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A Letter To my Master

My dearest Master and Love,

Today, i sit here thinking about You, all sorts of things running through my mind. Wondering why You are not here, wondering what has happened to keep You away from me this day. My heart is heavy, for it beats for You and calls out Your name, but You are no where to be found. If i close my eyes i can see You there, and my hand reaches out to touch You and You fade away. My soul cries out in frustration, as a tear slides down my cheek.

O/our bond has grown so strong, that it's so hard to go a day without hearing Your voice. Without feeling You, if only for a few brief, cherished moments. Sometimes i wonder if You truly understand how i feel about You. Do You feel the fire raging inside me, wanting desperately to please You and fulfill You in every way? Do You know how deeply You have touched my heart and soul?

When You place Your hand against my heart, do You feel it pounding against Your hand? Do You hear it calling Your name? My love and devotion to You being measured by the intensity of each beat of my pure heart. When i am not with You my Love, can You still feel my presence? If You close Your blue eyes, can You see Your submissive, Your possession kneeling at Your feet?

When You wake up in the middle of the night, do You yearn to have me at Your side? Do You feel my soft, sweet lips kissing You as I wake You in the morning, whispering into Your ear, how much i love You? Does Your heart ache, from longing to be with me? Do You love me and need me so much that it hurts? Do You feel the ache in Your soul when W/we are apart?

Do You realize that i am the only one that can heal that ache? That feeling that You get when i submit, does it move Your soul? Does that powerful feeling consume You and overwhelm You? I give myself to You so completely without question. Do You realize that i would go anywhere that You wanted to lead me? Do You understand that all You have to do is ask, and it shall be done? Do You know how much You fulfill me? Do You realize the power that You have over me?

Do You see how a glance from You can bring me to my knees? Do you understand how i try so hard not to stumble? And when i do stumble and see the disappointment in Your eyes, do You realize how much it hurts me? Do You understand that i live to please You? Do You realize that You are my Life, my Love, my Master, my Everything? Master, my eyes are the door way to my soul. When You gaze into my dancing blue eyes, do You see all of these things?

Does it take Your breath away? Does it make Your heart swell with love for me? Does it fill You with honor and pride to know that i belong to You? What W/we share is so unique and powerful. I trust You so immensely, i know that if i fall You will catch me. If i'm hurting You will comfort me. If i'm in danger You will protect me. If i'm lost You will find me. With every breath i take, with every beat of my heart i love You.

Dedicated to my Wonderful Master Firm,
From His loving submissive, kathryn

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