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ShadMans Place Jesus Loves you

B I was thinking on the bus yesterday about the whole thing who is Jesus

Hi users. I know have a dream come true. You may go to my blog each night and read news, bible studies, flashbacks of my life and whatever I share. Go to my blog and get up to date. Shads News daily All the up to date news and links and all kinds of junk right at your screen you can feast on.

Yes I do come to update my site. I am working on the Book of Romans series and if you’re here from that good for you. I am going back to Masters College this winter in CA so I am excited for that. I hope that you are happy tonight of course and I hope you are learning a lot of the word of God like I am. I have changed my email to Also this is the home of all things Shadman. If you got anything to add to this site then please email me.


I want to make a bible note for you here. I think that in the book of Matthew Jesus made the Jews wait for his kingdom. He left them out and only told the Gentiles of his day the truth. It is a amazing part of the bible and in time I am going to do a series on the3 Parables of Jesus.


Romans is a book that Paul wrote to the people in the great city of Rome. It is a book that lays out the truth that we are saved by faith alone by grace alone in Jesus alone. I am doing a campaign this fall and winter though email to show the truth of this wonderful book. I have spent hours and I am longing to build on this in my email and my web site. I think it is going to be a major thing and I am hoping you like it and learn more and read this book more than ever. So email me if your not on the list and if you are look for a web page that allows you to interact with the others on this list5 so we are studying the bible. It is

It is about time I put a little work into my site. I know many do not come here anyhow so I never work on it. I am so lazy? Anyhow I am glad that youre here and I hope you go away from your time here a little more educated about me. I have done a ton in the Last year that even I cannot keep tract of. I am working at the BEST FAST FOOD JOINT Macdonalds. I am a cleaner still there. If you go there to on Saturday and see me. I am the lobby man. I honestly think that we got the best crew in the Land. I do not say that without meaning it. I see them do the food and they are good at it. Really you order and somehow they cook it and get it to you fast. Buger king Needs a number we do not. They do not I must say. Our back line is awesome.(and they like me to).

Well I know people think I am funny and I am. I like life for the most part, I hate one thing rejection, oh well. Since your Here I want to kind of tell you where to go and why I want you to go there. I got a link to a place called Great Bible stuff. almost any devo in the cyber site is there. Then my Favorate singer who is Rebecca St James. I met her about 20 times, she is really a good singer and I love her because what she said she lives. I like her.

B I was thinking on the bus yesterday about the whole thing who is Jesus. I wondered and I wanted to ask this but instead I went to my Bible studys I did as a Noew Christian. I still got more and I will get to that. I thin k this is a needed and good thing to Look at. I found 2 passages and kind will go of them. I aksed this amd ask it like this. When Jesus walked on the earth he was God or was he man or was he both. I think this is a start in this passage
Phil 2:6-11
6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
7 but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
Indeed Jesus was God in the flesh meaning he probaly could of done all God could so. BUT he made it so he did not take up Gods power for his own use. I mean He healed and stuff but he did not like do things to make him more Comfortable. He was God yet he choose to become Man.
8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-- even death on a cross!
He went to the cross. This a freind said is the whole key. ALl is not truth like allah and budda are not true. There is one way and that was on the cross. Jesus paids all my sin on his cross. It is all on him. Thus I do not ever pay the pentaly for my sins. This also gives my Life meaning.
9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
We all are going to bow before Our Lord. It will be a honor to because he is a good awsome God. Jesus in this passage was and is God
I know you all probaly have known this for years but to me this consept is kinda new in the sence I am learning Jesus. It is kind of neat to thing Jesus who is GOD lives inside of me. I think this is awsome that Jesus lives inside of me.

Love SHadman

This is a amazing part of the bible. I think it helped me in my search as I asked about this Is Jesus God

Heb 1:1-10

1 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways,
2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.
Jesus is Gods son so much so that he is heir of all things. Jesus owns it all
3 The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.
The exact likeness Jesus was God with skin. He sat in heave next to God our father amd daddy.
4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.
5 For to which of the angels did God ever say, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father"? Or again, "I will be his Father, and he will be my Son"?
6 And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says, "Let all God's angels worship him."
the angels in heaven worship and adore Jesus and that means God is Jesus

all you fans Of mine. Het thank you for comming ot to the site. I got some new links for some of the e mail so you can look at the facts about topics I adders and desice for your own self the truth. I think that the Bible is not a book to pick thur and believe what you want to about it. Either it is all 100 percent true and we go to it and learn it or it is a lie. I know it is the truth and the Bible is the word of God. It is not a opion and is not allowed to be. It contians all truth. This man Shad thinks it is all we need to know about Jesus. I use to think it might be possible that God might of made the world thru Evolution. I one night told Jesus it weas as he told it in the bible and that is that. God said it the way it is. Our responce is to do as it said and not to make it say what it does not mean. Jesus said he is the way. Then he is the way to God and all other ways and means to religion are not the truth. No allah budda or hindu God. No My way is ok and so is yours. NO~! Jesus is the way truth and only way to know God. On June 30th at the target center last year I gave my Life to JESUS and it is his. No other way! No other way to heaven but Jesus. Jesus blood on the cross and his payment is the only way to Know your Gods. Ok I realize you might think my mind is closed off. It is. There is a verse in the Bible that said the way to heaven and few find it. That way is Jesus. He alone is the truth. Jesus did not come to be ok. He said familys will split on his account. If I lose friends by telling Jesus is the way and all others go to Hell then I lose them. Cassie died for Jesus, Scott lost her life to. Erin Buescher gave up a big time school just to follow Jesus. I think my heros in Jesus are a awsome. But to Knoe Jesus Loves me makes life good. Jesus can come to even you. Please if you do not know him read the book of John. Do not delay your life will never be the same and the Lord will Love you friend. I put some links on to let you look at some of the errors of the biggest church. Look at them then ask Jesus to show you if they are true. Jesus Loves you

Did you read your bible today? I ask you to stop looking at my site and take a minute to go read a Psalm or Proverb. I mean it. Please even if you do not Know Jesus get out the bible and read 1 chapter. Ok now sign my book and tell me what you read Please. Ok If you did your bible reading then proceed. If you did not read your bible then go do it

As of Nov 2001 Hi all my traffic and weclome to More of my page. Prehaps I told you to come here on a email or snail mail. You might of had this on your folder or your just here looking at my Page. I am honored you are on. Ok News I am still learning all I can about Jesus Christ. So far I have read a lot of psalms. Great book. I am also in to Who I Am in the light of Jesus and him comming into my heart. I am so glad he is in me and It is a done deal. If you want sign my book and tell my some good Bible stuff, I love the Bible and Praying. Jesus is real to me. I am going to put some things on my Bible page to check out. I hope you go to it and Lift your eyes up. If you do not know Jesus there is a link on my page for you to go and know him. I hope every one goes to him and Knows his Love. I am so Glad Jesus Lovers me. I hope you are looking all over te net.

If you want the latest news on me you got to e mail me at the bottom of my page here. I am doing this to weed out people that do not need to be here to get news from me. I am at odds with people and to be fair to them they do not have the privlages to veiw my news. If you want the link to get in to my news than e mail me.

I am still in love with the Lord Jesus. I know he is all I need to focus on. I want to give you a chance to know what I know. I feel it is the greatest thing you will ever know. I know Jesus is the greaest man that was on our planet. Jesus is the only person to live a sinless Life and he went to a unfair court trial. Then they killed Jesus but the Bible teaches that Jesus was laying his life down for us. Jesus died so we can know God. Jesus died a horrible death on a cross. They laid him in a tomb and Jesus was dead. But that is not the end. God rose Jesus to live. It was real. Jesus walked then on earth for a time of 40 days. Then Jesus went in to heavwen. This is not some fairy tale or myth. This I know is the way it really happend.

So why is Shad saying all of this to me on his page? My friend the same Jesus who lived and died is The awsome Lord of my life and he longs to come into your life and wants so much come to show you his love. He said that if you ask him to heart He will. Jesus will come and bring you life forever. If you want to ask Jesus Pray asking him to show himself to you and come into your heart. If you do E mail me and I will help you love him and share him with you. This is my only reason to live.

the fire of Jesus is in me. I am now a sold out Christian. It happened at a basketball game. I got links to her on my links pages so you can read about her faith and Jesus worked in her so now He used her to get me. Praise his Name

My Favorite Links

great bible stuff
rebecca st james, need i say more?
Good site on tests
My Bible Page
My Resume
Grandma B
The Shadman old news
TV at its finest The ateam
My must see show
links part 2
talk show on truth
How to become a Christian