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BM--BA 8-3 LH--SF 6-1 DT--DT 4-4
SB--MI 6-5 DM--OA 5-5 SR--AT 2-6
PM--KC 4-8 RB--SL 4-4 JH--NY 4-7

OA 48NY 21
BA 37NY 17
KC 30MI 27 OT
AT 35NY 14
NY 31AT 17
BA 31DT 3
AT 34NY 10
SF 38KC 31
SF 20BA 17
MI 26KC 6#
SF 38OA 24
SF 25OA 10
League Notes

The 2013 - 14 season is in progress. Thanks for Dave and Bob for hosting a couple of get-togethers. Who lurks in the shadows as the favorite to win the Strato Bowl? Now the question is ... who will win the Strato Bowl? Who will win Coach of the Year next season. The Strato Bowl may be held in late Jan. or early Feb., so check your calendars and let the league office what dates work for you. The new overtime rules were passed last year, just like the current NFL rules and are in effect immediately. We are looking forward to an even better season this year! The Strato Bowl last year will go down as one of the best ever! Thanks to Dave for hosting the Strato Bowl and also for doing a fantastic job on the stats once more and his new 25 year contract as offical stat-man! Watch for the new rules concerning the playoff overtime, the coin flip, draft teams, the punt return game, injuries, more Strato get-togethers and much more! It was nice to have a Strato last week and Brian and Bob didn't resort to fisticuffs! And I wasn't going to break it up this time ... not in my job description! Thanks to everyone, The Commish

DRAFT PREVIEW ... Of the New England Patriots ... coming soon ... Brought to you by Bob's Draft Report. On newstands soon! For a more indepth look at the draft ... Buy the Draft Report!!!!! Coming soon!

#1 ...??.. BRADY TE
#2 ...??.. BRADY QB
#3 ...??.. R. MOSS
#4 ...??.. END RUN
#5 ...??.. FLAT PASS
#6 ...??.. S. MORRIS
#7 ...??.. OFF TACKLE
#8 ...??.. WELKER
#9 ...??.. MARONEY

#10 ...??.. SHORT PASS
#11 ...??.. OPP PUNT RET
#12 ...??.. WATSON
#13 ...??.. LINE BUCK
#14 ...??.. KO RETURNER #1
#15 ...??.. LONG PASS
#16 ...??.. KO RETURNER #2
#17 ...??.. GAFFNEY
#18 ...??.. M. CASSEL

#19 ...??.. ??
#20 ...??.. ??
#23 ...??.. ??
#24 ...??.. ??
#27 ...?? ..??
#28 ... ? .. Yada
#29 ... ? .. Yada


The naming of the new draft team will occur on or before Dec. 15. The six teams picked for the draft are very deep (ave. 16 picks each)! ****** The end of the season is set for Jan. 31 ... failing to finish by the 31 st results in a loss of a 2 nd round pick ... if more than two games need to be made up the penalty will be loss of a 1 st and 2 nd round pick.
To avoid the loss of any picks, contact the league office by Jan. 3 with the dates you are available (4 dates if possible).******
If a team loses a pick but does not have one, it will revert to the following year. And if this happens at the end of a seven year cycle, the team will fall one space in the drafting of new teams.******
Brian Sullivan has been appointed the Commissioner of the Two Point Conversion. Any questions, ask the new Commissioner but you may have to stand two or three yards away from him! Be forewarned!******
The fifth draft team is .... the New England Patriots! ****** The ??????????????????!
*****The next draft will be (in no particular order) ... ... TN .

LEAGUE NOTES ...The next cycle of teams will come from the NFL season that just ended. The new tie-breaker system is #1 ... head-to-head ... #2 ... division record ... #3 ... point differential ... #4 ... bribes!!!

The league is crafting an injury sheet for teams with multiple injuries.
FROM THE BACK BURNER ... The league fee this year is 25 clams, the commish and Mr. Stats pay half. The breakdown follows ... Strato Bowl winner (50) ... SB loser (30) ... Secound round losers (20) ... Wildcard winner and loser (15) ... Division champ with a bye (20) ... Other two div. champs (15). All of the above payouts are in clams, American clams ... not Canadian!

ASK DONALD DUCK? ***********************************************************************************STRATO TRAVEL NEWS Sam, the assistant commissioner, is sprear-heading a trip by train to Seattle next fall. We will take in a Seahawk game and play a bunch of Strato games on the way to and from Seattle. More info to follow. ************************************************************************************

STRATO NEWS BREAK !!! FOR SALE ...A six-pack of okra flavored beer ... real cheap! DON'T DELAY! **************************************

A new feature for 2010 is the Favre dice ... roll the die and see if he retires again or not! Comes with a 60 minute press conference and a beat-up baseball cap. *******************************************************************^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^************** POSSIBLE NEW PROJECT .... The league office plans to use Kickstarter to fund some new football fields, with an artifical surface and new media centers.

BA ... 37 - 11*
DT ... 17 - 31*
SL ... 18 - 30*
SF ... 31 - 17*
NY ... 21 - 27*
AT ... 27 - 21*
KC ... 22 - 38
OA ... 24 - 24*
MI ... 23 - 25*
(* = not finished)

The league office has found some skull-duggery in the Commissioner's office and plans to reveal its findings in the near future. The scandal will rock the Strato league and the Commissioner is not expected to survive with his job! Stay tuned!