, a teamster employed by the St. Paul Union Stockyards Company, his wife, Florence Cosgriff, and Frances S. Cosgriff, a clerk employed by the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company, resided at the former nearby 188 Prescott Street. Etta Faith Rumbaugh (1907-1908) was the daughter of Samuel D. Rumbaugh, was born in St. Paul, and died of a parenchymatous hemorrhage in St. Paul. [See the note for Swift & Company for 110 Robie Street West.] [See note for St. Paul Union Stockyards for 537 Ohio Street.] [See note on the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company for 297 Bates Avenue.]

194 Prescott Street: Built in 1886. The structure is a one story, 1002 square foot, six room, one bathroom, stucco bungalow. The 1930 city directory indicates that John A. Coveny, a soldier in the U. S. Army, and his wife, Elizabeth Coveny, resided at this address. John Coveny (1898-1952,) the son of John Andrew Coveny and Elizabeth Bessie MacNamara Coveny, was born in Fort Snelling, Minnesota, married Helen Tschersich, and the couple had one child. The property was last sold for $146,083 and that sale occurred in 2004. The previous owners of record of the property were Lee J. Connor and James H. Connor and the current owners of record of the property are Dennis D. Braun and Janice K. G. Braun.

197 Prescott Street: Built in 1924. The structure is a two story, 1407 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Bernard J. Just, a clerk employed by Bernard Just, and his wife, Helen Just, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Brian H. Miller and Deborah S. Schlick. Deborah Susan Schlick received a bachelors degree from the Washington University in St. Louis in 1981. Robert Frame, from the University of Minnesota, a member of the Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Prizes for 2003, resided at this address in 2002.

200 Prescott Street: Built in 1911. The structure is a two story, 1752 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1894, 1896, 1898, 1900, 1918, and 1924 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Lawton resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Ranson M. Lawton, president of Ransom M. Lawton & Company, real estate, mortgage loan, and insurance agents located at the New York Building, and his wife, Claribel Lawton, resided at this address. Ransom M. Lawton ( -1941) died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold in 1994 with a sale price of $65,000. The current owner of record of the property is Daniel J. Vandeberg.

203 Prescott Street: Built in 1923. The structure is a two story, 1448 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Charles R. Chadbourn, a letter carrier employed at the Riverview Post Office Station, and his wife, Jeroldine L. Chadbourn, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is William F. Wittenberg.

206 Prescott Street: Built in 1894. The structure is a two story, 1354 square foot, eight room, one bathroom, frame house. The 1894 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Robert resided at this address. The 1898 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bradley resided at this address. The 1900 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sander and Mrs. A. H. Osgood all resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Victor A. Whitacre, and his wife, Mary Whitacre, resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Elda L. Young and the current owner of record of the property is Steven R. Young.

208 Prescott Street: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1628 square foot, nine room, two bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1892 and 1894 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Laine resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Phillip Kirmser, an owner of a restaurant located at 476 Wabasha Street, and his wife, Helen Kirmser, resided at this address. Phineas Nicholas Laine ( -1952) died in Ramsey County. The last sale of this property was in 1991 and the sale price was $60,150. The current owners of record of the property are Raymond J. Heiti and Janet R. Heiti. Charles Foss Trucking and Automobile Transportation is located at this address.

209 Prescott Street: Built in 1997. The structure is a two story, 1794 square foot, six room, two bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The property was last sold for $134,250 and that sale occurred in 1998. The current owners of record of the property are Luis Alvarado and Theresa J. Alvarado.

210 Prescott Street: Built in 1894. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1257 square foot, six room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Stephen J. Rauchwarter, a partner with Frank L. Rauchwarter in Rauchwarter Brothers, an electric supplies company, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2004 with a sale price of $189,900. The previous owner of record of the property was the Bank of America Mortgage of Louisville, Kentucky, and the current owners of record of the property are Michael Agan and Sarah Bowser.

215 Prescott Street: Built in 1999. The structure is a two story, 1426 square foot, six room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The last sale of this property was in 2000 and the sale price was $155,000. The current owner of record of the property is Scott E. Morgan. Scott Morgan of Stealth ISR Engineering, was a client for the Iowa State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering May 2005 Senior Design Projects.

220 Prescott Street: Built in 1889. The structure is a one story, 1884 square foot, eight room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached one car garage. The 1894 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolff resided at this address. The 1896 and 1898 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. William B. Stoner resided at this address. The 1900 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Winchell and H. H. Weidman all resided at this address. The 1918 and 1924 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lehmann resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Charles E. Lehmann, proprietor of Charles E. Lehmann & Company, a coal, coke, and wood dealer, his wife, Maud K. Lehmann, and Helen O. Lehmann, a teacher at Marshall Junior High School, all resided at this address. Charles E. Lehmann ( -1945) died in Hennepin County. The previous owners of record of the property were Leroy G. Bravo and Mary E. Bravo and the current owner of record of the property is Leroy G. Bravo.

221 Prescott Street: Built in 1999. The structure is a two story, 2180 square foot, nine room, two bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The property was last sold in 2003 with a sale price of $279,000 The current owners of record of the property are Stephen K. Sande and Olga A. Carmona Sande.

225 Prescott Street: Neighborhood Development Alliance/Former West Side General Hospital. Little Sketches of Big Folks indicates that Albert M. Lawton resided at this address in 1907. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Dorothy Baird (1908-1908) and Frances Eileen Baird (1908-1908,) the daughters of Milton S. Baird, who each died of premature birth, both died at this address in 1908. In 1910, the St. Paul German Hospital, with Rev. David Lebahn, president, and Herman A. Drechsler, secretary-treasurer, was located at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Elizabeth Ann Redding (1881-1919,) the wife of Herman Redding, who was born in Minnesota to parents born in the United States and who died of a cerebral hemorrhage, died at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that the West Side General Hospital was located at this address. Albert M. Lawton (1857- ,) the son of Jonathan Lawton and Elizabeth Brayton Lawton, was born in Marine, Minnesota, was educated in the public schools of St. Paul, was educated in a business college in St. Paul, was engaged in farming until 1881, was employed by the U. S. Post Office from 1881 until 1883, was engaged in a real estate business after 1883, married Angelica M. Covell in 1889, was a trustee with John Thayer, James Swedeberg, and Edward Gill for the First Methodist Episcopal Church of White Bear, Minnesota, in 1914, and officed at 85 East Fourth Street in 1907.

226 Prescott Street: Built in 1896. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1314 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1900 city directory indicates that Dr. and Mrs. Peter Schneider resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that William D. Glander (1860-1922,) the husband of Mary C. Glander, who was born in Minnesota to parents who were born in the United States and who died of pneumonia, resided at this address in 1922. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Mary C. Glander, the widow of William D. Glander, Mabel M. Glander, a clerk employed by the Minnesota Union Advocate, and Walter W. Glander, a pipeman employed by the St. Paul Fire Department, Engine No. 6, all resided at this address. Mary Glander ( -1947) died in Hennepin County. The last sale of this property was in 1995 and the sale price was $61,000. The current owner of record of the property is Sandra Rosario. The Come & Play Daycare facility is located at this address.

227 Prescott Street: Built in 1999. The structure is a two story, 1490 square foot, six room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The property was last sold for $190,021 and that sale occurred in 1999. The current owners of record of the property are Hokan C. Miller and Penny S. Miller.

234 Prescott Street: Built in 1889. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1362 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1892, 1894, 1896, 1898, and 1900 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. George A. Doran resided at this address. George Doran ( -1912) died in Ramsey County. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Doran and Miss S. A. Doran all resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that George A. Doran, a partner with Charles B. Doran in the F. B. Doran Company, a fuel supplier, resided at this address and that Lester S. Doran, a salesman, boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Arthur L. Mushkatin, the secretary-treasurer of Mushkatin & Padwal, Inc., printers located at 41 West Seventh Street, and his wife, Rachael Mushkatin, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2001 with a sale price of $147,500. The current owner of record of the property is Charles William Arndt. In 1897, Charles Holmes, the rector of the Ascension Episcopal Church, resided at the nearby former 235 Prescott Avenue according to the Journal of the proceedings of the fortieth annual convention of the Diocese of Minnesota. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Rev. T. J. Charles Holmes (1841-1904,) the husband of Mary Ann Holmes, who was born in England to parents also born in England and who died of general paralysis, resided at the former nearby 235 Prescott Street in 1904. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Rev. Frederick H. Rowse (1860-1906,) the husband of Mary Emma Rowse, who was born in the United States to parents also born in the United States and who died of a gunshot suicide prompted by melancholia, resided at the nearby former 235 Prescott Street in 1906. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Mary Ann Holmes (1844-1907,) the widowed mother of Charles W. Holmes, who was born in England to parents also born in England and who died of osteomalacia, resided at this address in 1907. The 1920 city directory indicates that Emma Britzius, a cook employed by the West Side General Hospital, boarded at the former nearby 235 Prescott Street. The Holmes burial plot at Oakland Cemetery contains the graves of Rev. Charles Holmes (1841-1904) and Mary Ann Norton Holmes (1845-1907.) Frederick Herbert Rowse (1859-1906) is buried in Oakland Cemetery. The Evangelical Hospital and Deaconess Home, affiliated with the Methodist Church, became the West Side General Hospital. From at least 1905 until at least 1930, there was an Evangelical Headquarters Dining Hall at the Minnesota State Fair that was a fundraiser for the Evangelical Hospital and Deaconess Home in St. Paul. The West Side General Hospital was located at 225 Prescott Street.

238 Prescott Street: Built in 1920. The structure is a two story, 1744 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Reinhold E. Engel, a painter, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Pablo Rosario.

241 Prescott Street: Built in 1900. The structure is a two story, 3590 square foot, ten room, three bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1894 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Prescott and Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin resided at this address. The 1896 and 1898 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin resided at this address. The 1900 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hawthorne, Mrs. Anna Hawthorne and her daughters, and J. M. Hawthorne all resided at this address. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Seekins resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Gertrude Adams, a cigarmaker, boarded at the former nearby 242 Prescott Street. The 1924 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Seekins and Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Seekins, Jr., all resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Irving L. Seekins, a salesman employed by the Seekins Commercial Company, and his wife, Metta E. Seekins, resided at this address. Henry Martin ( -1930) died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold for $170,434 and that sale occurred in 1995. The current owners of record of the property are Tomas Silva and Maria A. Silva. Tomas Silva was the previous owner of the 200 Concord Street East Building, a 1927 8,000 square foot neighborhood residential building, and is the current owner of the 183-187 Concord Street East Building, a 6,000 square foot neighborhood residential building. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Harmon resided at the former nearby 242 Prescott Street. In 1920, the United States Adjutant-General's Office U. S. Army Register, Volume VIII, indicates that Gaius Edward Harmon (1898- ,) a Second Lieutenant in the Aviation Section of the Signal Reserve Corps, resided at the former nearby 242 Prescott Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Florian Hanglberger, a millwright employed by the Northern Cooperage Company, and his wife, Rose Hanglberger, resided at the former nearby 242 Prescott Street. [See note for the Northern Cooperage Company for 35 Irvine Park.]

244 Prescott Street: Built in 1925. The structure is a one story, 1172 square foot, five room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Julius Sadowsky, a salesman, and his wife, Frances Sadowsky, resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Jesse Estrada and the current owners of record of the property are Francisco Ronald Estrada and Melissa A. Estrada.

249 Prescott Street: Built in 1906. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1380 square foot, six room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Ernest W. Otto resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Stephen M. Molina and Robyn M. Molina.

250 Prescott Street: Built in 1894. The structure is a one story, 1309 square foot, nine room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame bungalow, with a detached garage. The current owner of record of the property is the trustee of Monica M. Okane, located in Fridley, Minnesota. The Twin Cities Mennonite Voluntary Services is located at this address. The St. Paul/Minneapolis Mennonite Voluntary Services unit began in 1988 to serve the West Side urban neighborhood of St. Paul. The Twin Cities MVS unit is currently housed on the third floor of an apartment building located between four and five blocks from St. Paul Mennonite Fellowship. Unit members share a 3-bedroom and a 2-bedroom apartment located directly across the hall from each other. The unit averages four to six members. The St. Paul Mennonite Fellowship was founded in 1984 and the congregation of about 20 adults and 10 children meets on Sunday afternoons in a Lutheran church facility. Mennonite Voluntary Service started in 1944 and is the oldest continuing voluntary service program in Mennonite circles. Mennonite Voluntary Service reached its height during the U.S. military draft of the 1950's and 1960's because of the increased demand for alternative service. Today, Mennonite Voluntary Service provides placement for men and women, recent college graduates and retired couples, as well as some families. Mennonites are a Christian faith group that began in the 16th century as an outgrowth of the Anabaptist movement in Europe. They were called "Anabaptists" or "re-baptizers" because they insisted that water baptism should be reserved for adults only. In 1536, Menno Simons (1496- ,) a Catholic priest, joined the Anabaptists, whose network was growing in spite of intense persecution of the members and martyrdom for its leaders. From his studies of the Scriptures, Menno Simons began to write and teach about community, mutual aid, sharing of resources, support to widows, their children and the poor, sister/brotherhood among believers, simple life-style, nonresistance, nonviolence, peacemaking, and servanthood, the values of Mennonites. The denominational name "Mennonite" was first used as a nickname, but through the centuries it has become an accepted label. There are about 60 separate organized groups that derived from Anabaptism, including Mennonite Brethren (168 congregations,) Brethren in Christ Churches – 196 congregations,) Old Order Amish (1,159 Districts,) Old Order Mennonites, including Groffdale Conference, Weaverland, Stauffer, Wisler subgroups (124 congregations,), Church of God in Christ Mennonite, sometimes called Holdeman (111 congregations,) Conservative Mennonite (97 congregations,) Beachy Amish (103 congregations,) Evangelical Mennonite Church (31 congregations,) New Order Amish (60 congregations,) Mennonite Fellowship Churches (47 congregations,) Amish Mennonite (13 congregations,) Mennonite Christian Fellowship (23 congregations,) Evangelical Mennonite Brethren (4 congregations,) Old Colony Mennonite (1 congregation,) Old Order River Brethren (5 congregations,) Reformed Mennonite (9 congregations,) Reinlander Mennonite (2 congregations,) the Hutterites, including the Schmiedeleut (the Hutterian Brethren and the Committee Hutterites,) the Lehrerleut, and the Dariusleut (458 colonies,) and the Church of the Brethren (in excess of 1,000 congregations.) The Amish, or Old Order Mennonites, split in 1693, when Jacob Ammann, a Swiss Anabaptist leader, felt that Mennonite church leaders were not holding to strict separation from the world and that spiritual renewal was needed. Ammann did not believe that the Mennonite penalty of shunning was being properly practiced and separated from the Anabaptists over this issue, over differences related to the celebration of Communion, and over the practice of the washing of feet. His followers were nicknamed "Amish." Amish faith and life is governed by a largely unwritten set of rules known as the "Ordnung" (i.e. order.) The 1887 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Worthington resided at the former nearby 252 Prescott Street.

253 Prescott Street: Built in 1906. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1260 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Anna O. Moriarty, the widow of Edward D. Moriarty, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2003 with a sale price of $150,000. The current owners of record of the property are Mary England and Owen S. Hansen.

256 Prescott Street: Roussopoulos House; Built in 1885. The structure is a two story, 2146 square foot, eight room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, brick house, with a detached garage. The 1892, 1894, 1896 and 1898 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Roussopoulos resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Josiah C. Gregg and Charles A. Sachse both resided at this address in 1894. The 1900 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Sachse and J. C. Gregg all resided at this address. In 1901, Demetrius P. Roussopoulos owned an Oakland Cemetery burial plot, but resold it to the Oakland Cemetery Association in 1908. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Lauderdale resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Medora V. Lauderdale (1850-1919,) the widowed mother of Vincent R. Lauderdale, who was born in Iowa to parents born in the United States and who died of cerebral hemiplagia, resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Herman C. Marthaler, the proprietor of the Standard Cattle Company, and his wife, Martha Marthaler, resided at this address. Dan Roussopoulos ( -1907) was born in Greece and died in Ramsey County. The last sale of this property was in 1996 and the sale price was $141,805. The current owners of record of the property are Margaret Tracy Gager Moos and Katherine Louise Moos. The flower shop, Moos Blooms on Winifred, is located at this address.

259 Prescott Street: Built in 1908. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1806 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Baby La Brosse (1911-1911,) the premature infant daughter of Joseph La Bross, who was born in Minnesota to parents who were born in Canada and the United States and who resided at this address in 1911. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Anna L. Conrad, the widow of Adam Conrad and an operator employed by Gordon & Ferguson, Armand Hochschieldt, a driver employed by E. G. F. Klett, Frank H. Hochschieldt, a compositor employed by Volkszeitung Daily, Robert J. Hochschieldt, a meat cutter employed by E. G. F. Klett, Robert C. Hochschieldt, and his wife, Pauline Hochschieldt, all resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2005 with a sale price of $330,000. The current owner of record of the property is Lisa R. Griebel and the current owners of record of the property are Carra D. Otten and Kyle L. Otten. [See note on Richards Gordon and the Gordon-Ferguson Company for 378 Summit Avenue.] [See note on the Volkszeitung Printing & Publishing Company for 614 North Fountain Place.]

260 Prescott Street: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1016 square foot, five room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached one car garage. The 1887 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawson resided at this address. The 1896, 1898, and 1900 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Worthington resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frank P. Wettingel, a line operator employed by the Webb Publishing Company, and his wife, Elizabeth Wettingel, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2004 and the sale price was $161,900. The previous owner of record of the property was Chad Borscheid and the current owners of record of the property are Kathleen Lopez and Pedro Lopez Sanchez. [See the note for Webb Publishing for 58 Prospect Boulevard.]

265 Prescott Street: Built in 1923. The structure is a two story, 3600 square foot, twelve room, two bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edward I. Henly, a partner with Henry Henly and Harold J. Henly in the refrigerator dealer, Henly & Sons, located at 1052 Grand Avenue, Simon H. Henly, a buyer employed by Henly & Sons, and his wife, Cecelia Henly, all resided at this address. The previous owners of record of the property were Ronald H. Ortlip and Sydney Jayne Olsen and the current owner of record of the property is Sydney J. Olsen.

270 Prescott Street: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1144 square foot, sixroom, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1896, 1898, and 1900 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Steinmueller resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Otto Reissner, a foreman employed by the North West Casing & Supply Company, and his wife, Marie Reissner, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $52,500 and that sale occurred in 1993. The current owners of record of the property are Martin Blanco and Natalia Marquez.

271 Prescott Street: Built in 1912. The structure is a two story, 2170 square foot, eleven room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Joseph Goldberg, a salesman employed by Foreman & Clark, his wife, Clara Goldberg, and Henry Henly, a partner with Edward I. Henly and Harold J. Henly in the refrigerator dealer, Henly & Sons, located at 1052 Grand Avenue, all resided at this address. In 1879, Henry Henly, a bookkeeper employed by Die Volkszeitung, boarded at the Commercial Hotel. Henry Henly ( -1935) died in Ramsey County. Edward Henly (1886-1974) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Henly, and died in Ramsey County. Harold J. Henly (1898-1973) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Henly, and died in Hennepin County. The property was last sold in 1991 with a sale price of $87,000. The current owner of record of the property is Joaquina M. Torres.

272 Prescott Street: Built in 1889. The structure is a three story, 5719 square foot, apartment house. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Louis A. Bumgardner and John Dale resided at this address in 1891. The 1896 city directory indicates that Miss Eunice D. Peabody resided at this address. In 1897, F. C. Peabody was the treasurer of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd and resided at this address. The 1898 and 1900 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. John Dale and F. C. Peabody all resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Emma Theodora Dale (1897-1911,) the single daughter of John Dale, who was born in Minnesota to parents born in England and in the United States and who died of pulmonary tuberculosis, resided at this address in 1911. The 1918 city directory indicates that John Dale resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that James S. Boxell, a clerk employed by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RailRoad, James H. Boxell, a clerk employed by the Golden Rule, and John Dale all resided at this address and that John P. Dale, a farmer, boarded at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that John Dale, Sr. (1845-1921,) the widower father of John Dale, Jr., who was born in England to parents born in England and who died of diabetes, resided at this address in 1921. The 1930 city directory indicates that this address was vacant. John Dale (1844- ) was born in Manchester, England, emigrated to the United States in 1866, first became a freight hauler in Burlington, Iowa, moved to St. Paul in 1870, formed the firm of Dale & Bumgardner, contractors for roadbed building and grading for railroads, married S. E. Peabody in 1893, was a Mason, was an Episcopalian, and officed at the the Scandinavian-American Bank Building. The current owner of record of the property is Daryl L. Olson, who resides in Apartment #1. [See note for the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RailRoad.] [See the note for the Golden Rule Department Store for 657 East Fourth Street.]

273 Prescott Street: Built in 1904. The structure is a two story, 2530 square foot, ten room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Edward J. Cleary, a salesman employed by Thuet Brothers, resided at this address and that Harold F. Cleary, a student, and Mary A. Cleary, a clerk, both boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edward J. Cleary, a salesman employed by the Prouty Commercial Company, his wife, Emma C. Cleary, Edward E. Cleary, a student, and Harold F. Cleary, a civil engineer, all resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1995 and the sale price was $69,200. The current owner of record of the property is Liborio Ramirez, who resides in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Emil F. Sternberg resided at the former nearby 275 Prescott Street in 1893. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sternberg resided at the former nearby 275 Prescott Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Emil F. Sternberg resided at the former nearby 275 Prescott Street. Emil F. Sternberg (1863-1936) and Lulu M. Sternberg (1870-1893) are both buried in Oakland Cemetery.

277 Prescott Street: Built in 1900. The structure is a two story, 2904 square foot, 13 room, two bathroom, frame house. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Farrell resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Carrie Egner, the widow of George Egner, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that William G. Torgerson, a mapper employed by the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company, resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Francis N. Ludwig and the current owner of record of the property is Joseph P. Wurst, who resides at 1836 Marshall Avenue. [See note on the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company for 297 Bates Avenue.]

280 Prescott Street: Built in 1885. The structure is a two story, 4640 square foot, apartment house. The 1890, 1892, and 1894 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. A. Zschocke resided at this address. The 1896 city directory indicates that Mrs. Barbara Zschocke and Miss Lizzie Minea resided at this address. The 1898 and 1900 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Platt resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Edward Ward resided at this address in 1906. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Rose H. Platt (1889-1918,) the wife of Frank B. Platt, who was born in the United States to parents who were born in Germany and who died of tuberculosis, resided at this address in 1918. The 1920 city directory indicates that Raymond Barenz, a machine operator, and Raymond Barnett, a machine operator employed by the Northern Cooperage Company, both boarded at this address and that Raymond F. Cael, a yardman, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Laura V. Ward, the widow of Edward Ward, and Mrs. Jessie W. Butler, a music teacher, resided at this address. Albert Zschocke ( -1917) died in Ramsey County. Barbara Minea Zschocke (1859-1933,) the daughter of Gaspard "Casper" Minea (1806-1873) and Barbara Orth Minea (1817-1882,) was born in St. Paul, married Albert Zschocke in 1886, died in St. Paul, and had ten siblings, Ageline "Anna" Minea (Mrs. August) Jobst (1841-1913,) Joseph Minea (1842-1900,) Catherine "Katie" Minea (1844-1909,) Peter Minea (1845-1931,) Margaret "Maggie" Minea (Mrs. John) Brettner (1847-1942,) John Minea (1849-1916,) Henry Minea (1850-1927,) Elizabeth "Lizzie" Minea (1852-1927,) Jacob "Jake" Minea (1855-1919,) and Bernhard "Ben" Minea (1857-1938.) Gaspard Minea was born in St. Louis, Moselle, France, immigrated to the United States in 1832, was a blacksmith, and died in St. Paul. Barbara Orth Minea was born in Merzig, Germany, and died in St. Paul. Albert Zschocke and Barbara Minea Zschocke had five children, May Zschocke (1887- ,) Rosa/Rose Zschocke (1888-1980,) Florence Zschocke (1888- ,) Albert Zschocke (1891- ,) and Zetta Zschocke (1892- .) Albert Zschocke was the architect who designed St. Mathew's Church, 7 Robie Street West, built between 1886 and 1887, and who designed the Geisen Mansion in Mounds Park. Maurice Ward was the son of Edward Ward. The Platt family burial plot at Oakland Cemetery includes the graves of Frank B. Platt (1862-1931,) Rose H. Platt (1869-1898,) Cora K. Platt (1868-1935,) William T. Platt (1908-1973,) Mary S. Platt (1912-1984,) Major John J. Platt (1875-1927,) Edna J. Platt (1867-1932,) and Angie D. Platt (1864-1935.) Maurice Ward (1904-1906) was born in the United States and died in Ramsey County. Fred Stewart ( -1905) died in Ramsey County. The previous owner of record of the property was Lee Vang and the current owners of record of the property are Liborio Ramirez and Maria Ramirez. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Fred B. Stewart resided at the former nearby 282 Prescott Street in 1891. The 1930 city directory indicates that the former nearby 282 Prescott Street was vacant. [See note for the Northern Cooperage Company for 35 Irvine Park.]

286 Prescott Street: The Center for Hmong Arts and Talent.

288 Prescott Street: Built in 1913. The structure is a two story, 1416 square foot, five room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Laura V. Ward resided at this address in 1921. The 1930 city directory indicates that Charles E. Foster, a driver employed by the Twin City Motor Bus Company, and his wife, Ella M. Foster, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1991 and the sale price was $47,500. The current owners of record of the property are Laurie D. Witkowski and Salvador G. Patino. The 1920 city directory indicates that Alice C. Barteld, a janitor, and Fred H. Barteld, a clerk employed by Perit & Staack, both boarded at the former nearby 297 Prescott Street, that Richard Barteld, a foreman employed by the Pioneer Building, resided at the former nearby 297 Prescott Street, and that Joseph C. Dane, a carpenter, resided at the former nearby 355 Prescott Street. [See note for Twin City Motor Bus Company for 266 Banfil Street.]

38 Prospect Boulevard: The property is currently a vacant lot which is owned by the City of St. Paul. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Henrietta A. Kuhl resided at this address in 1894. The 1920 city directory indicates that Flora L. Danner, the secretary of the Twin City Iron & Wire Company, boarded at the nearby former 42 Prospect Terrace and that John J. Danner, the manager of the Twin City Iron & Wire Company, resided at the nearby former 42 Prospect Terrace. The 1930 city directory indicates that Benjamin F. May, a machinist employed by the Auto Engine Works, and his wife, Lillian May, resided at the former nearby 11 Prospect Terrace, that Mrs. Angele St. Pierre, the widow of Alf St. Pierre, Bert Y. Leger, a carpet layer, his wife, May Leger, Raymond Poole, a glass worker employed by the Ford Motor Company, and his wife, Blanche Poole, all resided at the former nearby 19 Prospect Terrace, and that John J. Danner, a manager employed by the Twin City Iron & Wire Company, and his wife, Elizabeth Danner, resided at the former nearby 42 Prospect Terrace. John J. Danner (1860- ,) the son of John Danner and Margaret Danner, was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, moved with his family to Minnesota in 1868, was educated in the country schools of Dakota County, Minnesota, was raised on a farm, located in St. Paul in 1881, was a contracting carpenter until 1886, married Elizabeth Schindelderker in Dakota County, Minnesota, in 1884, was in the grocery business from 1886 until 1895, established the Twin City Iron & Wire Works in 1895, incorporated the Twin City Iron & Wire Works in 1901, was the president of the Twin Citv Iron & Wire Works, was a Republican, was a Lutheran, was a member of the Builders and Traders' Exchange, officed at 106 East Fifth Street in 1907, and resided at 664 Hall Avenue in 1907. Twin City Iron & Wire was purchased by Eugene J. Lentsch (1925-2011) in 1968 and was merged with another Lentsch-owned company, Minnesota Fence & Iron, to form Twin City Wire-MFI, Inc., in Eagan, Minnesota, in 1973. [See note on the Ford Motor Company for 334 St. Clair Avenue.]

46 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1884. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1710 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, stucco house, with an attached garage. The property was last sold for $96,500 in 2000. The current owner of record of the property is Gjerry Berquist.

52 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1921. The structure is a one story, 1430 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached one car garage. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spiegel resided at this address. The 1892 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. J. Tuttle resided at this address. The 1894, 1896, and 1898 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. James Tuttle resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Robert Ernest McElroy (1848-1910,) the husband of Matilda McElroy, who was born in New York to parents also born in Scotland and in Ireland and who died of pleuropneumonia, resided at this address in 1910. The 1930 city directory indicates that Eliel Peck and Mrs. Flora B. Nye, a housekeeper, resided at this address. The McElroy burial plot at Oakland Cemetery includes the graves of Robert E. McElroy (1848-1910,) a First Lieutenant in Company F of the 36th Wisconsin Infantry during the Civil War, his wife, Matilda McElroy (1845-1913,) and Eliza Veroman (1815-1888.) Ernest Spiegel ( -1954) died in Carlton County, Minnesota. The last sale of the property occurred in 2005 with a sale price of $330,000. The previous owner of record of the property was Patrick G. Tomberlin and the current owners of record of the property are Edward L. Schones and Kathleen Schones.

58 Prospect Boulevard: Durkee House; Built in 1900. The structure is a two story, 3141 square foot, six bedroom, five bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house. The 1879 city directory indicates that Reuel A. Durkee, a clerk employed by Lindekes, Warner & Schurmeier, resided on Prospect Terrace. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Durkee and Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Durkee/W. P. Durkee all resided at this address. The 1887 and 1890 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Durkee resided at this address. The 1892 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Durkee and T. H. Durgin all resided at this address. The 1894 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Durkee and their daughter and T. H. Durgin all resided at this address. The 1896 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Durkee and their daughters all resided at this address. The 1898 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Durkee and their daughters and A. H. Harmon all resided at this address. The 1902 University of Minnesota Alumni Record indicates that Carolyn Durkee (Mrs. Albert H.) Harmon, an 1897 graduate, resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Florence E. Durkee, a teacher at the Monroe School, boarded at this address and that Reuel A. Durkee, the president of the R. A. Durkee Company, wholesale grocers, resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Reuel A. Durkee (1849-1923,) the husband of Isabella Durkee, who was born in New Hampshire to parents born in the United States and who died of angina pectoris, resided at this address in 1923. The 1930 city directory indicates that this address was vacant. Reuel Albert Durkee ( -1923) died in Ramsey County. The 1939 St. Paul Academy Alumni Directory indicates that Reuel Durkee Harmon (1904- ,) who was born in St. Paul, who attended the school from 1916 until 1922, who was a 1926 graduate of Harvard University, who was a member of the St. Paul Athletic Club, who was a member of the Harvard Club of New York, who was a member of the St. Paul Informal Club, and who was employed by Webb Publishing Company, resided at Sunfish Lake, Minnesota. Reuel D. Harmon married Catherine Gray Beattie in Littleton, New Hampshire, in 1928. Reuel D. Harmon was a philanthropist and the former president of Webb Publishing Company. His philanthropy involved financial gifts to nature centers, including the Harmon Park Preserve in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, and the Thomas Irvine Dodge Nature Center in West Saint Paul, Minnesota, and other organizations involved in environmental education, a living-history farm, and the Fort Snelling State Park, the creation of an African-American management and personnel consulting firm, Balance Inc., and the restoration of the Church of St. Peter, a historic church building in Mendota, Minnesota. Reuel Durkee Harmon was the author of an article about his grandfather, Reuel A. Durkee, "Growing up in St. Paul: 'Grandfather Durkee was a crusty gentleman'" in Ramsey County History, Vol. 29, No. 4 (1995.) The Durkee family plot at Oakland Cemetery includes the graves of Reuel A. Durkee (1848-1923,) Isabella P. Durkee (1847-1933,) and Florence E. Durkee (1876-1957.) Reuel Durkee Harmon (1904-1994) was born in St. Paul, the son of Albert H. Harmon and Carolyn Durkee Harmon, attended Saint Paul Academy from 1916 to 1922, earned a bachelor's degree from Harvard University in 1926, joined Webb Publishing in 1926, was made publisher of its Farmer's Wife magazine in 1937, served with the United States Army from 1942 to 1945, returned to Webb in 1945, was made vice president and treasurer of the company in 1946, and served as president of Webb Publishing from 1952 to 1968 and as chairman of the board of Webb from 1968 to 1978. The Farmer's Wife was one of the country's biggest little-known publications in 1938, the only women's magazine written exclusively for farm readers, with a 1,150,000 circulation concentrated in the Midwest and Great Lakes area, an annual revenue of $1,200,000. In the 1940's, Reuel D. Harmon served on a number of "fact-finding commissions" for the Division of Conciliation of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, helping to investigate Minnesota labor disputes. Reuel D. Harmon also served as a trustee of the St. Paul, Amherst Wilder, and Archibald Bush foundations, Carleton and St. Thomas colleges, and the Charles T. Miller Hospital, was on the boards of the First National Bank of St. Paul and the First Trust Company of St. Paul, president of the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, chairman of the St. Paul Civic Center Authority, and a member of the Governor's Advisory Commission of the Minnesota Department of Economic Development, was involved with the Minnesota Parks & Trails Council, the Fort Snelling State Park Association, the Science Museum of Minnesota, the Minnesota Zoo, the Carpenter Nature Center (Hastings), and the Dodge Nature Center (West Saint Paul.) Harmon died in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota. Margaret Harmon (1910- ) was the wife of Reuel D. Harmon and the couple had a daughter, Ann Harmon Clapp. Albert H. Harmon was the son of one of the founders of Webb Publishing Company, a St. Paul-based publisher of farm and agricultural magazines, joining the company in 1904 with Horace C. Klein and becoming the owners of the company in 1915, upon the death of the predecessor owner, Edward A. Webb. Mrs. Reuel D. Harmon was a contributor to the Charles and Ellora Alliss and George and Wilma Leonard Minnesota Charter Scholarship at Macalester College. The Farmer magazine was produced in St. Paul from 1899-1990 by the Webb Publishing Co. Webb Publishing was the publisher of Clotilde Emily Irvine, Poems, Essays, and Other Pieces: 1925-1934 in 1940. Albert Hiram Harmon ( -1949) died in Washington County, Minnesota. The property was last sold in 1998 for $67,000. The current owners of record of the property are David B. Gandara and Ruth C. Gandara.

76 Prospect Boulevard: William Haas House; Built in 1909 (1903 according to Murphy.) The structure is a two story, 1800 square foot, four bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The fireplace has been removed and the wrap around porch has been enclosed. The house originally faced on Stryker. It was moved to this address in the early 1930's. In 1865, Lt. Col. Charles Frank Hausdorf, a Civil War veteran, resided at this address with his sister, Henrietta Hausdorf Heimbach, and her husband, Gottfried Heimbach. The 1890 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Heimbach resided at this address. The 1903 city directory indicates that Albert A. Heimbach and Otto C. Heimbach, a travel agent for Seabury & Company, both boarded at this address. William Haas was the founder of the Haas Manufacturing Company and resided in this house from 1916 until the early 1930's. In 1879, Gottfried Heimbach, the proprietor of a saloon located on Owatonna Road near Isabel Street, resided on Prospect Terrace and that Albert Heimbach, Christian Heimbach, and Edward Heimbach, a clerk employed by Mayo & Clark, all boarded on Prospect Terrace. William Haas (1860-1912) and Louis Haas (1864-1899) are buried in adjoining plots at Oakland Cemetery. In 1879, Mayo & Clark was a partnership of Charles E. Mayo and Charles H. Clark and was a hardware business. Charles E. Mayo resided at 205 Robert Street in 1879. Charles Edwin Mayo (1827-1899) was born in Brewster, Massachussets, settled in St. Paul in 1853, was at first a hardware merchant, was employed in the U. S. customs office after 1889, was secretary of the Minnesota Historical Society from 1864 until 1867, was the president of the Minnesota Historical Society in 1872, and died in St. Paul. Charles Frank Hausdorf (1840- ) was born in Saxony, Germany, emigrated to the United States in 1848, initially moved with his widowed mother to Detroit, Michigan, was adopted by the Houston family, moved to St. Paul in 1854, served in the First Minnesota Regiment as Frank Houston from 1861 until 1864, was wounded at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on July 2, 1863, served in the First Battalion of Minnesota Infantry from 1864 until 1865, was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel commanding the First Minnesota Battalion Infantry, reacquired the last name Hausdorf, married Mary J. Handlos ( -1896) in 1866, was a bookkeeper for the firm of L. Gum, a dry goods merchant, from 1866 until 1868, was manager of the J. B. Braden & Brothers hardware store from 1868 until 1874, moved to San Francisco in 1875 and was an agent of Abbott, Downing & Company of Concord, New Hampshire, makers of carriages and wagons, from 1875 until 1880, moved to New Ulm, Minnesota, and operated a general merchandise business, moved to St. Paul in 1881 and worked for the Railway Mail Service from 1881 until 1882, was the secretary of the Minnesota Volunteer Association, a group of First Minnesota Infantry and Battalion veterans, was the grand secretary of the Ancient Order of Druids of the State of Minnesota, was a member of the Junior Pioneers of St. Paul, was a bookkeeper for Mayo & Clark from 1884 until 1885, operated a grocery store in West St. Paul, Minnesota, from 1886 until 1892, retired, moved to Portland, Oregon, from 1909 until 1917, returned to St. Paul in 1917 and was treated in a veteran's hospital for an abdominal rupture, returned to Portland, Oregon, in 1917, and died of cardio-vascular disease in Portland, Oregon. Charles Frank Hausdorf and Mary J. Handlos Hausdorf had four children, Anna Hausdorf (1867- ,) Frank A. Hausdorf (1869- ,) Elvin C. Hausdorf (1885- ,) and Emma L. Hausdorf (Mrs. John) Coates (1875-1901.) Emma later married John Coates Albert Heimbach ( -1925) died in Dakota County, Minnesota. Otto C. Heimbach ( -1928) died in Ramsey County. The 1981 owners of the property were Richard and Karen Garcia. The current owner of record of the property is Karon A. Schmitt. [See 77 West Isabel Street for additional information on Charles Frank Hausdorf.] [See note on Railway Mail Service for 360 Maria Avenue.]

82 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1955. The structure is a one story, 1662 square foot, three bedroom, two bathroom, stucco bungalow, with an attached one car garage and a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that this address was vacant. The current owner of record of the property is William G. Peterka. The 1887 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Fred Masten resided at the former nearby 94 Prospect Boulevard and that Mr. and Mrs. A. Ohmann resided at the former nearby 96 Prospect Boulevard. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#12477) indicate that John C. Lonergan (1897- ,) a 1917 enlistee and a Private in the Ordinance Corps, who was born in St. Paul, had brown eyes, dark brown hair, and a ruddy complexion, was 5' 5" tall, was a carpenter at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, was an engine messenger employed by the Great Western RailRoad after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his mother, Genevieve Lonergan, at the nearby former 96 Prospect Terrace. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Frederick Hening (1849-1922,) the widower father of Mrs. E. J. Knapp, who was born in Germany to parents born in Germany and who died of lobar pneumonia, resided at the nearby former 94 Prospect Terrace in 1922. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Nettie Ostlund, a widow of John A. Ostlund, resided at the former nearby 92 Prospect Terrace, that James V. Chase, a clerk, and his wife, Martha Chase, resided at the former nearby 94 Prospect Terrace, and that Mrs. Genevieve Lonergan, the widow of James Lonergan, John C. Lonergan, a salesman employed by Greene Engraving Company, and his wife, Eileen Lonergan, resided at the former nearby 96 Prospect Terrace. [See note on the Chicago Great Western Railway for 882 West Linwood Avenue.]

110 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1904. The structure is a one story, 2437 square foot, three bedroom, three bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Kenneth Arrigan, a helper, boarded at this address and that Mrs. Margaret Arrigan, a proof reader employed by West Publishing Company, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Leo N. Berry, a yardman employed by the Central Co-Op Association, and his wife, Frieda Berry, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Mari O. Eggum and Thomas J. Eggum. Before retiring in 2002, Thomas J. Eggum, P.E., F.ASCE, was the St. Paul City Engineer and Director of the 500 employee, $140 million capital and operating budget, St. Paul City Public Works Department, was elected as the Region 8 Director of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2002, and currently is a senior consultant with Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Assoc., Inc. Thomas Eggum has a B. S. degree in civil engineering from the University of Minnesota and a M. S. degree in civil engineering and public works from the University of Pittsburgh and was employed by the City of St. Paul for 34 years. Mari Oyanagi Eggum is the administrator of the Elmer L. and Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation and was the president of the Junior League of St. Paul in 1996-1997. The Eggums have two children, Julianne Eggum (1987- ) and Andrew Eggum (1991- .) Julianne Eggum graduated from Highland Park High School in 2004 and is attending Lawrence University and majoring in biomedical engineering.

118 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1914. The structure is a two story, 1692 square foot, four bedroom, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached one car garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Marie T. F. C. Van Aken (1864-1921,) the widowed mother of Gerald O. Van Aken, who was born in Germany to parents born in Germany and who died of a carcinoma of the uterus, resided at this address in 1921. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Gerald Otto Van Aken resided at this address in 1925. The 1930 city directory indicates that Gerald O. Van Aken, a clerk employed by the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company, and his wife, Edith Van Aken, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Linda J. Peterson and Richard G. Peterson. [See note on the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company for 297 Bates Avenue.]

122 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1904. The structure is a one story, 1313 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frank Yoerg, the president of the Yoerg Brewing Company, and his wife, Anna Yoerg, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Karen A. Kachel and Patrick S. Kachel. [See the note for Anthony Yoerg and the Yoerg Milk Company for 215 Isabel Street West.]

126 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1919. The structure is a one story, 1105 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that this address was vacant. The property was last sold in 1997 for $73,000. The current owners of record of the property are Cheryl Dickson and James Smith.

130 Prospect Boulevard: Louis Villaume House; Built in 1940 (1941 according to Murphy;) East Addition built in 1977. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 2206 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The owners in 1981 were Jean West and Barb Stuhler. The family of Louis Villaume, a descendant of one of St. Paul's pioneer families, vacationed at The Shores Resort (formerly Calderwood Springs) on Bone Lake, Polk County, Minnesota. From 1929 to 1936, the Villaume family spent the summers at Perry Mound on Balsam Lake. The last sale of the property occurred in 1999 with a sale price of $237,000. The current owners of record of the property are Sophea Munawar Woolner and Stanley A. Woolner. Stanley A. Woolner M. D. is a family practice doctor in St. Paul.

140 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1959. The structure is a one story, 2177 square foot, two bedroom, two bathroom, frame house, with a basement garage. The current owners of record of the property are Kent A. Hinshaw and Marlene Hinshaw.

148 Prospect Boulevard: Julius Villaume House; Built in 1927 (1923 according to Murphy.) The structure is a two story, 3693 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house. The house was built for Julius Villaume. The 1930 city directory indicates that Julius L. Villaume, an estimator employed by the Villaume Box & Lumber Company, and his wife, Elsie Villaume, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are the trustees for Julie M. Brunner and Dale W. Ulrich. Dale Ulrich, a budget analyst for the Metropolitan Council, was a contributor to the John Kerry for President campaign in 2004. Julie M. Brunner was the St. Louis County, Minnesota, Administrator in 1997, was the Executive Director of the Minnesota Council of Health Plans in 2005, and was Deputy Commissioner at the Minnesota Department of Health in 2008. [See note on Eugene Villaume and the Villaume Box & Lumber Company for 123 Isabel Street West.]

160 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1922. The structure is a two story, 5060 square foot, four bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with an attached garage. In 1919, Edward A. Meyerding was a World War I veteran who resided at 193 West Sixth Street. The 1924 city directory indicates that Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Weyerding resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edward A. Meyerding, the executive secretary of the Minnesota Public Health Association, and his wife, Eugenie Meyerding, resided at this address. Edward A. Meyerding (1879- ,) the son of H. F. Meyerding and Emma Rosenkranz Meyerding, was born in St. Paul, attended St. Paul public schools, graduated from the Mechanic Arts High School in 1898, graduated from the medical department of the University of Minnesota in 1902, was a physician and surgeon, was on the medical staff of the City & County Hospital in St. Paul from 1902 until 1903, practiced medicine in St Paul after 1902, was a member of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, was a member of the Ramsey County Medical Society, was a member of the American Medical Association, was a president of the National Guard Athletic Association of St. Paul, was a first lieutenant and assistant surgeon in the Minnesota National Guard, was a member of the American Public Health Association, was contracted by the St. Paul Public school superintendent to study student health and wellness in 1909, was the author of the Teacher's and Parent's First Aid Manual published by the Minnesota Tuberculosis and Health association in 1953, resided at 167 Charles Street in 1907, and officed at the Ernst Building in 1907. The Minnesota Public Health Association was founded in 1907 and is a statewide professional association that engages and develops its members to mobolize the community to protect the public's health. The Minnesota Public Health Association is an affiliate of the American Public Health association. The previous owner of record of the property was Christine M. Linsmayer and the current owner of record of the property is the trustee of J. Nicholas Linsmayer. J. Nicholas Linsmayer is a contact person for Villaume Industries, Inc., of Eagan, Minnesota, and contributed to the Republican National Committee in 2008. Nicholas Linsmayer is the son of Robert M. Linsmayer (1923-1998,) the retired chair of the board of Villaume Industries, Inc., the successor of Villaume Box & Lumber Company, and became president of Villaume Industries, Inc., in 1990.

172 Prospect Boulevard: Louis Villaume House; Built in 1912. The structure is a two story, 2539 square foot, five bedroom, two bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The house has a slate roof. The 1924 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Louis Villaume resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Louis A. Villaume, a vice president of the Osgood & Blodgett Manufacturing Company, his wife, Julia Villaume, and Louis R. Villaume resided at this address. The 1939 St. Paul Academy Alumni Directory indicates that Paul E. Vilaume (1915- ,) who was born in St. Paul and who attended the school from 1929 until 1932, resided at this address. The Osgood & Blodgett Manufacturing Company, a small box and planing mill that became a wholesale and retail lumber dealer and floor, door, and window manufacturer, was incorporated in 1892 by Benjamin Silsby Osgood and his brother-in-law, Harvey Blodgett. Osgood & Blodgett had a factory for the manufacture of package boxes and egg cartons at Duluth Avenue near Seventh Street in 1894. The owners in 1981 were John Greenman and Virginia Greenman. In a 1998 sale, the property last sold for $290,000. The previous owner of record of the property was Mara Liepa and the current owners of record of the property are Donald R. Nixdorf and Lisa D. Noxdorf. Donald R. Nixdorf, D.D.S., M.S., is an oral surgeon in St. Paul and is an Assistant Professor at the Division of TMD & Orofacial Pain and the Department of Diagnostic & Biological Sciences of the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry.

176 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1893. The structure is a two story, 4069 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that this address was vacant. The 1939 St. Paul Academy Alumni Directory indicates that Louis R. Villaume (1913- ,) who was born in St. Paul, who attended the school from 1926 until 1931, who attended Princeton University, who graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1935, who married Dorothy Dudley in St. Paul in 1937, and who was employed as chief clerk by the Vilaume Box & Lumber Company, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Ellen M. Turpin and James E. Turpin.

182 Prospect Boulevard: Built in 1948. The structure is a one story, 2447 square foot, four bedroom, three bathroom, frame bungalow, with an attached garage. The current owners of record of the property are Neal Gosman and Sandra L. Pappas. Neal Gosman is an estate planning paralegal, is associated with Brit Tzedek V'Shalom, the Minnesota Chapter of Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace, and is associated with the Association for Promotion of Yiddish Culture in Minnesota. Sandra L. Pappas is a current Minnesota State Senator and a former member of the Minnesota House of Representatives and is a college instructor. In 1997, Sandra L. Pappas was the Democratic-Farmer-Labor candidate for Mayor of St. Paul, losing to Norm Coleman. Pappas chairs the Senate Higher Education Budget Division of the Senate Finance Committee and serves on the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board, the Great North American History Theater Board and the St. Paul Riverfront Corporation, chairs the Social Action Committee of Shir Tikvah, and is the American Affairs Liaison for the St. Paul Chapter of Hadassah. Before running for the Legislature, Pappas worked for COMPAS, a St. Paul Community Arts Agency, as a neighborhood artist in residence. Neal David Gosman (1947- ) was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Solomon David Gosman (1913-1978) and Bernice Weinberg Gosman Rand (1918- .) Sandra Lee Scholtec Pappas (1949- ) was born in Hibbing, Minnesota, the daughter of Floyd Scholtec and Patricia Evangeline Pappas (Panagoupoulis) and married Neal Gosman in 1976. Pappas and Gosman have three daughters, Merissa Ruth Gosman-Pappas (1976- ,) Nicolea Davida Gosman-Pappas (1979- ,) and Cassarah Eve Gosman-Pappas (1982- .)

14 Robie Street West: Built in 1890. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1421 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Janes Allie, a fireman, and Valentine G. Allie, the State Supervisor at the public stock yards, both resided at this address and that Louis Allie boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that James Allie and his wife, Josephine Allie, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2003 with a sale price of $155,000. The current owners of record of the property are Kathleen B. Costello and Mario J. Costello.

18 Robie Street West: Built in 1914. The structure is a one story, 1037 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that James Fitzpatrick, a towerman employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, and his wife, Katherine Fitzpatrick, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1991 and the sale price was $51,000. The current owner of record of the property is Donald L. Allie. [See note on the Great Northern RailRoad for 280 Maple Street.]

28 Robie Street West: Built in 1913. The structure is a one story, 1283 square foot, three bedroom, two bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco bungalow. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mary Byron, an assistant buyer employed by Schunemans & Mannheimers, and Mrs. Della Campbell, the widow of Perry Campbell, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $146,900 and that sale occurred in 2001. The current owners of record of the property are Jeffrey M. Sturm and Tammy A. Sturm.

36 Robie Street West: Built in 1925. The structure is a two story, 1514 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frederick B./R. Desch, an office manager employed by the law firm of Kellogg, Morgan, Carter, Chase, & Headley, and his wife, Gertrude Desch, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2000 with a sale price of $144,000. The current owner of record of the property is Taryn Lea Baumgardner.

44 Robie Street West: Built in 1950. The structure is a one story, 1120 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached garage. The last sale of this property was in 1998 and the sale price was $78,000. The current owners of record of the property are Phillip J. Ethier and Susan L. Ethier.

51 Robie Street West: Built in 1900. The structure is a two story, 1973 square foot, six bedroom, two bathroom, half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#14891) indicate that Axel V. Anderson (1891- ,) a 1917 draftee and a Mechanic in Company M of the 351st Infantry, who was born in Sweden, moved to Minnesota in 1912, had blue eyes, brown hair, and a ruddy complexion, was 5' 11" tall, was a carpenter at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, was issued one bronze Victory button, was a carpenter employed by the Great Northern RailRoad after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his sister, Mrs. A. W. Peterson, at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Axel V. Anderson, a carpenter, boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Cecelia L. Riener resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Estanislado Vasquez and Mary M. Vasquez. [See note on the Great Northern RailRoad for 280 Maple Street.]

77 Robie Street West: Built in 1914. The structure is a one story, 1102 square foot, two bedroom, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached one car garage. The 1918 city directory indicates that W. J. Dutch resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Mary J. Dutch, the widow of William D. Dutch, boarded at this address and that Willard J. Dutch, an agent employed by the Consolidated Ticket Office, resided at this address. The 1924 city directory indicates that W. J. Dutch resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Albert F. Bortz, a foreman employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Bertha Bortz, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Wilbur H. Bortz, Jr.

81 Robie Street West: Built in 1914. The structure is a one story, 692 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, frame bungalow, with a detached one car garage. The 1918 city directory indicates that E. S. Sanford resided at this address. The 1924 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Sanford resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Andrew Coppini, a clerk employed by the Northern Pacific RailRoad, and his wife, Mae Coppini, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $119,900 and that sale occurred in 2001. The current owner of record of the property is Lisa P. Gervers. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edmund Whitney, a clerk employed by the Northern Pacific RailRoad, and his wife, Florence Whitney, resided at the former nearby 82 Robie Street West.

84 Robie Street West: Built in 1909. The structure is a two story, 2720 square foot, six bedroom, two bathroom, frame house. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Achille Michaud resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Frank J. Brown, a carpenter, boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that George P. Martin resided at this address. In 1879, Achille Michaud, a partner with Charles Michaud, Fabien Michaud, and Narcisse Michaud in Michaud Brothers, grocers located at 123 East Seventh Street and at 91 Wabasha Street, roomed at 91 Wabasha Street with Charles Michaud. Other Michauds employed by Michaud Brothers in 1879 were Adolph Michaud, a cashier, Desire H. Michaud, a clerk, and Sinia Michaud, a clerk, all boarded at 31 East Sixth Street. Narcisse Michaud (1840- ) was born in Canada in 1840, acquired a collegiate education,initially came to St. Paul in 1854, returned to Canada in 1858, married Stephanie Gauthier in 1863, resettled in St. Paul in 1878, and established with his brothers an extensive grocery business, Michaud & Brothers. Narcisse Michaud and Stephanie Gauthier Michaud were the parents of 13 children. Sinai Michaud (1860- ,) the son of Narcisse Michaud and Mathilde Michaud, was born in Canada, moved to Minnesota in 1877, and was employed in the grocery business. The property was last sold in 2002 with a sale price of $219,900. The current owners of record of the property are Mary W. Lemke amd Richard D. Lemke.

90 Robie Street West: Built in 1965. The structure is a one story, 1129 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, frame house. The current owner of record of the property is Lucy A. Kohler.

91 Robie Street West: Built in 1965. The structure is a one story, 1805 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The last sale of this property was in 1996 and the sale price was $84,100. The current owners of record of the property are Marcelo Alarcon and Sofia M. Alarcon. The 1879 city directory indicates that John H. Naumann resided on the South side of Fourth Street four addresses East of Maple Street. The 1895 city directory indicates that John H. Naumann boarded at the nearby 94 Robie Street West. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Louisa Schuler resided at the former nearby 94 West Robie Street in 1900. The 1918 city directory indicates that A. A. Tuchelt resided at the former nearby 94 Robie Street West. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Minnie L. Tuchelt (1861-1923,) the unmarried sister of A. A. Tuchelt, who was born in Minnesota to parents born in Germany and who died of a carcinoma of the liver and pneumonia, resided at the nearby former 94 Robie Street West in 1923. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Selma Wenz (1864-1926,) the widowed mother of Aurthur H. Wenz, who was born in Minnesota to parents born in Germany and who died of pernicious anaemia, resided at the nearby former in 1926. The 1930 city directory indicates that Catherine Tuchelt, proprietor of The What Not, resided at the former nearby 94 Robie Street West.

97 Robie Street West: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 959 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached one car garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that William R. Mumbry resided at the former nearby in 1894. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Anthony W. Truhlar resided at this address in 1902. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Robert M. McBride (1908-1909,) the son of Robert McBride, who was born in St. Paul to parents born in the United States and who died of pneumonia, resided at this address in 1909. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Nicolaus McBride (1911-1911,) the son of Frances McBride, who was born in Minnesota to parents born in the United States and who died of marasmus diarrhea, resided at this address in 1911. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Joseph J. Truhlar (1904-1911,) the son of Jacob H. Truhlar, who was born in Minnesota to parents born in Bohemia and who died of gastroenteritis, resided at this address in 1911. Edmund J. Truhler (1897- ,) a Fireman, was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Jacob H. Truhlar, a molder employed by the Valley Iron Works, and his wife, Katherine Truhlar, resided at this address. Mary Truhlar (1899-1902,) who was born in the United States and who died of shock from scalds, was the daughter of Anthony W. Truhlar. Mary Truhlar's remains were subsequently moved to Calvary Cemetery. The current owners of record of the property are Caterina Berzac and John Berzac. The 1887 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Blackman resided at the former nearby 101 Robie Street West.

103 Robie Street West: Built in 1920. The structure is a one story, 842 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Emil D. Fischer, a carpenter, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that William J. Franklin, an engineer employed by the Westerlin & Campbell Company, and his wife, Anna Franklin, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $140,000 and that sale occurred in 2004. The previous owners of record of the property were Marcelino D. Chavez and Maria Del Carmen Chavez and the current owners of record of the property are Guadalupe Palmillas and Juan Carlos Palmillas.

109 Robie Street West: Built in 1889. The structure is a one story, 769 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Ivan W. Warren, a letter carrier at the Commercial Post Office Station, and his wife, Anna Warren, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Alfred P. Perez and Guadelupe Perez.

110 Robie Street West: Built in 1904. The structure is a two story, 1440 square foot, four bedroom, one bathroom, frame house. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Wiemann resided at this address. The 1924 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Wiemann and their daughters resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Paul Allie, a foreman employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Vina Allie, resided at this address. Swift & Company is a meat packaging company that was founded by Gustavus Franklin Swift. Gustavus Franklin Swift (1839-1903) was born in Sagamore, Massachusetts, began work in 1853 for an older brother who was a butcher, began a meat retail business out of his father's wagon in 1855, opened his first retail meat market in 1856, married Annie Maria Higgins of North Eastham in 1861, opened a meat market in Clinton, Massachusetts, in 1869, then became a wholesaler of cattle and formed partnerships with two men to buy cattle for them, became a partner with James A. Hathaway in Hathaway & Swift, began buying cattle in Chicago in 1875, incorporated Swift & Company in 1885, began slaughtering cattle in Chicago and shipping the processed carcasses to save on freight and feeding charges in ice-cooled refrigerator railroad cars, and developed a national cattle processing firm. Swift adapted the methods of the industrial revolution to meat packing operations, which resulted in huge efficiencies by allowing his plants to produce at a massive scale. The work was divided into a myriad of specific sub-tasks, which were carried out under the direction of supervisory personnel. Swift & Company was broken down organizationally into various divisions, each one responsible for conducting a different aspect of the business of "bringing meat from the ranch to the consumer." When Swift died, his company was valued at between $25 million and $35 million, had a workforce that was more than 21,000, slaughtered as many as two million cattle, four million hogs, and two million sheep each year. Gus Swift is a member of the American National Business Hall of Fame. The current owner of record of the property is Andrea A. Jager, who resides in Maplewood, Minnesota.

114 Robie Street West: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1240 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Mary Hinds, the widow of Frank Hinds, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Daniel J. Krueger.

115 Robie Street West: Built in 1904. The structure is a two story, 2080 square foot, five bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Minea resided at this address. World War I veteran Bernard V. Minea resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#12123) indicate that Bernard V. Minea (1893- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Wagoner in the Headquarters Company of the 160th Infantry, who was born in St. Paul, had grey eyes, dark hair, and a medium complexion, was 5' 9 1/2" tall, was a bookkeeper at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, was a teller employed by the Capital National Bank after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his mother, Mrs. B. Minea, at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Charles Bohrer, a checker, boarded at this address. The 1924 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Minea resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Bernhard Minea, a clerk employed by the Ramsey County Auditor, and his wife, Augusta Minea, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Dixie L. Oglesby.

120 Robie Street West: Built in 1926. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1455 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, frame house, with a basement garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Goodwin C. Tyler resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Mary Therese R. Williams.

125 Robie Street West: Built in 1904. The structure is a two story, 1808 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that John A. Littfin, his wife, Catherine Littfin, Alex A. Littfin, a clerk, Marie M. Littfin, a cashier employed by Hackett Gates Hurty Company, and Rose M. Littfin, a stenographer employed by Hackett Gates Hurty Company, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2002 with a sale price of $178,000. The current owners of record of the property are Anna D. Butler and Craig T. Butler.

126 Robie Street West: Built in 1926. The structure is a one story, 1052 square foot, three bedroom, two bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that George E. Sudeith, the advertising manager and building supervisor employed by W. J. Dyer & Brother, and his wife, Gertrude K. W. Sudeith, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1999 and the sale price was $115,000. The current owners of record of the property are Leif Larsen and Sasha M. Aslanian. Sasha Aslanian is Coordinating Producer for American RadioWorks, the documentary unit of Minnesota Public Radio, joining the unit in 2000 after spending eight years producing daily news programs for Minnesota Public Radio. Aslanian has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and French Literature (1990) from Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa, was a fellow with the French-American Foundation, working for Radio-Television Luxembourg in Paris, and has won two Gracies from the American Women in Radio and Television Foundation. Aslanian is a member of the board of MOMBo, a radio resource for moms, that was created by Nanci Oleson, who is its Executive Director. Aslanian and Larsen are members of House of Hope Presbyterian Church and have two daughters, Kaia Agnes Larsen and Liv Larsen.

131 Robie Street West: Built in 1900. The structure is a two story, 1931 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. Louis A. Minea and Raymond G. Minea were World War I veterans who resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board indicate that Louis A. Minea (1890- ,) a draftee and a Private with the 85th Air Squadron, who was born in St. Paul, had brown eyes, dark brown hair, and a medium fair complexion, was five foot eight inches tall, was an electrician upon induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France in 1918, was employed as an electrician upon the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided at this address with his mother, Mary Minea ( -1930.) The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#6452) indicate that Raymond George Minea (1892- ,) a 1917 enlistee and a Corporal in the 375th Aero Observation Squadron, who was born in St. Paul, had blue eyes, brown hair, and a fair complexion, was 5' 8" tall, was a mechanic at induction, was a printer employed by the St. Paul Dispatch after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his mother, Mrs. Mary Minea, at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Julius Hoenhause, a cement finisher, and his wife, Amelia Hoenhause, a nurse, resided at this address. Louis Minea and Raymond Minea were sons of John Minea and Mary Bruggemann Minea. The current owners of record of the property are Scott T. Mohs and Stephanie J. Mohs. [See the note for 382 Winslow for additional information about the Minea family.]

137 Robie Street West: Built in 1905. The structure is a two story, 1439 square foot, four bedroom, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Herman Wolfgram, a clerk employed by the American Can Company, and his wife, Henrietta Wolfgram, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Thomas T. Feeney III.

138 Robie Street West: Built in 1884. The structure is a two story, 1142 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, frame house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Henry Kuschke, a bricklayer, and his wife, Emilie Kuschke, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Tobie Sisson. The 1930 city directory indicates that Robert J. Krieger, a clerk employed by the New York Tea Company, and his wife, Elsie Krieger, resided at the former nearby 142 Robie Street West.

143 Robie Street West: Built in 1906. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 980 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that George W. Leitner, a district fire chief employed by the St. Paul Fire Department, and his wife, Clara Leitner, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $152,000 and that sale occurred in 2003. The current owner of record of the property is Jesse J. Nelson.

144 Robie Street West: Built in 1900. The structure is a two story, 2424 square foot, six bedroom, two bathroom, stucco house. The 1910-1911 Directory of the University of Minnesota indicates that Charlotte Waugh, a student, resided at this address. World War I veteran Roy J. St. John resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Dorilus H. St. Martin resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Ira G. Kipp, who resided at 589 Cleveland Avenue South, and the current owner of record of the property is Jasco College, who resides at 895 Randolph Avenue.

145 Robie Street West: Built in 1927. The structure is a one story, 824 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Axel S. Robertson, a substitute carrier, and his wife, Dorothy Robertson, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2000 with a sale price of $131,000. The current owners of record of the property are Michael I. Georgeson and Sara I. Georgeson.

150 Robie Street West: Built in 1894. The structure is a two story, 1780 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, asbestos-sided house. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Roller resided at this address. The 1924 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Roller and Henry Roller resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Anthony C. Gaisbauer, a foreman employed by the Twin City Brick Company, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2004 with a sale price of $171,000. The previous owner of record of the property was Rosemary C. Kelzer and the current owner of record of the property is Paul W. Schatz.

153 Robie Street West: Built in 1909. The structure is a two story, 1812 square foot, four bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Michael Doyle, an employee of the West Publishing Company, and his wife, Mary Doyle, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Beth M. Richards and Jerome G. Richards.

156 Robie Street West: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1470 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, asbestos-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that John J. Littfin, a barber with a shop at 121 West Winifred Street, and his wife, Breda Littfin, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1997 and the sale price was $38,900. The current owner of record of the property is Karin J. Pfannkuch.

157 Robie Street West: Built in 1905. The structure is a two story, 2734 square foot, five bedroom, two bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house. The 1930 city directory indicates that John W. Hultgren, a watchman employed by Warren-Given Inc., his wife, Hilda Hultgren, Taylor A. Alexander, a lawyer who officed at 24 East Fourth Street, and his wife, Jennie H. Alexander, resided at this address. Taylor A. Alexander (1862- ,) the son of Arthur Alexander and Sarah Ann Hayhurst Alexander, was born in Watertown, Wisconsin, was educated in the Watertown, Wisconsin, public schools, and the Mason City, Iowa, public schools, graduated from the Cedar Valley Seminary in Osage, Iowa, in 1885, taught in country schools, read the law for three years in Mason City, Iowa, was admitted to the practice of law in Minnesota in 1887, practiced law in Heron Lake, Minnesota from 1887 until 1900, married Jennie H. Kane (1872- ,) the daughter of William Kane (1837- ,) in Mankato, Minnesota, in 1890, moved to Jackson, Minnesota, and practiced law there from 1900 until 1904, moved to St. Paul in 1904, practiced law in St. Paul after 1904, officed at 309 1/2 Jackson Street in 1907, resided at 86 1/2 Park Place in 1907, was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, was a member of the Modern Brotherhood of America, was a published songwriter, and was the author of Itoma, published in 1909 in Newport, New York, by Kuyahora Press. Taylor A. Alexander and Jennie H. Kane Alexander were the parents of four children, Arthur N. Alexander, William E. Alexander, Marshall H. Alexander, and Lillian E. Alexander. The property was last sold for $70,500 and that sale occurred in 1991. The current owners of record of the property are the trustees for C. Dennis OHare and Mary Helen OHare.

160 Robie Street West: Built in 1925. The structure is a two story, 1682 square foot, four bedroom, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that August F. Miller, the proprietor of the Marshall Avenue Auto Laundry, and his wife, Helen Miller, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Mary A. Martinek.

163 Robie Street West: Built in 1900. The structure is a two story, 1792 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that John J. Devlin, proprietor of the Henry Devlin Company, undertakers, resided at this address and that Margaretha Brache, the widow of Charles Brache, boarded at this address. The 1924 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Devlin resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that John J. Devlin, a partner with Henry M. Devlin and Thomas W. Tosney in the Devlin-Tosney Funeral Home, located at 488 Humboldt Avenue, and his wife, Margaret Devlin, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1992 with a sale price of $73,000. The current owners of record of the property are Maria K. Hirschy and Maurice J. Hirschy.

164 Robie Street West: Built in 1902. The structure is a two story, 2112 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Lillie Tischler, a dress maker, Ethel Tischler, and Evelyn F. Tischler, secretary to Thomas F. Charlton, all resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2002 and the sale price was $165,000. The previous owners of record of the property were Heriberto M. Garrido and Wanda M. Bublitz and the current owner of record of the property is Benjamin V. Hanf.

166 Robie Street West: Built in 1902. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1429 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Charles C. Peterson, an employee of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company, resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Susan M. Pavlak, who resided at 265 Moreland Avenue West, and the current owner of record of the property is Jill Burchill.

167 Robie Street West: Built in 1904. The structure is a two story, 1308 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Gustave Knocke, a tailor employed by Schaub Brothers, and his wife, Mary Knocke, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $66,100 and that sale occurred in 1992. The current owners of record of the property are Timothy C. Gilbertson and Susan M. Gilbertson.

172 Robie Street West: Built in 1948. The structure is a one story, 1141 square foot, two bedroom, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached garage. The property was last sold in 2002 with a sale price of $169,435. The current owners of record of the property are Britt K. Erisman and Richard L. Erisman.

173 Robie Street West: Built in 1890. The structure is a one story, 1027 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Willis M. Gardner, a carpenter, and his wife, Sophie Gardner, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2001 and the sale price was $149,900. The current owner of record of the property is Luther O. Werronen. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Carrere resided at the former nearby 176 Robie Street West.

178 Robie Street West: Built in 1908. The structure is a two story, 1715 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. World War I veterans Frank L. Gaisbauer and William C. Gaisbauer resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edmond R. Greenwood, a janitor employed by the West Publishing Company, his wife, Amelia Greenwood, Robert L. Greenwood, a machinist, and Yvonne E. Greenwood, a bookkeeper employed by Armour & Company, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2006 and the sale price was $255,000. The previous owner of record of the property was Elizabeth C. Hammer and the current owners of record of the property are Traci Foster and Carlos Rodriguez. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Schurman resided at the former nearby 180 Robie Street West. Charles S. Schurman (1857/1858- ) was born in Prince Edward Island, Canada, settled in Minnesota in 1882, was the editor and publisher of the West St. Paul Times since 1890, was naturalized in 1896, was a Republican, and was a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives representing Ramsey County (District 35) from 1899 until 1903.

184 Robie Street West: Built in 1905. The structure is a one story, 1100 square foot, two bedroom, two bathroom, asbestos bungalow, with a detached garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Helen M. Wood (1842-1911,) the widowed mother of Mrs. Josephine Cowling, who was born in Illinois to parents who were also born in the United States and who died of chronic bronchitis, resided at this address in 1911. The 1920 city directory indicates that Charles W. Cowling, a leveler employed by the St. Paul Department of Public Works, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Charles N. Cowling, a levelman employed by the St. Paul Department of Public Works, and his wife, Josephine Cowling, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $63,000 and that sale occurred in 1993. The current owners of record of the property are Catherine L. Thooft and Charles J. Thooft.

187 Robie Street West: Built in 1916. The structure is a two story, 2108 square foot, two bedroom, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1920 city directory indicates that Holger W. Aronson, the proprietor of H. Aronson & Company, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Samuel Stein, a peddler, his wife, Bertha Stein, Harry Cohen, a bushelman employed by the Richmond Brothers Company, and his wife, Becky Cohen, all resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2004 and the sale price was $202,900. The previous owners of record of the property were Laurel Hanlon and Warren Hanlon, who resided in Bloomington, Minnesota, and the current owner of record of the property is Channell Properties LLC, located in Mendota Heights, Minnesota. The 1930 city directory indicates that William Unger resided at the former nearby 190 Robie Street West.

192 Robie Street West: Built in 1918. The structure is a two story, 2248 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that William Fehrmann, a clerk employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, and his wife, Evelyn Fehrmann, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1994 with a sale price of $34,500. The previous owner of record of the property was Ira G. Kipp, who resided at 589 Cleveland Avenue South, and the current owner of record of the property is Jasco College, who resides at 895 Randolph Avenue.

194 Robie Street West: The property is a vacant lot that is owned by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul. The 1930 city directory indicates that John S. Scherbel resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Harold W. Blount, a salesman, and his wife, Anna Blount, resided at the former nearby 195 Robie Street West.

197 Robie Street West: Built in 1913. The structure is a two story, 2832 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edward Calame, a laborer employed by the United Packaging Company, and his wife, Mae Calame, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Josefina Galaviz and Roberto Galaviz.

198 Robie Street West: Built in 1906. The structure is a two story, 1944 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Elizabeth M. Boettcher, a stenographer employed by West Publishing Company, and Ruth N. Boettcher, a stenographer employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, both boarded at this address and that Stella Boettcher, the widow of Frank Boettcher, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Elizabeth Allen resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1995 with a sale price of $39,876. The current owner of record of the property is Robin E. Lillesve.

199 Robie Street West: Built in 1906. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1222 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, frame house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Henry B. Lenz, a real estate, fire insurance, and automobile insurance agent located at the Globe Building, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1999 and the sale price was $97,300. The current owner of record of the property is Sharyn J. Morrow. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Albert Savard, the father of a stillborn son in 1912, who was born in the United States, resided at the nearby former 200 Robie Street West in 1912. The 1930 city directory indicates that Raymond J. McLaughlin, the proprietor of the Auto Wash Garage, and his wife, Theresa McLaughlin, resided at the former nearby 200 Robie Street West.

203 Robie Street West: Built in 2003. The structure is a two story, 1688 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Albert Weber, a machinist employed by the Helwig Manufacturing Company, and his wife, Lena Weber, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $229,900 and that sale occurred in 2004. The previous owner of record of the property was D & J Remodeling Servcies, LLP, located in Minneapolis, and the current owner of record of the property is Victoria R. Molina.

206 Robie Street West: Built in 1909. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1155 square foot, six room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that John L. Blanchette, a molder employed by the Anderson & Hedwall Company, and his wife, Elvadine Blanchette, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Janet A. Schlussler.

208 Robie Street West: Built in 1912. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1370 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, frame house. The 1930 city directory indicates that George O. Haugen, a carpenter, and his wife, Caroline Haugen, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $79,900 and that sale occurred in 1997. The current owner of record of the property is Kristina L. Blomquist.

209 Robie Street West: Built in 1939. The structure is a one story, 941 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached one car garage. The current owners of record of the property are Bernard J. Eklund and Jewell M. Eklund.

215 Robie Street West: Built in 1900. The structure is a one story, 1296 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The last sale of this property was in 2002 and the sale price was $155,500. The current owners of record of the property are Jose Luis Medina Romero and Marina Elena Rodriguez Carrillo.

219 Robie Street West: Built in 1946. The structure is a one story, 1124 square foot, five room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The property was last sold in 2002 with a sale price of $151,900. The current owner of record of the property is Marjory J. Johns, who resides in Roseville, Minnesota.

225 Robie Street West: Built in 1967. The structure is a two story, 1274 square foot, four room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The current owner of record of the property is Lila M. Guertin.

226 Robie Street West: Built in 1964. The structure is a 1368 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, split-level frame house, with a detached garage. The last sale of this property was in 2003 and the sale price was $165,000. The current owner of record of the property is Charles L. Hamilton, Jr.

229 Robie Street West: Built in 1909. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1365 square foot, six room, one bathroom, frame house, with a basement garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Arthur R. Mattaini, a manager employed by H. A. Mattaini, and his wife, Marie Mattaini, resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Peter E. Fooshe, Jr., of West St. Paul, Minnesota, and the current owner of record of the property is Zane Darlow.

234 Robie Street West: Built in 1965. The structure is a 1674 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, split-entry frame house. William J. Rader resided at this address in 2003. The property was last sold in 1997 with a sale price of $70,195. The current owner of record of the property is Andrew Joseph Vorlicky.

235 Robie Street West: Built in 1918. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1110 square foot, six room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a one car attached garage. Anton Rasmussen, Martin Rasmussen, and Robert Rasmussen were World War I veterans who resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#14127) indicate that Anton Rasmussen (1896- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in Company L of the 349th Infantry, who was born in St. Paul, had blue eyes, black hair, and a fair complexion, was 5' 8" tall, was a teamster at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, including a battle near Toul, France, was issued a bronze victory button, was a bridge laborer employed by the City of St. Paul after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his mother, Gorgina Rasmussen, at this address. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#27095) indicate that Robert Rasmussen (1897- ,) a 1918 enlistee and a Seaman Second Class in the U. S. Naval Reserve Force, Class 4, who was born in St. Paul, was a laborer employed by the City of St. Paul after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Caspar Appel, a machinist, boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Robert Rasmussen, a utilityman employed by the St. Paul Department of Public Works, and his wife, Agnes Rasmussen, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are James R. Katz and Mary Kaye Katz.

240 Robie Street West: Built in 1957. The structure is a one story, 1771 square foot, five room, one bathroom, frame house, with a basement garage. The current owner of record of the property is Nancy K. Peters.

241 Robie Street West: Built in 1924. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1372 square foot, fiveroom, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Soren P. Rasmussen, an inspector, resided at this address. The house was on the city vacant house list in 2005. The previous owner of record of the property was Marcella M. Suter and the current owner of record of the property is Rita Klingelhut, who resides in Roseville, Minnesota.

245 Robie Street West: Built in 1930. The structure is a one story, 900 square foot, four room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached one car garage. The previous owner of record of the property was Wanda L. Lowell and the current owner of record of the property is Dagny B. Lowell.

249 Robie Street West: Built in 1960. The structure is a one story, 812 square foot, four room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The property was last sold in 1997 with a sale price of $63,000. The current owner of record of the property is Coral M. Vezina. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Lamb resided at the former nearby 250 Robie Street West.

255 Robie Street West: Built in 1956. The structure is a one story, 1212 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The last sale of this property was in 2000 and the sale price was $125,000. The current owner of record of the property is Joseph B. Huncha. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Zeige resided at the former nearby 259 Robie Street West.

261 Robie Street West: Built in 1946. The structure is a two story, 1872 square foot, ten room, two bathroom, stucco house, with an attached garage. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Hartman resided at this address. Jesse S. Larson was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The last sale of this property was in 2006 and the sale price was $245,000. The previous owners of record of the property were Terry M. Beedle and Michelle M. Beedle of Lakeland, Minnesota, and the current owner of record of the property is Busola F. Amele, who resides in Robbinsdale, Minnesota.

263 Robie Street West: Built in 1946. The structure is a two story, 1872 square foot, ten room, two bathroom, stucco house, with an attached garage. The current owners of record of the property are Marlene Pechmann and Audrene Lojovich. Claire Lindberg, who resided at this address in 2004, was a contributor to the Democratic National Committee in 2004.

264 Robie Street West: Built in 1961. The structure is a one story, 1440 square foot, eight bedroom, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The current owners of record of the property are Terry M. Beedle and Michelle M. Beedle of Lakeland, Minnesota.

267 Robie Street West: Built in 1951. The structure is a one story, 919 square foot, four room, one bathroom, frame house, with an attached one car garage. The current owners of record of the property are Vincent P. Bader and Amy B. Bader.

268 Robie Street West: Built in 1958. The structure is a one story, 1170 square foot, five room, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a basement garage. The current owner of record of the property is Gina Marie Hodge.

279-281 Robie Street West: Built in 1997. The structure is a two story, 2832 square foot, eight room, three bedroom, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided duplex, with an attached garage. The current owner of record of the property is Richard K. Ohmann, who resides at 281 Robie Street West.

302 Robie Street West: Built in 1907. The structure is a two story, 2679 square foot, 13 room, two bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. World War I veteran Douglas A. Richardson resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Bessie R. Richardson, the widow of Claude Richardson, Louis B. Busse, a salesman employed by the Joerns Brothers Manufacturing Company, and his wife, Muriel E. Busse, all resided at this address. The previous owners of record of the property were Jerome D. Vehanen and Vanessa L. Ruiz and the current owner of record of the property is Vanessa L. Lopez.

314 Robie Street West: Built in 1885. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1754 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached one car garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Joseph Armstrong, a salesman, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Joseph Armstrong, a trafficman, and his wife, Lelah Armstrong, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $167,000 and that sale occurred in 2001. The previous owners of record of the property were Renato Lombardi and Angela M. Carlson Lombardi.

318 Robie Street West: Built in 1960. The structure is a one story, 998 square foot, five room, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with an attached garage and a basement garage. The current owner of record of the property is Mary Ann Mallinger. The 1885 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ewing resided at the former nearby 321 Robie Street West.

322 Robie Street West: Built in 1960. The structure is a one story, 1018 square foot, six room, two bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The last sale of this property was in 1995 and the sale price was $67,076. The current owners of record of the property are Richard C. Sorensen and Mary V. Sorensen.

325 Robie Street West: Built in 1884. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1011 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The property was last sold in 2003 with a sale price of $129,000. The current owner of record of the property is Christopher L. Lamotte.

329 Robie Street West: Built in 1884. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1225 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The property was last sold for $108,500 and that sale occurred in 2001. The current owner of record of the property is Carol A. Perkins.

334 Robie Street West: Built in 1889. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1151 square foot, five room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Joseph Armstrong resided at this address in 1894. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Joseph Armstrong (1831-1899,) who died of a mitral insufficiency, resided at this address in 1899. Thomas G. Hurley was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1920 federal census indicates that Michael Hurley (1875- ,) a stationary engineer and the head of household, who was born in Masachusetts to parents who were born in Ireland, his son, Arthur J. Hurley (1898- ,) a mechanical dentist employed in a dental laboratory who was born in Minnesota to parents who were born in Ireland, and his daughter, Marguerite M. Hurley (1901- ,) who was born in Minnesota to parents who were born in Ireland, all resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Joseph H. Gieske, a diemaker employed by Louis F. Dow Company, his wife, Grace Gieske, Fred S. Gieske, an apprentice employed by the Omaha Railway Shops, Marguerite Gieske, a clerk employed by the Alderika Company, and Marjorie Gieske, a helper employed by the Minnesota Macaroni Company, resided at this address. Solon Armstrong was the brother of Joseph Armstrong. The Minnesota Macaroni Company was founded in 1916 in Minneapolis and manufactured the Creamette brand of macaroni. James Williams eventually bought the Minnesota Macaroni Company with his brother and redesigned the macaroni to have a thinner wall and larger center hole. This new macaroni, named Creamette, cooked faster than other brands, and it became a popular brand across the Midwest. Creamette was run by the Williams family until 1979, when it was sold to Borden. Arthur W. Quiggle (1890-1977,) with a Bachelor of Arts degree (1913) and a Masters degree (1914) in civil engineering from the University of Minnesota, was general manager of the Creamette Company from 1914 to 1939, and was Vice President (1941-1956) and owner (1956-1977) of H. H. King Flour Mills Company. The house was on the city vacant house list in 2005 and in 2007. The property was last sold in 2002 with a sale price of $116,000. The previous owner of record of the property was Jose F. Ramirez and the current owner of record of the property is Deutsche Bank National Trust Company of San Diego, California.

338 Robie Street West: Built in 1926. The structure is a two story, 968 square foot, six room, one bathroom, stucco house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Herbert B. Stute, a salesman, and his wife, Margaret Stute, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2006 with a sale price of $162,900. The previous owner of record of the property was Joan C. Arredondo and the current owner of record of the property is Nancy C. Russ.

340 Robie Street West: Built in 1911. The structure is a one story, 1682 square foot, nine room, two bathroom, frame bungalow, with a detached one car garage. The 1890 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. O. H. O'Neil resided at this address. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hurley resided at this address. The 1920 federal census indicates that William D. Hurley (1886- ,) the proprietor of a dental laboratory and the head of household, who was born in Minnesota to a father who was born in Massachusetts and a mother who was born in Ireland, his wife, Mary A. Hurley (1887- ,) who was born in Minnesota to parents who were born in Minnesota, his daughter, Maxine C. Hurley (1913- ,) a who was born in Minnesota, his daughter, Willamarie E. Hurley (1915- ,) a who was born in Minnesota, his daughter, Viviodale D. Hurley (1917- ,) a who was born in Minnesota, his daughter, Geraldine M. Hurley (1919- ,) a who was born in Minnesota, and servant, Anna J. Bursey (1902- ,) who was born in Minnesota to a father who was born in Germany and a mother who was born in Germany, all resided at this address. The 1924 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hurley resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Herman G. Pomper, a watch engineer employed by the Northern States Power Company, his wife, Alma Pomper, and Joseph Pavlak, a watchman employed by Armour & Company, all resided at this address. Owen O'Neil ( -1907) died in Scott County, Minnesota. William D. Hurley (1886-1964) was born outside of Minnesota and died in Ramsey County. The current owner of record of the property is Joseph F. Landsberger, who resides at 169 Goodrich Avenue. The 1930 city directory indicates that Robert G. Booher, a fireman employed by the Zinsmaster Baking Company, and his wife, Thora Booher, resided at the former nearby 341 Robie Street West and that Mrs. Jennie Staples, the widow of Eugene Staples, Merton Staples, a machinist employed by the Great Northern Shops, and his wife, Josephine Staples, a machine operator employed by the Waldorf Paper Products Company, all resided at the former nearby 343 Robie Street West. Harry William Zinsmaster (1885-1977) was the founder of the Zinsmaster Baking Company, which had plants in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, and Hibbing, Minnesota, and in Superior, Wisconsin. Harry W. Zinsmaster also was the chairman of the American Bakers Association and served on President Harry S. Truman's Cabinet Committee on World Food Programs in 1947.

348 Robie Street West: Built in 1915. The structure is a one story, 1464 square foot, six room, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1918 city directory indicates that A. C. Thompson resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Arthur W. Deleen, a chief clerk employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, resided at this address. The 1924 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Deleen resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Arthur W. Deleen, the chief clerk employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, and his wife, Hattie Deleen, resided at this address. Arthur W. Deleen (1885-1970) was born in Minnesota, his mother's maiden name was Landstrom, and he died in Dakota County, Minnesota. The current owner of record of the property is Anne M. Joyce. [See note on the Great Northern RailRoad for 280 Maple Street.]

353 Robie Street West: Built in 1949. The structure is a one story, 1084 square foot, five room, one bathroom, brick house, with an attached garage. The last sale of this property was in 2003 and the sale price was $174,000. The current owner of record of the property is Marit C. Salveson.

358 Robie Street West: Built in 1880. The structure is a one story, 1020 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached one car garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Edgar C. Lucas resided at this address in 1904 and that he and his wife had a stillborn child that year. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Theodore J. Lawton resided at the former nearby 357 Robie Street West in 1894. The 1930 city directory indicates that Orion A. Newcomb, a clerk employed by P. R. L. Hardenbergh & Company, and his wife, Tena Newcomb, resided at this address. Edgar C. Lucas ( -1928) died in Ramsey County. The current owner of record of the property is Dorothy S. Newcomb.

79 Robie Street East: El Rio Vista Playground and Recreation Center. The current owner of record is the City of St. Paul. The 1887 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Larkin resided at the former nearby 48 Robie Street East, that Mr. and Mrs. Achille Michaud resided at the former nearby 84 Robie Street East, and that Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Lewis resided at the former nearby 176 Robie Street East. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board indicate that Oscar Georg Peterson (1896- ,) a 1915 emlistee and a Seaman at the Great Lakes Station, who was born in St. Paul, had blue eyes, light brown hair, and a ruddy complexion, was 133 lbs., was 5' 6" tall, and was unmarried, resided with his father, Frank Peterson, at the nearby 134 Robie Street East. The 1920 city directory indicates that Anthony J. Bloechl was a grocer with a store located at the former nearby 117 Robie Street East, that Nicholas Chriess, a laborer, boarded at the former nearby 129 Robie Street East, that Clarence E. Edwards, the operator of a cafe at 249 Concord Street, resided at the former nearby 134 Robie Street East, that Henry G. Egan, a buyer employed by J. R. King, John P. Egan, a splicer, Maurice F. Egan, a buyer, Regina M. Egan, and a stenographer employed by the National Liberty Insurance Company, Sylvester G. Egan, a laborer, all boarded at the former nearby 176 Robie Street East, that Martin H. Egan, a carpenter, resided at the former nearby 176 East Robie Street, that Eric Eisenhardt, a trucker employed by the Union Depot Company, boarded at the former nearby 136 Robie Street East, and that Paul Eisenhardt, a clerk, and Mrs. Violet M. Eisenhardt, a clerk employed by the Golden Rule, both resided at the former nearby 136 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that Dale Knowlton, a baker employed by C. S. Lewis, his wife, Iva Knowlton, Harold L. Caruth, a driver employed by the Twin City Motor Bus Company, his wife, Lula Caruth, Robert A. Hill, a boiler shop worker employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Edith Hill, resided at the former nearby 131 Robie Street East, that the residents of the apartment building located at the former nearby 134 Robie Street East were John J. O'Keefe, a janitor employed at the Ramsey County Courthouse, and his wife, Mary O'Keefe (Apartment #4,) Mrs. Maude Damon, a waitress (Apartment #5,) Donald J. Ritter, a bridge worker, and his wife, Opal Ritter (Apartment #9,) Clark L. Corbett, a carpenter employed by the St. Paul Department of Public Works (Apartment #10,) David Reeves, a laborer (Apartment #11,) Isadore Rosen, the proprietor of Rosen's Fashion Shoppe (Apartment #12,) Edward Remme, a cook employed by the St. Francis Hotel Coffee Shop, and his wife, Rose Remme (Apartment #13,) and Mrs. Louise Lehmann, the widow of Albert Lehmann and a clerk employed by the Union Depot (Apartment #16,) with Apartments #1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, and 17 vacant, that 136 Robie Street East was vacant, that Harold E. Johnson and his wife, Mary Johnson, resided at the former nearby 137 Robie Street East, that 138 Robie Street East was vacant, that Ernest B. Redlon, a checker employed by Armour & Company, his wife, Reva Redlon, Floyd Redlon, a barber, Lois M. Redlon, and Bert T. Hessler, a laborer employed by Armour & Company, and his wife, Anna Hessler, resided at the former nearby 140 Robie Street East, that the residents of the apartment building located at the former nearby 141 Robie Street East were Max Friedman, an operator employed by the St. Paul City Water Department, and his wife, Frances Friedman (Apartment #1,) Floyd Benson, the secretary-treasurer of Adams Wax Products Manufacturing (Apartment #2,) Clifford Noble, a cook employed by the Norhtern Pacific RailRoad, his wife, Alvina Noble, Meyer Applebaum, a clerk employed by Oscar Applebaum, his wife, Eva Applebaum, and Lucile Krieg, a nurse (Apartment #3,) and Clarence York, an engineer employed by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RailRoad, and his wife, Caroline York (Apartment #4,) that the residents of the apartment building located at the former nearby 142 Robie Street East were Joseph Rosenberg, a blocker employed by Gordon & Ferguson, and his wife, Regina Rosenberg (Apartment #1,) Theo L. Krueger, a laborer, and his wife, Doris Krueger (Apartment #2,) Frank F. Brown, a laborer, and his wife, Della Brown (Apartment #3,) and Edward Zernechel, an auto mechanic employed by H. G. Egan, and his wife, Margaret Zernechel (Apartment #4,) that Morris Bercovitz resided at the former nearby 148 Robie Street East, that Maurice Cooperman, a grocer, and his wife, Jennie Cooperman, resided at the former nearby 171 Robie Street East, that Anton J. Bloechl, a grocer, had a market located at the former nearby 172 Robie Street East, and that Mrs. Frances Egan, the widow of Martin H. Egan, resided at the former nearby 176 Robie Street East.

179 Robie Street East: Neighborhood House; Built in 1970. The structure is a one story, 17600 square foot, hall. The property also includes two vacant lots. The Neighborhood House Association was established in 1903 as a settlement house on the city's West Side. The Neighborhood House Association is in the process of building the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Center for Community Building. Paul David Wellstone (1944-2002,) the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia, was born and raised in Arlington, Virginia, graduated with a B. A. from the University of North Carolina in 1963, where he was also an Atlantic Coast Conference championship wrestler, completed his Ph.D. in political science from the University of North Carolina, accepted a teaching position at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, unsuccessfully ran for Minnesota State Auditor in 1982, successfully ran for the U. S. Senate in 1990, defeating incumbent Rudy Boschwitz, was re-elected in 1996, and died while campaigning for a third term in a airplane crash outside of Eveleth, Minnesota, in 2002, with Sheila Wellstone, their daughter, Marcia Markuson Wellstone, and campaign staffers Tom Lapic, Will McLaughlin, and Mary McEvoy. Sheila Ison Wellstone (1944-2002) was born in the coal-mining region of Kentucky, the daughter of Southern Baptists, married Paul Wellstone in 1963, worked as an aide in the Northfield, Minnesota, High School library and raised three children, established herself as one of the nation’s leading experts on the problem of domestic violence in the 1990's, served on the Violence Against Women Advisory Council in 1995, and died in the airplane crash that killed her husband. The current owner of record of the property is Neighborhood House Association. Christ Mekkelson and Georgina Mekkelson, parents of World War I veteran Reno H. Mekkelson, resided at the nearby former 188 Robie Street East. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#17694) indicate that Reno H. Mekkelson (1893- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in Company D of the third Pioneer Infantry, who was born in Des Moines, Iowa, moved to Minnesota in 1907, had gray eyes, brown hair, and a fair complexion, was 5' 9 1/4" tall, was a chauffeur at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, was a printer employed by Brown & Bigelow after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his father, Christ Mekkelson, at the nearby former 188 Robie Street East. The 1920 city directory indicates that Florence M. Cunningham, a stenographer employed by R. B. Whitacre & Company, and William D. Cunningham, a clerk employed by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RailRoad, both resided at the former nearby 180 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that William D. Cunningham, a checker employed by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RailRoad, and his wife, Anne Cunningham, resided at the former nearby 180 Robie Street East, that M. Simon, involved in the livestock business, resided at the former nearby 183 Robie Street East, that Erhard M. Mickelsen, a salesman employed by Hubert W. White Inc., and his wife, Barbara Mickelsen, resided at the former nearby 184 Robie Street East, that Jacob Lachinsky, involved in the livestock business, resided at the former nearby 187 Robie Street East, and that Ross Anthonsen, a driver employed by the Minnesota Milk Company, and his wife, Anna Anthonsen, resided at the former nearby 188 Robie Street East.

193 Robie Street East: Built in 1916. The structure is a two story, 7080 square foot, apartment building. The 1918 city directory indicates that J. H. Masek resided at this address. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#8413) indicate that Eugene R. Kelly (1893- ,) a 1917 enlistee and a Private in Battery B of the 151st Field Artillery, who was born in Minneapolis, had grey eyes, light hair, and a medium complexion, was 5' 6" tall, was a cattle driver at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, including Alsace-Lorraine, was a stock yard man employed by the South St. Paul Stock Yards Company after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Maurice B. Blehert, a designer, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that the residents of the apartment building were William B. Smith and his wife, Fanny Smith (Apartment #2,) James Volkas, a steam fitter employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Edith Volkas (Apartment #3,) and Augustine W. Degan, the deputy superintendent employed by Armour & Company, and his wife, Barbara Degan (Apartment #4,) with Apartment #1 vacant. The property was last sold for $140,000 and that sale occurred in 1999. The current owner of record of the property is the Neighborhood House Association. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mrs. Fannie Sharp resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Roy A. Bolles, a fireman employed by the Chicago & Great Western RailRoad, resided at the former nearby 194 Robie Street East, that Harry Capolovitch, a millwright, resided at the former nearby 200 East Robie Street, and that Samuel Chaperson, a driver, boarded at the former nearby 200 East Robie Street, and that Samuel Chapirson, a driver, resided at the former nearby 200 East Robie Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Samuel E. Smith, a plumber with a shop located at 644 Grand Avenue, and his wife, Edith Smith, resided at the former nearby 194 Robie Street East, that Mrs. Caroline Kachel, the widow of Jacob J. Kachel, Elmer E. Ketchel, a driver employed by Northern States Power Company, and his wife, Rose M. Ketchel, resided at the former nearby 196 Robie Street East, that Michael Shomlon, a range mounter employed by Joesting & Schilling, and his wife, Selina Shomlon, and Matt Phillips, an attendant employed by the St. Paul Athletic Club, all resided at the former nearby 200 Robie Street East, that John Brown, a watchman employed by Armour & Company, and his wife, Jessie Brown, resided at the former nearby 201 Robie Street East, and that the Holy Family Catholic Church was located at the former nearby 202 Robie Street East.

203 Robie Street East: Built in 1955. The structure is a two story, 3258 square foot, ten room, four bathroom, brick house, with an attached garage. The current owner of record of the property is the Church of the Holy Family, Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Robert B. Withy resided at the former nearby 200 Robie Street East in 1893. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Joseph Wright (1851-1897,) of English extraction who died of gastric cancer, and Susan Wright, husband and wife, resided at the former nearby 200 Robie Street East in 1897. Robert Edward Withy (1868-1958) was born outside of Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Wright, and died in Ramsey County.

206 Robie Street East: Maronite Church of the Holy Family; Built in 1950. The structure is a one story, 8600 square foot, church. Rev. Stephen Bonian is the pastor of the church. The Maronite Rite began as an ecclesiastical grouping of Christians who assembled around the hermit monk Maron about the year 400 A.D. on the mountain slopes of Cyr, near Antioch, Syria. After Maron's death in the year 410 A.D., his disciples saved his remains and in spite of strong persecution, his tomb became a place of religious pilgrimage. The Maronite Rite was brought to the United States in the early 1900's, with the immigration of many Maronites from Lebanon due to famine and persecution. Immigration of Maronite faithful from the Middle East to the Unites States began during the later part of the nineteenth century. When the faithful were able to obtain a priest, communities were established as parishes under the jurisdiction of the local Latin (Roman Catholic) Bishops. The Maronites of the United States became an Exarchate in 1965, and in 1971, the Eparchy (Diocese) of St. Maron was established with the See in Brooklyn. In 1994, the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon was established with its See in Los Angeles. Robert Shaheen was appointed as the second Bishop of The Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles in 2000. The See was moved to St. Louis in 2001, to better serve its parishes. There are over 54 Maronite parishes and several missions in the U.S., including two in Minnesota. Rev. Fr. Stephen Bonian, S.J., was an associate pastor at St. Maron's Parish, Youngstown, Ohio, in 2002. The 1930 city directory indicates that Soren V. Hansen. a janitor employed by the Macey Company, and his wife, Borghild Hansen, resided at the former nearby 207 Robie Street East and that Charles H. Snavley, an engineer employed by the Chicago & Great Western RailRoad, and his wife, Clara Snavley, resided at the former nearby 209 Robie Street East.

210 Robie Street East: Built in 1884. The structure is a one story, 1525 square foot, nine room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Andr Anderson, a packer, and Mrs. Anna Anderson, a seamstress, both resided at this address and that Anna A. Anders, a seamstress employed by H. L. Lind, Mrs. Leona M. Cullen, a nurse, and Louise G. Evyu, a stenographer, all boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. A. N. Anderson and Mrs. Eva Harmon, the widow of Roy C. Harmon and a clerk employed by Armour & Company, both resided at this address. The previous owners of record of the property were Emil J. Esparza and Ernestine Esparza and the current owner of record of the property is Ernestine Esparza.

213 Robie Street East: Built in 1970. The structure is a one story, 960 square foot, five room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1887 and 1890 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rothausen resided at this address. The 1894 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Walls resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Robert Gerald Messenger (1907-1910,) the son of Charles E. Messenger, who was born in Minnesota to parents born in the United States and who died of acute nephritis, resided at this address in 1910. The 1930 city directory indicates that Charles E. Messenger, an engineer employed by the Chicago & Great Western RailRoad, and his wife, Julia Messenger, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Miguel Zamora.

214 Robie Street East: Built in 1972. The structure is a one story, 872 square foot, four room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1918 city directory indicates that Chas Hauck resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that S. John Zimmerman, a shoe rebuilder with a shop located at 706 North Snelling Avenue, and his wife, Fanny Zimmerman, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Rose D. Gonzalez and Efrain R. Gonzalez. The 1910-1911 Directory of the University of Minnesota indicates that Marguerite F. Knoop, a student, resided at the former nearby 215 Robie Street East. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. William Knopp resided at the former nearby 215 Robie Street East. The 1918 Hamline University Alumni Quarterly indicates that Bernard Knoop, a member of the Class of 1921, resided at the foirmer nearby 215 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that William H. Knoop resided at the former nearby 215 Robie Street East.

218 Robie Street East: Built in 1972. The structure is a one story, 1008 square foot, five room, one bathroom, frame house. The 1910-1911 Directory of the University of Minnesota indicates that Adolph A. Muehlbauer, a student, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Kreszena Muehlbauer, the widow of Louis Muehlbauer, Aloysia M. Muehlbauer, a clerk employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, and Erhart J. Muehlbauer, a marker employed by Scott Burrows & Christie, all resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Eusebia C. Santos.

219 Robie Street East: Built in 1908. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1656 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. World War I veterans Lee W. Van Artsdale and Edward A. Rankin resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Charles H. Wolter, the proprietor of United Railing & Binding Company, and his wife, Veronica Wolter, resided at this address. Edward A. Rankin ( -1949) died in St. Louis County, Minnesota. The property was last sold in 1996 with a sale price of $67,000. The current owner of record of the property is Frederick F. Molina. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Sophie Vincent Hanley (1833- ,) the widowed mother of Gertrude DeOrme Hanley, who was born in the United States, and who died of septicaemia, resided at the nearby former 220 Robie Street East in 1904. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frederick Lotzer, a tracker employed by Armour & Company, his wife, Edith Lotzer, and Barbara A. Lotzer, a cashier employed by Bannons Inc., all resided at the former nearby 220 Robie Street East. Sophie Vincent Hanley (1833-1904) is buried at Oakland Cemetery.

222 Robie Street East: Built in 1975. The structure is a one story, 1042 square foot, five room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1892 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson resided at this address. The 1896 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Butler resided at this address. The 1898 and 1900 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Flinn resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Dennis O'Keefe, a caller employed by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha RailRoad, and his wife, Theresa O'Keefe, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1993 and the sale price was $68,900. The current owners of record of the property are Nicholas F. Macias, Sr., and Leticia Macias.

223 Robie Street East: Built in 1904. The structure is a two story, 2318 square foot, ten room, two bathroom, asbestos-sided house. The 1920 city directory indicates that Alb F. Bortz, a foreman employed by Swift & Company, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that William Rosenblatt, a laborer employed by the Twin City Hide & Fur Company, his wife, Sarah Rosenblatt, Elizabeth Radow, a clerk, Samuel Radow, a clerk employed by Yale Johnson, Sylvia Radow, the widow of Isaac Radow, and Nathan Radow all resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Aurelia Verduzco and the current owners of record of the property are Johnnie Harris and Shelley Harris, who reside in West St. Paul, Minnesota.

225 Robie Street East: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1232 square foot, nine room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Reuben B. Lind, an oiler employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Alma Lind, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Jose Garcia and Herminda Garcia. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Mrs. Samantha Annette Rowe resided at the former nearby 226 Robie Street East in 1902. The 1930 city directory indicates that Arthur K. Rowe, an engineer employed by the Chicago & Great Western RailRoad, and his wife, Kate Rowe, resided at the former nearby 226 Robie Street East.

228 Robie Street East: Built in 1972. The structure is a one story, 888 square foot, four room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Ike Katzhovitz and his wife, Mary Katzhovitz, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2001 with a sale price of $134,000. The current owners of record of the property are Bladimiro Anaya Sosa and Adolfa Leticia Preciado. The 1920 city directory indicates that Harry E. Ambourn, a lineman, resided at the former nearby 232 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that John C. Voelker/Volker, a cigar maker employed by Lewis B. Grundlach, and his wife, Margaret Voelker, resided at the former nearby 232 Robie Street East.

233 Robie Street East: Built in 1971. The structure is a one story, 1144 square foot, six room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that John B. Schurman (1804-1891,) a Canadian who died of cancer, resided at the former nearby 232 Robie Street East in 1891. The 1930 city directory indicates that William Stiff, a laborer, and his wife, Ellen Stiff, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Durena Aviles Villamor and Dionisio Peleaz Villamor.

234 Robie Street East: Built in 1977. The structure is a one story, 912 square foot, five room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Harriet E. Eckles, a clerk, and Helen A. Eckles, a stenographer, both boarded at this address and that William T. Eckles, a linotype operator employed by the Dispatch and Pioneer Press, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that William T. Eckles, an operator employed by the Dispatch-Pioneer Press Company, and his wife, Caroline Eckles, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1992 and the sale price was $58,000. The current owners of record of the property are Oscar M. Marfori and Evangeline P. Aganan.

235 Robie Street East: Built in 1972. The structure is a one story, 1008 square foot, five room, one bathroom, frame house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edward D. Smith, a laborer, and his wife, Marie Smith, resided at this address. The previous owners of record of the property were Rodolfo G. Sanchez and Joann Sanchez and the current owner of record of the property is Joann Sanchez.

236 Robie Street East: Built in 1977. The structure is a one story, 912 square foot, five room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The current owner of record of the property is Jose Soto, Jr. The 1930 city directory indicates that John D. Wallin, a shipper employed by the White Eagle Oil Corporation, and his wife, Minnie A. Wallin, resided at the former nearby 237 Robie Street East.

239 Robie Street East: Built in 1914. The structure is a one story, 966 square foot, five room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Harry A. Kaplan, the proprietor of a dry goods store located at 506 State Street, and his wife, Tillie Kaplan, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Frank J. Rodriguez and Ramona F. Rodriguez. The property also includes an adjoining vacant residential lot. Frank Rodriguez (1920- ) was a Democratic-Farmer-Labor member of the Minnesota House of Representatives from his June, 1979, special election until 1984. The Rodriguez special election resulted from the May, 1979, unseating of Republican Representative Robert Pavlak by the House for campaign law violations during the 1978 general election and ended a 67 Republican member-67 DFL member tie for control of the Minnesota House of Representatives. Robert Pavlak went on to be U. S. Marshal for Minnesota. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that William H. Cardle (1878-1907,) the husband of Birdie Cardle and the son of John Cardle, who was born in Wisconsin to parents born in Scotland and who died of pulmonary tuberculosis, resided at the nearby former 240 Robie Street East in 1907. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#13418) indicate that Herbert H. Quell, a World War I veteran, and his wife, Deacla Quell, resided at the nearby former 241 Robie Street East in 1918. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mrs. Paul Quehl and her daughter resided at the former nearby 241 Robie Street East. The 1920 city directory indicates that Joseph Cohen, a partner with Louis Cohen and Maurice Warren in the L. Cohen Company, a produce dealer at 469 St. Peter Street, and Louis Cohen, his partner, both resided at the former nearby 242 Robie Street East and that Matilda Cohen, a boxmaker employed by Kaplan Paper Box Company, boarded at the former nearby 242 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Rose Mariem, the widow of Samuel Mariem, and Mrs. Emma Barnes, the widow of William Barnes and a laundress employed by the St. Paul Hotel, both resided at the former nearby 240 Robie Street East, that Carl Mohrland, a cabinetmaker employed by Lampland Lumber Company, and his wife, Elizabeth Mohrland, resided at the former nearby 241 Robie Street East, and that Boris Reizman and Max E. Bernstein, a salesman employed by Bannons Inc., and his wife, Sadie Bernstein, resided at the former nearby 242 Robie Street East. William H. Cardle (1878-1907) was the son of John Cardle, the son of __?__ Cardle and Grace McCardell Cardle, and Christina Hunter Cardle, the daughter of James Hunter (1789-1868) and Catherine Hunter (1800-1870.) The Cardle burial plot at Oakland Cemetery includes the graves of John Cardle (1833-1908,) Christina Hunter Cardle (1841-1924,) Archie Cardle (1861-1921,) and James Cardle (1864-1927.) John C. Cardle married Christina Hunter and the couple were the parents of Melissa Cardle (Mrs. Fred) Horey (1859- ,) Archibald Cardle (1861-1921,) Grace Cardle (Mrs. Homer) Wescott (1862- ,) James Cardle (1864-1927,) Margaret Cardle (Mrs. Joseph) Spiel (1867- ,) John C. Cardle (1869- ,) Alexander Cardle (1872- ,) Angus Cardle (1874- ,) William Cardle (1878- ,) Ernest Cardle (1880- ,) and Irene Eva Cardle (Mrs. Robert) Gourley (1886 .) Paul Quehl (1858-1907) was born in Canton, Missouri, came to St. Paul in 1872, was connected with the Decker Hardware Company after 1878, was the treasurer of the Germania Singing Society in 1878, was a member of the St. Paul Jobber's Union in 1888, was a member of the German Sound Money League in 1896, was a Ramsey County commissioner in 1896 and in 1901, became the president of the Decker Hardware Company in 1905, and died in St. Paul. Paul Quehl successfully litigated to obtain the proceeds of a fire insurance policy on former homesteaded, but abandoned, property that was assigned to him for the benefit of creditors in Paul Quehl, assignee, v. Henry Peterson, 47 Minn. 13 (1891.) Joseph Spiel (1832-1896) was born in Bingen on the Rhine, Germany, emigrated to the United States in 1847, settled in St. Paul in 1853, was initially employed in the grocery business, married __?__ Ayd, the daughter of Theodore Ayd, was a Democrat, was a Ramsey County commissioner from 1867 until 1872, subsequently was a city jailer in St. Paul, and died in St. Paul.

245 Robie Street East: Built in 1900. The structure is a two story, 1731 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1892 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Graves and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dickson resided at this address. The 1894 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Graves resided at this address. The 1896 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Beareau resided at this address. The 1898 and 1900 city directories indicate that Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Butler resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Joseph Kvatintz, a laborer employed by Goldberg & Efress, and his wife, Rose Kvatintz, resided at this address. Richard Curtis Dickson ( -1948) died in Ramsey County. Carol Cecelia Dickson (1949- ), the daughter of Edith Carolyn McKinney Dickson and Richard Curtis Dickson, Jr., was born in Travis County, Texas. The previous owner of record of the property was Rosalva Lucio and the current owner of record of the property is Reinalda Lucio. In 1897, H. Langevin (1863- ,) a Lieutenant employed by the St. Paul Fire Department, Hook and Ladder Company No. 5, resided at the former nearby 246 Robie street East.

249 Robie Street East: Built in 1971. The structure is a one story, 1144 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1894 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bock resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that R. Leslie Miles resided at this address in 1897. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Alexander H. B. Potter (1816-1896,) who died of paralysis, resided at this address in 1896. The 1920 city directory indicates that Orville E. Davis boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Bernard B. Nolde, a helper employed by the Marquette Manufacturing Company, his wife, Mary Nolde, and Catherine M. Nolde, a machine operator, resided at this address. R. Leslie Miles (1865-1948) and Nellie Sterling Miles (1867-1940) both were buried in Oakland Cemetery. R. Leslie Miles ( -1948) died in Hennepin County. Mehitable Whitebeck was the sister of Alexander H. B. Potter. The current owner of record of the property is Darlene F. Winter. The 1887 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Lamb resided at the former nearby 250 Robie Street East. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Albert N. Lamb resided at the former nearby 250 Robie Street East in 1890. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#6829) indicate that Nathaniel Smith (1897- ,) a 1916 enlistee and a Sergeant in the Supply Company, 125th Field Artillery, who was born in Princeton, Minnesota, had blue eyes, brown hair, and a light complexion, was 5' 9 3/4" tall, was a farmer at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, was a police officer employed by the City of St. Paul after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his father, R. M. Smith, at the nearby former 251 East Robie Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that William F. Kuhn, a manufacturing jeweler and watchmaker, his wife, Minnie Kuhn, Clarence W. Lamb, the secretary of the Lauderdale Cattle Company, and his wife, Mary Lamb, resided at the former nearby 250 Robie Street East and that Leo P. Haffely resided at the former nearby 251 Robie Street East. Albert N. Lamb ( -1890) died of meningitis.

252 Robie Street East: Built in 1977. The structure is a one story, 960 square foot, five room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heinsch resided at this address. World War I veteran Edward E. Lang resided at this address in 1919. The 1920 city directory indicates that Eli A. Allen, a watchman employed by the Northern Cooperage Company, and William A. Dordell, a fireman employed by the Chicago & Great Western RailRoad, both resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Elsie S. Dordell, the widow of William Dordell and an inspector employed by Gorgon & Ferguson, resided at this address. Edward E. Lang (1893-1968) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Eidner, and died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold for $59,900 and that sale occurred in 1993. The previous owner of record of the property was Debra S. Thompson and the current owner of record of the property is Greg Maki, who resides in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

255 Robie Street East: Built in 1978. The structure is a one story, 2134 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Rex L. Allen, a sawyer employed by the Northern Cooperage Company, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Stephen/Steven Glomski, a laborer employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Marion Glomski, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1996 with a sale price of $83,000. The current owner of record of the property is Barbara May Uribe. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Dorothy Marie Schleiter (1906-1907,) the daughter of Charles W. Schleiter, who was born in St. Paul to parents born in Germany and in the United States and who died of congenital heart disease, resided at the nearby former 256 Robie Street East in 1907. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Louise K. Schmid, the widow of William C. Schmid and a hygenist, resided at the former nearby 256 Robie Street East.

257 Robie Street East: Built in 1972. The structure is a 1456 square foot, six room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, split-entry frame house, with a detached garage. The previous owner of record of the property was Jesse N. Ramirez and the current owner of record of the property is Irma A. Villeda.

258 Robie Street East: Built in 1972. The structure is a one story, 1296 square foot, six room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The current owners of record of the property are Joseph P. Salas and Marie B. Salas. The 1887 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Zeige resided at the former nearby 259 Robie Street East. The 1920 city directory indicates that Mrs. Anna Cunningham, Ecma Duc, a brakeman, and George Duc, a brakeman, all resided at the former nearby 261 Robie Street East and that James E. Cunningham, a clerk employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, Mae E. Cunningham, the chief clerk employed by the Framers Co-op Potato Exchange, Margaret C. Cunningham, a stenographer, and George Duc, Jr., a checker, all boarded at the former nearby 261 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that Henry B. Campion, a pipe man employed by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RailRoad, and his wife, Theresa Campion, resided at the former nearby 260 Robie Street East and that Mrs. Annie E. Cunningham, the widow of Patrick H. Cunningham, and Jacob Weber resided at the former nearby 261 Robie Street East.

262 Robie Street East: Built in 1972. The structure is a one story, 1188 square foot, six room, one bathroom, frame house. The 1920 city directory indicates that Irving E. Feldman, a travel agent employed by the La Salle Brokerage Company, and Willard Feldman, both boarded at this address and that Michael Feldman, a peddler, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mitchell Feldman, a peddler, his wife, Molly Feldman, George J. Katz, a foreman employed by the Kaplan Box Company, and his wife, Jean Katz, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Elizabeth L. Molina.

263 Robie Street East: Built in 1977. The structure is a 1104 square foot, six room, one bathroom, split-level frame house, with a detached garage. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#17413) indicate that Fred Miller (1896- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in the Medical Detachment at Camp Grant, Illinois, who was born in Russia, moved to Minnesota in 1912, had brown eyes, brown hair, and a fair complexion, was 5' 7" tall, was a mechanic at induction, was a laborer employed by the St. Paul Tannery after the completion of service, and was married, resided with his wife, Mary Miller, at this address. In 1920, George Miller and Anna Miller, the parents of World War I veteran Fred Miller, also resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that John Heinrich resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Alberto S. Diaz.

264 Robie Street East: Built in 1972. The structure is a one story, 1108 square foot, five room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1900 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Engel resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is the John M. Rivas Trustee. In 1897, F. Crosby (1858- ,) a driver employed by the St. Paul Fire Department, Hook and Ladder Company No. 5, and resided at the former nearby 266 Robie Street East. The 1920 city directory indicates that Morris H. Berkus, a salesman employed by the Standard Tire Company, and Joseph J. Doroshow, a peddler, both resided at the former nearby 265 East Robie Street, that Katherine Cohen, the widow of Henry Cohen, boarded at the former nearby 265 East Robie Street, and that Raynie J. Durand, a clerk employed by Lindeke Warner & Sons, resided at the former nearby 266 East Robie Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Joseph Doroshow, a laborer employed by Swift & Company, his wife, Rebecca Doroshow, Clarence J. Abbott, and his wife, Loretta Abbott, all resided at the former nearby 265 Robie Street East and that Jacob Engelman, a clerk employed by Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, his wife, Veronica Engelman, Joseph J. McQuiston, a roofer employed by Dale-Selby Hardware Company, and his wife, Marjorie McQuiston, all resided at the former nearby 266 Robie Street East. [See note on Albert W. Lindeke and Lindeke, Warner & Schurmeier for 345 Summit Avenue.] [See the note for Swift & Company for 110 Robie Street West.] [See note on Finch, Van Slyck & McConnville for 969 West Osceola Avenue.]

268 Robie Street East: Built in 1971. The structure is a one story, 1144 square foot, six room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1895 city directory indicates that Mrs. Angna Pederson, a midwife, resided at this address and that August Pederson, a plumber, boarded at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Joseph Fontaine, a driver employed by Price, Robbins & Newton, a wholesale paper dealer, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Robert P. Fontaine, a meat cutter employed by C. J. Becklund, Arthur R. Johnson, a station operator employed by the White Eagle Oil Corporation, and his wife, Priscilla Johnson, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2002 and the sale price was $158,000. The current owner of record of the property is Evangelina F. Verdeja.

271 Robie Street East: Built in 1908. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1530 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached one car garage. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Frautschi resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that George J. Frautschi resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Denise M. Romero Zasada and the current owner of record of the property is U. S. Bank National Trustee/Ocwen Federal Bank FSB, located in Orlando, Florida.

277 Robie Street East: Built in 1977. The structure is a 864 square foot, six room, one bathroom, split-entry frame house. World War I veterans Eugene W. Stiff and Harry J. Stiff resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frank T. Bose, a janitor employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, his wife, Mary Bose, and John H. Stiff resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Jean D. Wright and the current owners of record of the property are Miranda Hatfield and Reid Hatfield.

278 Robie Street East: Built in 1906. The structure is a two story, 1561 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edmund J. Gouette, the proprietor of a meat market located at 92 South Robert, and his wife, Margaret Gouette, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is David E. Bergman.

279 Robie Street East: Built in 1972. The structure is a two story, 1320 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1894 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gramm resided at this address. The 1902 Central Presbyterian Church directory indicates that Thomas Gavine Reekie resided at this address. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Paul F. Till (1857-1907,) who was born in Germany of parents born in Germany and who died of organic heart disease, and Helen Till, husband and wife, resided at this address in 1907. Edward R. Till was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Ernest B. H. Till and Ella H. Till, a music teacher, resided at this address. Edward R. Till (1888-1960) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Draeger, and died in Ramsey County. Paul Till (1857-1907) was born in Germany and died in Ramsey County. Helen Till ( -1930) died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold for $189,000 and that sale occurred in 2004. The current owners of record of the property are Paul Del Mundo and Imee Del Mundo.

280 Robie Street East: Built in 1977. The structure is a 1612 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, split-entry frame house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Ruth D. McComb, a saleswoman for J. H. Allen & Co., resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Ruhl D. McComb resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2002 with a sale price of $148,000. The current owners of record of the property are Gunnar L. Liden and Katherine S. Liden. The 1920 city directory indicates that Mathais J. Amon resided at the former nearby 286 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that William M. Gouette, a meat cutter employed by E. J. Gouette, and his wife, Gertrude Gouette, resided at the former nearby 282 Robie Street East, that Frederick Roy, a sausage maker employed by E. J. Gouette, his wife, Delia M. Roy, and Roy C. Weaver, a lather, and his wife, Anna F. Weaver, all resided at the former nearby 283 Robie Street East, and that Harry N. Bolin, a clerk employed by the North West Buyers & Jobbers Company, and his wife, Nellie Bolin, resided at the former nearby 286 Robie Street East.

287 Robie Street East: Built in 1973. The structure is a one story, 1052 square foot, five room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Frank Belat, a foreman employed by the South Park Foundry & Machine Company, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Paul C. Bessert, a cutter employed by Armour & Company, his wife, Bertha Bessert, Frank Velat, a foreman employed by the South Park Foundry, and Hannah Velat, all resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1997 with a sale price of $60,500. The current owners of record of the property are Martin Arellano and Blanca Arellano, who reside in Woodbury, Minnesota. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frank Abdella and Mrs. Mary Abrass both resided at the former nearby 288 Robie Street East.

292 Robie Street East: Built in 1971. The structure is a 906 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, split-level frame house. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Shirley W. Nystrom (1894-1920,) the wife of Alfred S. Nystrom, who was born in Minnesota to parents born in the United States and who died of pulmonary tuberculosis, resided at this address in 1920. The 1920 city directory indicates that Adele Bruhn, a clerk employed by the F. W. Woolworth Company, Loretta Bruhn, a stenographer, and Jessie M. Fales, a linotype operator, all boarded at this address and that Martha A. Fales, the widow of Willard A. Fales, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that F. Raymond Conklin, a solicitor employed by the Northwestern Commercial Company, and William Johnson, a plumber, and his wife, Elsie Johnson, all resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Clemencia Franco.

293 Robie Street East: Built in 1906. The structure is a two story, 1725 square foot, ten room, two bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Augusta H. Schneider, the widow of Gustav Schneider, Walter E. Perlt, a manager employed by Perlt & Staack, a grocery store, and his wife, Antoinette Perlt, all resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2003 and the sale price was $150,000. The current owner of record of the property is Lighthouse Holdings Inc., located at 1232 Juliet Avenue.

297 Robie Street East: Built in 1909. The structure is a two story, 2183 square foot, nine room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached one car garage. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Bosshardt resided at this address. The 1918 Hamline University Alumni Quarterly indicates that Willmert Bosshardt, a member of the Class of 1921, resided at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Henrietta Bosshardt, the widow of George L. Bosshardt, and Henry Bosshardt, a yard foreman employed by W. R. Shaw Lumber Company, both resided at this address and that Murlin T. Bosshardt, a clerk who officed at 319 Wabasha Street, and Wilmert C. Bosshardt, a student, both boarded at this address. In 1920, the United States Adjutant-General's Office U. S. Army Register, Volume VIII, indicates that Arthur Harvey Bosshardt, a Second Lieutenant in the Quartermaster's Section, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that this address was vacant. Arthur Harvey Bosshardt (1893-1944,) the son of Henry Bosshardt (1859-1921) and Bertha Henrietta Drager Bosshardt (1866-1945,) married Helen Margaret Koenig (1895- ) in 1919 and the couple had two children, __?__ Bosshardt Savage and __?__ Bosshardt. Wilmert Clarence Bosshardt (1900-1994,) the son of Bertha Henrietta Drager (1866-1945) and Henry Bosshardt (1859-1921,) was born in St. Paul, married Edith R. Knopp in New York City, New York, in 1925, and died in Washington Coounty, Minnesota. Murlen Louis Bosshardt (1897-1976) was born in St. Paul, was a lumber yard laborer in 1920, married Letty Louise Foss (1897- ) in 1921, moved to Duluth, Minnesota, was the owner, air service company in 1930, died in St. Paul, and is buried in the Fort Snelling National Cemetery. Esther Barbara Bosshardt (1889-1986) was born in St. Paul, married Herbert Christian Vonwald in 1910, and died in LeSueur, LeSueur County, Minnesota. Floyd Emerson Bosshardt (1904-2003) was born in St. Paul, was an Evangical Church minister, married Ruth Evelyn Lack (1905- ) in Gibsonburg, Ohio, in 1929, moved to Winona, Minnesota, before 1930, and died in Minneapolis. The current owner of record of the property is Rose Lucio, who resides at 307 Robie Avenue East.

300 Robie Street East: Built in 1971. The structure is a one story, 1008 square foot, five room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Harry L. Dufour, a driver, and his wife, Eva Dufour, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is John J. Daubney. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Peabody resided at the former nearby 305 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that John P. Buckley, a letter carrier employed by the Riverview Post Office, and his wife, Nelly Buckley, resided at the former nearby 301 Robie Street East, that Richard A. Perlt, a butcher employed by Perlt & Staack, a grocery located at 285 Concord Street, and his wife, Helen M. Perlt, resided at the former nearby 302 Robie Street East, and that Frank A. Baker, an ispector employed by the U. S. Bureau of Animal Inspections, and his wife, Geneva Baker, resided at the former nearby 305 Robie Street East.

307 Robie Street East: Built in 1959. The structure is a one story, 1052 square foot, five room, one bathroom, stucco house, with an attached one car garage. The current owner of record of the property is Rosalva Lucio.

310 Robie Street East: Built in 1973. The structure is a 1008 square foot, four room, one bathroom, split-entry aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Rosa Langer, the widow of Vincent Langer, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is the St. Paul Public Housing Agency.

311 Robie Street East: Built in 1951. The structure is a one story, 1272 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. In 1897, C. E. Juergensen was a second pipeman employed by the St. Paul Fire Department, Engine Company No. 6, and resided at this address. Helmer W. Gothe was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1920 city directory indicates that Adolph A. Aszmann, a cashier, and Emil F. Aszmann, a mzchinist, both boarded at this address and that M. Louise Aszmann, the widow of John Aszmann, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Louisa Aszmann, the widow of John Aszmann, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Teresa Carrasco Sontoya. The 1909 Central Presbyterian Church directory indicates that Percy Crooks and Mary H. Crooks resided at the nearby former 315 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that Leslie L. Donaldson, a packer employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Violet Donaldson, resided at the former nearby 313 Robie Street East and that the former nearby 313 Robie Street East was vacant.

317 Robie Street East: Built in 1974. The structure is a one story, 1048 square foot, five room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. William McAndrews resided at this address inn 1917. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Edith E. Lamberg resided at this address. The property was last sold for $192,000 and that sale occurred in 2006. The previous owner of record of the property was Carol Weis and the current owners of record of the property are Marcos Ramirez and Ann Serrano.

318 Robie Street East: Built in 1884. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1765 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Matilda Renesch, a seamstress, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frederick Kasberger, a labor employed by Armour & Company, and Otto C. Hadlich, a caller employed by the Northern Pacific RailRoad, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Jose G. Alvarado and Eufemia Alvarado. The 1887 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ewing resided at the former nearby 321 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that Peter Paul, a trunk maker employed by Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, his wife, Camille Paul, Adelord L. Raymond, a barber, and his wife, Effie Raymond, all resided at the former nearby 322 Robie Street East.

326 Robie Street East: Built in 1979. The structure is a one story, 1092 square foot, five room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Benjamin Ewing and Martha D. Ewing, husband and wife, resided at the former nearby 327 Robie Street East in 1901. Benjamin Ewing ( -1918) died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold for $164,500 and that sale occurred in 2003. The current owners of record of the property are Miguel Escobar and Raul Escobar. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Louise Perlt, the widow of Julius Perlt, resided at the former nearby 327 Robie Street East.

330 Robie Street East: Built in 1979. The structure is a one story, 1092 square foot, six room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1895 city directory indicates that William H. Dressel, a mechanic employed by the Chicago Great Western RailRoad, resided at the nearby former 331 Robie Street East. The property was last sold in 1996 with a sale price of $76,500. The current owner of record of the property is Gilberto Castor. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Frank Radant resided at the former nearby 333 Robie Street East in 1907. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board indicate that Robert L. Ackland (1896- ,) a 1917 enlistee and a Private in Battalion D of the 151st Field Artillery, who was born in St. Paul, had brown eyes, sandy hair, and a light complexion, was five foot and 9.5 inches tall, was a cooper at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, including the Marne, Argonne, and Chateau Thierry, resided at the nearby Avenue with his brother, Peter G. Ackland. The 1920 city directory indicates that Leon R. Burch, a partner with Fred H. Swival, an auto trucks dealer located at 1208 Grand Avenue, resided at the former nearby 335 East Robie Street, that Ray Conklin, a salesman employed by the National Cattle Company, resided at the nearby former 332 Robie Street East, and that Jesse C. Cook, a salesman employed by the Freeman Cattle Company, resided at the former nearby 337 East Robie Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that John Huizenga, an agent employed by the Prudential Insurance Company, and his wife, Mae Huizenga, resided at the former nearby 331 Robie Street East, that Lawrence Holt, a projectionist, and his wife, Garnet Holt, resided at the former nearby 332 Robie Street East, that Joseph A. Gondreau, a laborer employed by the St. Paul Department of Public Works, and his wife, Louise Gondreau, resided at the former nearby 333 Robie Street East, that Mrs. Mae C. Kuehn resided at the former nearby 334 Robie Street East, that Arthur W. Hawley, a salesman employed by the St. Paul Milk Company, and his wife, Lillian Hawley, resided at the former nearby 335 Robie Street East, and that Harold F. Radant, a bookkeeper employed by Benjamin G. Radant, resided at the former nearby 331 Robie Street East.

338 Robie Street East: Built in 1979. The structure is a one story, 1092 square foot, six room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edmund A. Schmidt, Jr., a proprietor of Edmund A. Schmidt & Son, and his wife, Bertha Schmidt, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Amelia A. Manuntag. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Theodore J. Lawton resided at the former nearby 359 Robie Street East in 1891. The 1918 city directory indicates that L. A. Green resided at the former nearby 359 Robie Street East, that Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bronson and H. S. Bronson resided at the former nearby 365 Robie Street East, that Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Fales and Miss Nell Fales all resided at the former nearby 371 Robie Street East, and that Rev. and Mrs. Gottlieb Duebendorf resided at the former nearby 377 Robie Street East. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#14988) indicate that Percivel Ulrich Duebendorf (1894- ,) a 1918 enlistee and a Pharmacists Mate Third Class in the U. S. Navy, who was born in Minneapolis, had brown eyes, dark brown hair, and a ruddy complexion, was 5' 7" tall, weighed 166 lbs., was a selfemployed physical instructor after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his father, G. Dusendorf, at the nearby former 377 East Robie Street. The 1920 city directory indicates that John R. Bodean, a foreman, resided at the former nearby 348 Robie Street East, that Larue H. Bodean, a helper employed by the Pioneer Company, and Olive Bodean, a seamstress employed by Isador Rosek, both boarded at the former nearby 348 Robie Street East, that Arthur H. Bosshardt, cashier for the Minnesota Transfer State Bank, resided at the nearby former 359 Robie Street East, that Harold C. Bosshardt, a clerk employed by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RailRoad, and Samuel Bosshardt, a carpenter, both resided at the nearby former 343 Robie Street East, that Samuel G. Bosshardt, a carpenter, resided at the nearby former 349 Robie Street East, that Charles H. Bronson, a salesman employed by D. W. Taylor, resided at the former nearby 365 Robie Street East, that Roy O. Carr, an inspector employed by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, boarded at the former nearby 374 East Robie Street, that Delmar R. Duebendorf, a scaler, Fern C. Duebendorf, a teacher, Laura G. Duebendorf, a teacher, Orion W. Duebendorf, a buyer employed by Merrill Greer & Chapman, wholesale dealers in crockery, glassware, lamps , and china located at 397-411 Sibley Street, and Percival W. Duebendorf, a teacher, all boarded at the former nearby 377 Robie Street East, that Rev. Gottlieb Duebendorf, a superintendent, resided at the former nearby 377 Robie Street East, that Phil J. Fahey, a salesman employed by Bradshaw & Clark, resided at the former nearby 346 Robie Street East, and that Arthur G. Fales, the secretary of the Northwestern Stamp Works, resided at the former nearby 371 East Robie Street. The 1930 city directory indicates that Michael Grobovsky, in the livestock business, and his wife, Fanny Grobovsky, resided at the former nearby 343 Robie Street East, that Clarence E. Gallagher, a clerk, and his wife, Myrtle L. Gallagher, resided at the former nearby 344 Robie Street East, that the former nearby 346 Robie Street East and 348 Robie Street East were vacant, that Silas L. Radant, a salesman, and his wife, Ruth Radant, resided at the former nearby 349 Robie Street East, that John F. Koenig, an assistant foreman, and his wife, Emma Koenig, and Arthur H. Bosshardt, associated with the Johnson-Bosshardt Agency, an insurance and bonds agent, and his wife, Helen Bosshardt, resided at the former nearby 359 Robie Street East, that Joseph Cohen, a clerk employed by Louis Cohen, and his wife, Esther R. Cohen, resided at the former nearby 362 Robie Street East, that Bejamin H. Fritzam, a clerk employed by James Davis Wallpaper & Paint Company, and his wife, Mabel Fritzam, resided at the former nearby 365 Robie Street East, that residents at the former nearby 368 Robie Street East, an apartment building, were Melvin F. Mikesh (Apartment #1,) Walter P. Kielber (Apartment #2,) Herbert F. Tierney, a salesman employed by Raymer Hardware Company, and his wife, Mildred Tierney (Apartment #3,) and Gustave L. Patterson (Apartment #4,) that Morris Chernoff, a barber, his wife, Sarah Chernoff, Alex Chernoff, a salesman, and Hyman Chernoff, a manager, all resided at the former nearby 371 Robie Street East, that Aug Peterson, a painter, resided at the former nearby 372 Robie Street East, that the former nearby 372 Robie Street East was vacant, that Carl F. Vollbrecht, a clerk employed by the Northern Cooperage Company, and his wife, Margaret Volbrecht, resided at the former nearby 376 Robie Street East, and that Harry Johnson, a foreman, and his wife, Bonnie Johnson, resided at the former nearby 377 Robie Street East.

381 Robie Street East: Guadalupe Alternative Programs; Built in 1989. The 1930 city directory indicates that Israel Alpern resided at this address. The structure is a three story, 27416 square foot, private school building. The current owner of record of the property is Guadalupe Area Project, Inc. Gualalupe Alternative Programs was founded in 1967 by Sister M. Giovanni Gourhan, who moved to St. Paul's West Side in 1961 to teach at Our Lady of Guadalupe Elementary School. Disturbed by the number of Latino school-aged young people she saw on the streets of the West Side, Sister G. started a high school for drop-outs. In 1967, Sister G. and the School Sisters of Notre Dame purchased a house near Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and, in 1970, a nine-room building was added to the house, with more than 50 young people attending the alternative school. In 1989, construction of a four-story building was completed, the GAPs' school enrollment doubled, and adult literacy classes and other programs were expanded. In 1995, more space was added, including a gymnasium, classroom space to accommodate a junior high school program, a computer lab, an industrial arts facility and a day care facility. Sister M. Giovanni Gourhan (1914-1990) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Des Forges, and died in Blue Earth County, Minnesota. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Robert Quayle resided at the former nearby 387 Robie Street East in 1893. Oakland Cemetery Association records indicate that Jerome J. Barker (1852-1894,) who died of typhoid fever, and his wife resided at the former nearby 387 Robie Street East in 1894. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Becker resided at the former nearby 393 Robie Street East. The 1920 city directory indicates that George F. Becker, a general contractor, resided at the former nearby 382 Robie Street East, that Effie C. Chapman, a clerk employed by the Golden Rule, boarded at the former nearby 387 Robie Street East, and that John C. Chapman, a telegraph operator, resided at the former nearby 387 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that Henry A. Proulx, an employee of Swift & Company, and his wife, Lillian Proulx, resided at the former nearby 384 Robie Street East, that William F. Kurtz, a laborer employed by Swift & Company, his wife, Louise Kurtz, and Gottfried Meier, a beef killer employed by Armour & Company, and his wife, Rose Meier, resided at the former nearby 385 Robie Street East, that Aug A. Anderson, a painter, and his wife, Frances Anderson, resided at the former nearby 387 Robie Street East, that Mrs. Tina Becker, the widow of George F. Becker, resided at the former nearby 393 Robie Street East, and that Harold Fogerquist, a laborer employed by the Northern Cooperage Company, boarded at the nearby former 384 Robie Street East. The Quayle burial plot at Oakland Cemetery includes the graves of Robert Quayle (1851-1907,) Emma Quayle (1849-1940,) Leon Quayle (1892-1893,) and Beatrice M. Quayle (1882-1886.)

397 Robie Street East: Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe; Built in 1910. The structure is a two story, 2736 square foot, church. The 1918 city directory indicates that Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gerber resided at this address. William A. Staack was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Louis Nadeau, a clerk employed by Perlt & Staack, a grocery store, his wife, Evelyn Nadeau, Nicholas N. Multz, a laborer employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Edith Multz, a comptr operator employed by the Northern Jobbing Company, all resided at this address. The Reverend James A. Ward was the pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at the corner of Fairfield and Eva streets in 1945. The Reverend Kevin McDonough was a priest at the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1983. William A. Staack (1893-1971) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Peralt, and died in Ramsey County. Donna Peña is minister of music at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Martín Jaques is a deacon at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.

405 Robie Street East: Built in 1962. The structure is a two story, 1560 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The current owner of record of the property is Ester M. Richards.

413 Robie Street East: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1554 square foot, nine room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Sidora Bourne, the widow of Walter B. Bourne, Charles L. Schmidt, a teamster employed by the St. Paul Union Stockyards Company, and his wife, Marie Schmidt, all resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2002 and the sale price was $90,000. The current owner of record of the property is Trent J. Kinney, who resides in Shoreview, Minnesota.

415 Robie Street East: Built in 1974. The structure is a one story, 1144 square foot, five room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Victor T. J. Hendrikson a lailor located at 377 Robert Street, and his wife, Anna Hendrikson, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Javier Guitierrez and Mariah D. Guitierrez. The 1920 city directory indicates that Dora L. Berndt, the widow of Fred Berndt, William Berndt, a painter, and Mrs. Ella Callahan, a clerk employed by Gust Kahn, all resided at the former nearby 417 Robie Street East and that Otto L. Berndt, a teamster, and Eleanor E. Callahan, the widow of Daniel Callahan, both boarded at the nearby former 417 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Bertha Geyer, the widow of Charles Geyer, resided at the former nearby 417 Robie Street East.

427 Robie Street East: Built in 1951. The structure is a one story, 756 square foot, five room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The previous owners of record of the property were Ralph Lopez and Josephine M. Lopez and the current owner of record of the property is Josephine M. Lopez.

431 Robie Street East: Built in 1940. The structure is a one story, 1032 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached garage. The current owner of record of the property is Mildred J. Lopez. The 1920 city directory indicates that Herman P. Falkenberg, a nailer employed by McKibbin, Driscoll & Dorsey, Inc., resided at the former nearby 446 Robie Street East and that Paul H. Falkenberg, a machinist, boarded at the former nearby 446 Robie Street East. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Louise Falkenberg, the widow of Herman Falkenberg and a cook employed by Bethesda Hospital, resided at the former nearby 446 Robie Street East.

14 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 931 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The property was last sold in 1991 with a sale price of $25,095. The current owner of record of the property is N. J. Kulla.

22 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1904. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1155 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached one car garage. The current owner of record of the property is Shari Bryant.

35 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1906. The structure is a two story, 8370 square foot, multifamily apartment house. The previous owner of record of the property was Davis Properties of St. Paul, located in Cottage Grove, Minnesota, and the current owners of record of the property are Darryl Do and Linh Do, who reside in Vadnais Heights, Minnesota.

41 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1888. The structure is a two story, 1518 square foot, three bedroom, two bathroom, brick house, with a detached one car garage. The property was last sold in 2003 with a sale price of $175,200. The current owners of record of the property are Brian E. Senske and Joelle L. Tegwen.

49 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 780 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. Thomas C. Bacon, a Private First Class in the USMCR, the son of John Bacon, was a World War II casualty and resided at this address in the early 1940's. The current owner of record of the property is Linda P. Diederich.

59 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1985. The structure is a 1464 square foot, three bedroom, two bathroom, split level frame house, with a detached garage. The last sale of this property was in 1994 and the sale price was $65,000. The current owner of record of the property is Rogelio M. Sepulveda.

60 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1967. The structure is a three story, 20250 square foot, multifamily apartment house. The previous owners of record of the property were Kathleen M. Cramer and Larry R. Cramer, who resided at 1928 Warbler Lane, and the current owners of record of the property are Cramer Steven's Manor LLC, located at 1928 Warbler Lane.

76 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1963. The structure is a two story, 25659 square foot, multifamily apartment house. The current owner of record of the property is 830 Grand LLC, located at 950 Grand Avenue.

81 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1886. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1008 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. The house was on the city vacant house list in 2004 and in 2005. The property was last sold for $158,000 and that sale occurred in 2006. The previous owner of record of the property was Raymond Thomas and the current owner of record of the property is Patrice Husak.

90 Stevens Avenue West: The property is a vacant lot. The current owner of record of the property is Lewis Curley, who resides at 564 Winslow Street.

100 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1946. The structure is a one story, 1290 square foot, four bedroom, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The current owner of record of the property is Patrick J. Schlief.

106 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1946. The structure is a one story, 1290 square foot, four bedroom, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The current owners of record of the property are Frances D. Dominguez and Frank Dominguez.

111 Stevens Avenue West: The property is a vacant lot. The current owner of record of the property is Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, located at 125 Stevens Avenue West.

112 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1946. The structure is a one story, 936 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached one car garage. The current owner of record of the property is the St. Paul Public Housing Agency.

122 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1915. The structure is a two story, 2301 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The current owner of record of the property is Howard G. Williams.

125 Stevens Avenue West: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church; Built in 1923. The structure is a two story, 17232 square foot, church. The current owner of record of the property is Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

126 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1914. The structure is a two story, 2166 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, frame house. The property was last sold in 1997 with a sale price of $66,000. The current owner of record of the property is Rahn W. Carlson.

137 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1941. The structure is a one story, 1249 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The last sale of this property was in 2000 and the sale price was $131,100. The previous owner of record of the property was Daniel S. Adkins and the current owners of record of the property are Athena M. Adkins and Daniel S. Adkins.

140 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1924. The structure is a one story, 922 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Mary C. Mills, the widow of Romulo Mills, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Herbert F. Bergman.

144 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1900. The structure is a one story, 684 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that William Machgan resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Gloria C. Kittleson.

149 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1921. The structure is a one story, 1406 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, stucco bungalow, with two detached garages. The 1930 city directory indicates that Charles Zwinger, a plasterer, his wife, Elizabeth Zwinger, and Charles Zwinger, Jr., all resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Howard H. Tucker, who resided in Waterloo, Iowa, and the current owners of record of the property are Derrick Minor and Aneisha Tucker.

150 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1923. The structure is a one story, 1627 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Bernard A. Ferber, district cashier for the Industrial and Ordinary Department of the Prudential Insurance Company of America, and his wife, Louise Ferber, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $187,600 and that sale occurred in 2005. The current owner of record of the property is Mary B. Blaser and the current owners of record of the property are Leah A. Peterson and Paul Peterson.

152 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1950. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1820 square foot, five bedroom, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. Phil D. Becker was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1920 city directory indicates that Daniel Beckett, a machine operator employed by the American Hoist & Derrick Company, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Mary Becker, the widow of Daniel Becker, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is John P. Becker.

153 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1912. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1370 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. World War I veteran Geo. V. Flynn resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#11812) indicate that James S. Flynn (1890- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Corporal in Company B in the 139th Infantry, who was born in Clontarf, Minnesota, had blue eyes, brown hair, and a ruddy complexion, was 5' 6" tall, was an automobile driver at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, including the Wesserling Sector, St. Mihiel, Argonne, and the Verdun Sector, was a garageman employed at the Post Office Garage by the U. S. Post Office after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his mother, Mrs. M. Flynn, at this address. The 1920 city directory indicates that Charles C. Eikel, a superintendent employed by Armour & Company, and Margaret Flynn, the widow of James Flynn, resided at this address and that Leonard Flynn, a travel agent, May B. Flynn, a teacher, Patrick A. Flynn, an engineer, and Sylvester Flynn, a clerk, all boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Robert R. Fickle, a timekeeper employed by the Chicago & Great Western RailRoad, and his wife, Bernice Fickle, resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Leona E. Barbeck and Nicholas A. Barbeck. [See note on Philip Danforth Armour and Armour & Company for 3 Alice Court.]

159 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1912. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1386 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, stucco house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Anna Laverty, the widow of Peter Laverty, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1994 with a sale price of $41,000. The current owners of record of the property are Cecilia R. Pineda and Rudolph Pineda.

162 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1904. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1056 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that George Kinde, a mechanic employed by W. A. Rinker, and his wife, Mabel Kinde, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Jeanne M. Becker.

163 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1912. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1306 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1920 city directory indicates that L. George Ferlein, a clerk employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Albert H. Leger, a foreman employed by the Auto Engine Works, and his wife, Mary Leger, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2004 and the sale price was $154,500. The current owners of record of the property are Bambi Wiggins and Todd Wiggins.

164 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1910. The structure is a two story, 1650 square foot, four bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with an attached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Hans Larsen resided at this address. The current owners of record of the property are Eloise R. Paddock and Robert J. Paddock.

172 Stevens Avenue West: ;Built in 1916. The structure is a two story, 2039 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. Geo. E. Fyhrie was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1920 city directory indicates that Burt Brack boarded at this address and that Otto I. Brack, a carpenter, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Otto I. Brack, involved in real estate, and his wife, Josephine A. Brack, resided at this address. The house was on the city vacant house list in 2002. The property was last sold for $175,000 and that sale occurred in 2002. The current owners of record of the property are Robert Medcraft and Gretchen Pederson.

178 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1916. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1181 square foot, three bedroom, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. World War I veteran Claude Glatzmeier (1898- ), a Private, resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Rudolph Glatzmaier, a janitor employed by Swift & Company, his wife, Elizabeth Glatzmaier, Ellen Glatzmaier, an operator employed by W. U. Telegraph Company, Hermengilda Glatzmaier, a stenographer employed by the Hackett Gates Hurty Company, and Mary R. Glatzmaier, a clerk employed by the Great Northern RailRoad, all resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is John J. Hernandez.

184 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1924. The structure is a two story, 1526 square foot, two bedroom, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The property was last sold in 1999 with a sale price of $109,000. The previous owner of record of the property was National City Mortgage of Dayton, Ohio, and the current owner of record of the property is John P. McGlocklin.

185 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1894. The structure is a two story, 2508 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with both an attached garage and a detached garage. Iver W. Brack was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1920 city directory indicates that Elsie A. Brack, a clerk employed by F. W. Ramaley, and Roy L. Brack, a painter, both boarded at this address and that Engelbrecht S. Brack, a painter, resided at this address. Iver N. Brack, a painter employed by A. Moorman & Company, resided at 860 Denny Street in 1920. The 1930 city directory indicates that Iver N. Brack, a dealer in batteries located at 1521 Randolph Street, his wife, Inez Brack, Theo Larson, an electrician, and Georgianna Larson, a nurse, all resided at this address. Iver Neil Brack (1891-1970) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of Larsen, and died in Ramsey County. The last sale of this property was in 2002 and the sale price was $165,900. The current owners of record of the property are Maria Gonzalez and Salvador Gonzalez. The 1930 city directory indicates that Albert J. Barasey, a trucker employed by the Union Depot, his wife, Edna M. Barasey, John C. Stiff, the store manager of the Hackney Building Cigar Store, and his wife, Edna Stiff, all resided at the former nearby 186 Stevens Avenue West.

190 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1923. The structure is a two story, 1518 square foot, four bedroom, two bathroom, frame house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Thorwald Olson, an employee of the Drake Marble Company, his wife, Hilda Olson, Mrs. Emma Siegrist, the widow of Ralph Siegrist, Carl T. Siegrist, an apprentice employed by the Great Northern Shops, and Herbert Siegrist, an apprentice employed by the Great Northern Shops, all resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Carol A. Thole.

191 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1917. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1332 square foot, three bedroom, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Arthur R. Knox, an assistant collector employed by the U. S. Internal Revenue Service, nd his wife, Margaret Knox, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2003 and the sale price was $175,900. The current owners of record of the property are Molly F. O'Mara and Teresa A. Puff.

194 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1900. The structure is a one story, 842 square foot, five room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow. The 1930 city directory indicates that Peter Schreiner, a porter employed by The Minnesota Club, and his wife, Myrtle Schreiner, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2002 with a sale price of $119,900. The previous owners of record of the property were Jason Degidio and Sarah Snell and the current owner of record of the property is Anthony Aigbougun.

195 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1939. The structure is a one story, 1160 square foot, six room, two bathroom, frame bungalow, with a detached garage. The last sale of this property was in 2004 and the sale price was $190,000. The current owner of record of the property is Lynne M. Singelmann.

198 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1908. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 952 square foot, six room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house. Jno. Vanderbeck was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that William F. Heckel, a janitor employed by Webb Publishing Company, and his wife, Lida Heckel, resided at this address. John Vanderbeck ( -1937) died in Ramsey County. The property was last sold for $45,900 and that sale occurred in 1991. The current owner of record of the property is Enrique M. Salinas.

199 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1923. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1402 square foot, six room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Lawrence R. Brack, a captain employed by Engine Company No. 6 of the St. Paul Fire Department, and his wife, Beth Brack, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1994 with a sale price of $58,000. The current owner of record of the property is Virginia Kosschak.

202 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1908. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 882 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that John R. Helms, a houseman employed by the Railway Express Agency, and his wife, Gertrude Helms, resided at this address. The previous owners of record of the property were Patrick McGowan and others and the current owner of record of the property is Patricia Schenk.

205 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1924. The structure is a two story, 1552 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Louis J. La Favor, a cashier employed by P. R. L. Hardenbergh, and his wife, Catherine E. La Favor, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2001 with a sale price of $209,000. The current owners of record of the property are Curtis B. Herbert and Karen V. Herbert.

206 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1908. The structure is a one story, 858 square foot, five room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Arnold R. Heuer, a die setter employed by Superior Metal Products Company, and his wife, Marie B. Heuer, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2003 and the sale price was $119,900. The current owner of record of the property is David E. Jarecke.

211 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1926. The structure is a two story, 2436 square foot, 12 room, two bathroom, brick house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that James T. Hinchey, the president-treasurer of the Lauderdale Cattle Company, his wife, Mary Hinchey, Louis A. Sitzman, a salesman employed by the Farmers Union Live Stock Commission Company, and his wife, Inez Sitzman, all resided at this address. The property was last sold for $325,623 and that sale occurred in 2006. The previous owner of record of the property was Donna D. McComb and the current owner of record of the property is David A. Krengel, who resides in Bayport, Minnesota.

212 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1930. The structure is a one story, 1310 square foot, seven bedroom, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Fred Schwantes, an employee of the Drake Marble Company, his wife, Minnie Schwantes, and Harold Schwantes, all resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is the St. Paul Public Housing Agency. [See note on the Drake Marble Company for 1384 Portland Avenue.]

219 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1962. The structure is a 1214 square foot, six room, one bathroom, split-level frame house, with a detached garage. The property was last sold in 2001 with a sale price of $125,900. The current owner of record of the property is Sofia Alarcon.

220 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1923. The structure is a one story, 1114 square foot, eight room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that John A. Schmid, an estimator employed by the Roe-James Glass Company, and his wife, Nellie Schmid, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Barbara J. Sussner.

224 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1923. The structure is a one story, 1333 square foot, five room, one bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that John W. Stiefel, the secretary-treasurer of the Stiefel Products Inc., and his wife, Josephine Stiefel, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2003 and the sale price was $162,000. The current owner of record of the property is Arah E. Bahn.

227 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1926. The structure is a two story, 1508 square foot, eight room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Joseph P. Loney, an assistant cashier employed by the American National Bank, and his wife, Lillian Loney, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $97,000 and that sale occurred in 1997. The current owners of record of the property are Eileen M. Harwood and Rochelle E. Campbell.

228 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1966. The structure is a two story, 1600 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The property was last sold in 1995 with a sale price of $89,500. The current owner of record of the property is Song Yang.

232 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1921. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1304 square foot, six room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that William Kline, a locksmith, and his wife, Gladys Kline, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1996 and the sale price was $79,900. The current owner of record of the property is Felipe C. Miranda. The 1930 city directory indicates that Henry C. Johnson, a salesman employed by the Central Supply Company, and his wife, Elizabeth Johnson, resided at the former nearby 233 Stevens Avenue West.

235 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1916. The structure is a two story, 2640 square foot, 12 room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. John F. McMonigal was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Michael J. Delaney, a laborer, and his wife, Helen Delaney, resided at this address. John McMonigal (1893-1974) was born outside of Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of McMonagle, and died in Ramsey County. The current owners of record of the property are Douglas V. Gast and Carolyn A. Gast.

238 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1923. The structure is a one story, 1048 square foot, six bedroom, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Louis J. Pepin, a clerk employed at the Commercial Post Office Station, and his wife, Mary Pepin, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2005 and the sale price was $168,000. The previous owner of record of the property was Jeffrey M. Daniels and the current owners of record of the property are Matthew P. Norenberg and Sarah K. Norenberg.

239 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1962. The structure is a one story, 964 square foot, four room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The current owner of record of the property is Ronald E. Reil.

245 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1925. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1941 square foot, nine room, two bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Edward T. Volkmeier, a traveling salesman employed by Charles Friend & Son Inc., and his wife, Ida Volkmeier, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1993 and the sale price was $83,000. The current owners of record of the property are Patrick M. Hughes and Irene Gonzalez.

246 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1925. The structure is a two story, 2199 square foot, 16 room, two bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Fred T. Dennis, an engineer employed by Husch Brothers, his wife, Jewel Dennis, Fred I. Smith, a pharmacist, and his wife, Martha Smith, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2004 with a sale price of $285,000. The previous owner of record of the property was McGovern Sadusky Investment, Inc., of Minneapolis, and the current owner of record of the property is Tiffany Kirk.

251 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1927. The structure is a two story, 1603 square foot, nine room, two bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Bruno J. Raak, a building contractor, and his wife, Martha B. Raak, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1993 with a sale price of $80,275. The current owners of record of the property are Maureen E. Quinlan and Peter J. Smith.

252 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1923. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1310 square foot, six room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Charles Fischer, a building contractor, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2002 and the sale price was $156,000. The current owner of record of the property is Gregg Myren.

255 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1927. The structure is a two story, 1484 square foot, six room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, stucco house, with a detached one car garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Julius H. Brogmus, vice president and cashier for the Security State Bank of St. Paul, and his wife, Myrtle Brogmus, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $119,900 and that sale occurred in 1999. The current owners of record of the property are Joyce E. Hagensick and Craig C. Hagensick.

258 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1885. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1231 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. Patrick Powers and Mary Powers resided at this address in 1918. John J. Powers (1889- ), a Private, was a World War I veteran who resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#21274) indicate that John J. Powers (1889- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in Company E of the 56th Engineers, who was born in St. Paul, had gray eyes, light brown hair, and a light complexion, was 5' 6" tall, was a clerk at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, was a clerk employed by the St. Paul Gas Light Company after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his parents, Patrick Powers and Mary Powers, at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Patrick Powers resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1994 with a sale price of $54,500. The current owner of record of the property is Patricia D. Cook. [See note on the St. Paul Gas Light Company for 761 West Linwood Avenue.]

259 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1913. The structure is a one story, 935 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow, with a detached one car garage. World War I veteran Jno. D. Hoop resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#22201) indicate that Peter Louis Wagenaar (1890- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in the First Company of Development Battalion No. 1, who was born in Epe, Holland, moved to Minnesota in 1915, had blue eyes, light brown hair, and a fair complexion, was 5 6 1/2" tall, was a landscape gardener at induction, was a landscape gardener employed by Holm & Olson, Inc., after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Charles A. Ellis, the superintendent for the Northern Cooperage Company, and his wife, Lucinda Ellis, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2002 and the sale price was $138,500. The current owner of record of the property is Elizabeth Elaine M. Walsh. [See note for the Northern Cooperage Company for 35 Irvine Park.]

262 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1885. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1222 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. World War I veteran Richard T. Cantwell resided at this address in 1919. The 1920 city directory indicates that Mary M. Cantwell, a stenographer employed by the American Railway Express, and Richard T. Cantwell, an express messenger, both boarded at this address and that Nora A. Cantwell, the widow of John C. Cantwell, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Nicholas Roussopolos, a pipeman with St. Paul Fire Department Engine Company No. 15, and his wife, Emma Roussopolos, resided at this address. Richard T. Cantwell ( -1960) was born in Minnesota, had a mother with a maiden name of O'Neil, and died in Hennepin County. The property was last sold in 1995 with a sale price of $58,900. The current owners of record of the property are Ramiro Diaz Nunez and Virginia V. Soto.

265 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1884. The structure is a two story, 2276 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with an attached garage and a basement garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Thomas J. Maher, a sheet metal worker employed by George W. McPhillips, and his wife, Winifred J. Maher, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2004 and the sale price was $234,900. The previous owners of record of the property were Jason S. Nordhougen and Terry L. Records and the current owners of record of the property are Donna M. Fanning and William D. Fanning, who reside in Woodbury, Minnesota.

266 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1885. The structure is a one story, 880 square foot, six room, one bathroom, stucco house, with a detached garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Edward Debeau, a boxer, and Leo Debeau, a laborer, both boarded at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Samuel Biscigilia, a mushroom grower located at 350 West Water Street, his wife, Angeline Biscigilia, and Carl Biscigilia, a helper, all resided at this address. The property was last sold for $134,000 and that sale occurred in 2002. The current owners of record of the property are Jed F. Lundeen and Tatiana A. Leiva.

271 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1908. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1481 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, asbestos-sided house. Cornelius McMonigal and Winifred McMonigal resided at this address in 1918. Edward J. McMonigal (1896- ), a Private, and Jno. P. McMonigal were World War I veterans who resided at this address in 1919. The records of the 1919-1920 Minnesota World War I Soldier's Bonus Board (#) indicate that Edward J. McMonigal (1896- ,) a 1918 draftee and a Private in Company E of the 37th Engineers, who was born in St. Paul, had blue eyes, black hair, and a ruddy complexion, was 5' 7" tall, was an electrician at induction, served in the American Expeditionary Force in France, including the Aisne-Marne offensive, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne, was a machinist employed by McKibbin, Driscoll & Dorsey, Inc., after the completion of service, and was unmarried, resided with his parents, Cornelius McMonigal and Winifred McMonigal, at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Cornelius McMonigal, a clerk employed by Gordon & Ferguson, his wife, Winnifred McMonigal, Henry Smith, a plumber, and his wife, Mary A. Smith, all resided at this address. Irving A. Moldver, a Private First Class in the USMCR, was a World War II casualty and resided at this address in the early 1940's. The current owner of record of the property is Bruce D. Haslerud, who resides in Woodbury, Minnesota.

272 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1150 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Joseph Oie, a musical instrument repairer, and his wife, Ruth Oie, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2003 and the sale price was $154,000. The previous owners of record of the property were Claudia L. Henriquez and Edgar O. Rivas and the current owner of record of the property is Vicenta Sermena.

275 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1912. The structure is a one story, 859 square foot, six room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided bungalow. The 1920 city directory indicates that Adam J. Biederman/Beiderman, a trucker employed by the Union Depot Company, Ernest Biederman, a clerk employed by Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Louis O. Biederman, a trucker employed by the Union Depot Company, and Carl D. Edin, a clerk, all boarded at this address and that Augusta Biederman, the widow of Adam Biederman, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that James H. Conway, a driver employed by Swift & Company, and his wife, Florence Conway, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $69,900 and that sale occurred in 1999. The current owner of record of the property is Karen L. Bagneski. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frank M. Godfrey, a clerk employed by the Western Auto Supply Company, and his wife, Magda Godfrey, resided at the former nearby 300 Stevens Avenue East. [See note on Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company for 406 Maple Street.] [See note on the St. Paul Union Depot Company for 165 Western Avenue North, the Albion Hotel/Angus Hotel.] [See the note for Swift & Company for 110 Robie Street West.]

305 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1885. The structure is a one story, 1064 square foot, six room, one bathroom, frame house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Frederick O. Busse, an engineer employed by the Chicago & Great Western RailRoad, and his wife, Lillian Busse, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 1996 with a sale price of $60,000. The current owner of record of the property is Amy E. Johnson. [See note on the Chicago & Great Western Railway.]

308 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1900. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1596 square foot, ten room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that William B. Mackey, a yardman employed by the St. Paul Union Stockyards, his wife, Verna Mackey, Edward D. Ramaley, a clerk employed at the Commercial Post Office Station, and his wife, Lillian Ramaley, all resided at this address. The current owners of record of the rental property are Arthur T. Benjamin and Rita M. Benjamin, who reside at 338 Curtice Avenue West.

311 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1885. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1323 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Louis P. Nash, his wife, Mathilda Nash, and Peter Yunker resided at this address. The property was last sold for $65,000 and that sale occurred in 1993. The current owner of record of the property is Rachel A. Hebl.

312 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1926. The structure is a one story, 1210 square foot, seven room, two bathroom, stucco bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that John Rose resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2001 with a sale price of $135,000. The current owners of record of the property are Roy Murphy and Elzbieta Murphy.

317 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1925. The structure is a one story, 728 square foot, four room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Robert M. Kippen, a mech dentist, and his wife, Lillian Kippen, resided at this address. The current owner of record of the property is Deborah A. Speidel.

318 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1912. The structure is a one story, 1047 square foot, six room, one bathroom, asbestos-sided bungalow, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Matthew S. Jordan, a laborer employed by the St. Paul Department of Public Works, and his wife, Alma Jordan, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 2004 and the sale price was $149,350. The previous owners of record of the property were Ann Whiting and Christopher Whiting and the current owners of record of the property are Michael Casler and Suzanne Casler.

321 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1925. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 924 square foot, five room, two bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house, with a detached garage. The 1930 city directory indicates that Earl H. Chappell, a dentist located at 366 Wabasha Street, and his wife, Emma J. Chappell, resided at this address. The property was last sold for $89,900 and that sale occurred in 1999. The current owners of record of the property are Becky Hall and Bryan Fish.

327 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1904. The structure is a two story, 1927 square foot, eight room, two bathroom, asbestos-sided house, with a detached garage. World War I veteran Anth. Rasmussen resided at this address in 1919. The 1930 city directory indicates that Theo H./R. Schwandt, a storekeeper employed by the Twin City Brick Company, and his wife, Helen B. Schwandt, resided at this address. The property was last sold in 2004 with a sale price of $220,000. The previous owners of record of the property were Leif Ruona and Cory Ruona and the current owner of record of the property is Casey M. Strauch.

328 Stevens Avenue West: The property is a vacant lot. The 1930 city directory indicates that the Douglas School was located at this address. The current owner of record of the property is City of St. Paul.

360 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1885. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1463 square foot, seven room, one bathroom, one half-bathroom, brick house, with a detached one car garage. The 1920 city directory indicates that Arthur C. Erickson, a clerk employed by Noyes Brothers & Company, and Ethel M. Erickson, a clerk employed by the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, both boarded at this address and that Ulrick Erickson, a car repairer, resided at this address. The 1930 city directory indicates that Ulrick Erickson, a car repairer, and his wife, Anna C. Erickson, resided at this address. The previous owner of record of the property was Fred Perez and the current owners of record of the property are Fred Perez and Rosemary Perez.

361 Stevens Avenue West: Built in 1880. The structure is a 1 3/4 story, 1100 square foot, five room, one bathroom, aluminum/vinyl-sided house. The 1930 city directory indicates that Mrs. Mathilda Rooke, the widow of Alf Rooke and a confectioner, resided at this address. The last sale of this property was in 1992 and the sale price was $54,500. The previous owners of record of the rental property were Frank C. Magadance and Donald F. Becker, who reside in Golden Valley, Minnesota, and the current owner of record of the rental property is Mountainview Holding Group LLC, located in Plymouth, Minnesota.

Architectural Style Notes

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Information from the University of Minnesota, Northwest Architectural Archives, was used in this webpage.

Information also was used from Murphy, Patricia A., Historic Sites Survey of Saint Paul and Ramsey County, 1980-1983, Ramsey County Historical Society and the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, 1983.

Last Modified: August 9, 2011.