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~*~AnGeL's HeAvEn On EaRtH~*~

HOWDY!!!! My name is Sonja (a.k.a. Angel-Eyezz if you know me from TalkCity) I am 26 years old and live in Minnesota...yes, I already know that it's not the most exciting state to live in...but the weather here never leaves us with a dull moment! If you have ever been to Minnesota, you may hear a lot of people say that if you dont like the weather, wait a minute, cuz it's sure to change!!!

Click for Rochester, Minnesota Forecast

Anyway, I live with my boyfriend, Clay, here's a picture of him And of course, I couldn't forget to mention my 5 year old daughter whom I also love with all my heart!! She is full of ambition, curiosity, and trouble!! And here is a picture of her --> (just kidding, she told me I could put that there, I swear!!) *LOL* Ok ok, enuf about me for now....if you scroll down, and check out my links, you will see there is one that will take you to some pics of me and my daughter, Mikayla...more pics of her than me tho...sorry! hehe :o) I know this page doesn't consist of much right now, as soon as I find the time, I will update it and add lots more stuff! I promise!! Til then, check out what I have, and make sure you sign my guestbook!!!!! PLeASE!!

PLEASE be SURE to visit my page for CHRIS...a poem for a dear friend of mine who was killed in a car accident in September of 97.

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National Center for Missing and Exploited Children


Check out AnGeL's Links

PiCs of Me AnD mY BaBy!
A PoEm for ChriS
A Poem To ReaD iF yOu hAvE KiDS!
A PaGe JuSt foR mY BaBe! (ThiS is HiLaRioUs!!)
ThiS wiLL TeLL YoU MorE AboUt WheRe I LiVe
Ok, I AdmiT iT! I TrY to Win MiLLionS! (So far, I've only won $4! hehehe)
ThE BeSt PlaCe to Go iF You LiKe to ShoP for DeskTop TheMeS!!
ThE bEsT PlAcE tO ChAt oN ThE WeB!
South Park Unlimited!!
ChEcK ThE WeATHeR iN YouR CiTy!
