The Artist Within aka Philip J. Curtis

Something Worse

It has never happened to me

But I do know of 2 or 3

I do believe I can comprehend to some degree

Please before I go on correct me if I'm wrong but there is something worse than rape

The nerve of me

Let me continue, I'm sure you will agree

Webster says it is the forcing of another person to submit to sex acts, seizing, or carrying off with force; abusive improper treatment

What, the taking away of ones pride, dignity, and in some cases their purity

Though not physically, let me explain the raping of me

One of my lifelong dreams was to find that one person to spend forever with and multiply our love

You changed the plan

Deep down you hated every man

Dahm, I believed in you, least expected you

I submitted to what I thought was your true love

Perhaps you said "I do" to a mirror

Now and for a sometime to come I can't get over what you have done

Similar would you not agree

For some they get this feeling for it was someone they knew or believed in and least expected

For others the ones closest to them did not believe and blamed the victim

Finally the laws, need I say more

Just the same I stand by the title of this poem

There is something worse than rape

It's name BETRAYAL

Copyright © 2000 Philip J. Curtis All Rights Reserved

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Look for the release of The Silence Within on 6/1/01 featuring the poem "Please Mam, Please Sir" by Philip J. Curtis. Also in 2001, The Sound of Poetry a three-compact disk collection featuring 33 poems through the spoken word.
