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Steve the Pervert Records

Welcome to Steve the Pervert Records. Glad you could make it today. You are probably here to check out some of the most "happening" bands around like Aim to Maim or Intentional Mis*Hap, am I right? Of course I am. Well, let's just say you came to the right place then. Steve the Pervert Records has always been around, it just keeps getting passed on from generation to generation. Your grandfathers father to his father and then on to your get the idea. It all started a long time ago by a fellow named none other guessed it....STEVE. He was fed up with the standard early metal bands like Motely Crue, Ratt, Dokken and so on. So he came up with an idea. He was gonna start a Record label with no prior record label experience, that might garnish his virgin record managment ideas, this way all that would be coming thru would be pure music memories and not just some dudes out there just trying to make a dishonest buck. Well, needless to say his idea flopped, he became bankrupt, a manic depressive and eventually shot himself in the leg. Anyways, the point that I am trying to make here is that I really liked his name...Thank you.

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Steve The Pervert Records
4025 WoodHill RD
Minnetonka, MN 55345
