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This Tutorial is the sole property of Meezerlove Designs. Any similarity to any other is
strictly coincidental. The Graphics are by Meezerlove Designs.

You will need the following items to complete this Tutorial.
Jasc Paint Shop Pro .. 30 Day Free Trial
DC Layer Plug In .. Download the dc Layer Pro Layer zip
Eye Candy 3 or 4
Xero Plugin Download the Set
This Zip file with: .. Victorian Hand Tube .. By Meezerlove Designs
Brush-gh_smoke .. By Bunny's Attic ..

These two fonts:
"Words Of Love""
... and
"TM Tail Lights Normal"


This Tutorial was written using Paint Shop Pro9 but it should work equally well in other versions.

Open your Tube onto your Desktop. Shift/D to Duplicate Twice as you'll need two.

(Better to duplicate twice and then just use the duplicated copies.) Close out

the original.


1. File/New Image .. Transparent .. 400x600

Set your Foreground and Background Colors to #BD7D74

Select the Rounded Rectangle. After using, you will have to convert

back to Raster Layer in your Layer Palette. Start drawing near the top of

your image and extend downward. I started at about 65-70 in and 10 down from top.

I extended mine down to 350-360.

2. Foreground & Background Color -- #D3A29B

Preset Shapes Tool -- Rounded Rectangle .. Convert to Raster Layer. This time we'll give it

a feathered edge by going to Selections/Select All/Float

and then Selections/Modify/contract 5 .. Selections/Invert

3. Eye Candy 3 or 4 .. Jiggle with these settings:
Brownian Motion
Bubble Size 12.33
Warp Amount 5.39
Twist 0
Seamless Tile Checked
Random Seed 433 .. Selections/Select None

While still on this layer .. Effects/DC Layer/Layer Blend and hit the Layer Blend about

6 or 7 times to achieve this effect. (The image below shows the effect but with the next

steps added also.)

Selections/Select None

4. Again, select your Preset Shapes Tool with the Foreground and Background

at # FAE7E4. Draw in the next shape as pictured above.

Convert to Raster Layer.

5. Repeat the Selections Instructions as above in Step 2.

6. Repeat the Eye Candy Instructions as above in Step 3.

7. Repeat the DC Layer instructions as in Step 3.

Now make all layers invisible except for these 3 layers by using the Red X.

Layers/Merge/Merge Visible. Reveal your layers again by removing the Red X's.

5. If you have your tube open on the desktop, Edit/Copy it and then click on your

image in process and click .. Paste As New Layer. Or, you may add a new layer and click on your

tube tool and size your tube to fit and insert it on the image.

*Note: After resizing, you may need to go to Adjust/Sharpen and

Sharpen once. Add a Drop Shadow of:

Horizontal and Vertical .. 2, Blur .. 6, Opacity .. 32, Color .. Black.

6. Preset Shapes Tool -- Rounded Rectangle with Foreground and

Background colors .. # D3A29B

Draw a narrow shape towards bottom of image as in this screenshot, again using

the Preset Shapes tool, Rounded Rectangle.:

*Note, you may flood fill a color in your background if it will make it easier for you

to see your work as you progress. (Bottom Layer) You can delete it later

or change the color.

Convert to Raster Layer

7. Edit/Copy .. Edit//Paste as New Layer. Now you will have one on the other side.

You may have to move this layer around a bit to position, using your Mover Tool.

Once positioned, make invisible the other layers except for the two column layers.

Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Name this Layer "Column".

8. Now resize your remaining tube on the Desktop to 35%.

Edit/copy. Click on your main image and Edit/Paste as new layer.

Select your Deform tool and elongate just a bit and push in a bit on sides so that it
fits your column.

9. Effects/Xero/Porcelain and default settings

Edit/Copy this layer and then click on the layer with other column

Paste as new layer.

10. On first column , your Tube Image layer....Image/Mirror. Now the hands

are facing each other.

Make your other Layers Invisible and then Merge Visible the two small Hand Images.

Name this layer "Hands".

Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow .. Horizontal and Vertical 1 .. color-black ..

Blur .. 1, Opacity .. 46

11. At this point in our tutorial, you will want to Layer/Merge/Merge Visible your layers.

Make sure that the first layer (Bottom) is made invisible with the red X. We don't

want it merged just yet.

Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Now you should only have two layers.

On your bottom layer Flood Fill with white.

12. On your newly merged layer, Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow with these settings:

Horizontal and Vertical... 2, Opacity .... 32, Blur ... 3, Color ... Black

13. Back to your Preset Shapes Tool and change it now to the Plain Rectangle.

Draw a box right in between your two columns, matching the top and bottom

heights. Foreground and Background are both #FFFFFF, White. It won't

show on your card yet. Name this layer "Box".

Effects/3d Effects/Drop Shadow with these settings:

Horizontal and Vertical .. 1,Opacity .. 32, Blur .. 2,

Repeat this Drop Shadow, but change to -1 for Horizontal and Vertical.

14. Refer to the Image in Step 8 to get an idea of what

we're aiming for. That is what you should have now.

In the center of your white box, again go to your preset shapes, rectangle and

draw just a thin line in the center of your box, edge to edge.

Convert to raster layer.

15. Use the same drop shadows as in Step 13.

Now move your opacity slider in your layer palette over to 44.

Make sure you're on the Layer that has the box. Selections/select all/float

Add a New Raster Layer

16. Brush GH_Smoke, color #d3a29b size about 110. We want to

add this to the bottom section of the white box, fitting inside the bottom

section. (Thanks Ginny !)

Move the layer palette over to 36

Defloat your selection

Selections/Select None.

17. Layers/Merge/Merge all

18. Now we will resize our image.

19. Now we will apply our Text. Click on the Text Tool with these settings:

Vector || Size .. 38 || Stroke ..2.0 || Bold || Line Style .. Solid || Wrap Text .. Checked.

Choose the Font, "Words Of Love" with the size at 38. Null your Forground Color and

make the Background color #F5d7D5.

I did the "Happy Valentine's" on the first text layerand then the "Day" separately on

another Layer. Red X out the other layers and then Merge/Merge Visible the two Text layers.

Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow.. Horizontal and Vertical ..1, Blur .. 1,

Opacity .. 55, Color Black. Resize to fit well in the space.

This is what you should have now.

20. Now............add your name. Select the Text Tool and the

Font .. "TM Tail Lights", size 24, Foreground Color .. #BD7D74,

Background Color .. #F0BEBE

Convert to Raster Layer

Effects/3d Effects/Drop Shadow, Horizontal .. 1, Vertical .. 1

Opacity .. 32, Blur .. 2, Color .. Black.

21. Add your watermark or signature next on a new layer and place where you

want it.

22. Now on the materials palette, turn off your background layer or make it Null.

The foreground is still #BD7D74.

Layers/New Raster Layer

Go to your preset shapes tool, Plain Rectangle, line width 2, background null,

and draw a line around perimeter, close to the edge.

23. Next I used the crop tool to take away the bit of white left around the line

we just drew on the card. Make sure you don't get too close and take off the

colored line.

Here is another example using other images and colors.

::Tube by Anna Marie::

I hope that you've enjoyed this tutorial and you should have fun using other images, themes, and colors.

Please visit Meezerlove Designs Tutorials.

If you would like to see other results using this Tutorial, please check out the "Tester's Page" HERE.


I wish to thank all the talented artists and tubers out there for their generous offerings.

It's because of all of you that I can sit at this computer and be able to express

myself through this form or art.

It is not my intent to infringe on anyone's art or work. These Fonts and Brushes have been

given to me, if there's something here that you would like credit for, please let me know. I would

be most happy to comply.

All Graphics Work by © 'Meezerlove Designs' January, 2006

Interested in learning to work with graphics?

I have just the thing for you.


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This site has been written and created by Meezerlove Designs and copyrighted. You may not remove any images, HTML, or zip files for the purpose of reproducing in any "less than honest" way. You may not store or archive these pages in any Yahoo Groups files, or in any mailing list sites. These pages may not be sent through any email groups. These pages may not be translated and placed on any site without my written permission. All personal files pertaining to this site and these pages, original images, original tubes and all other originals are my creations. I have used others' tutorials to achieve some of the resutlts seen herein, others I have created myself. :: Thanks to all the very talented tutorial artists who so freely give of their time and talent. :: © ."All rights reserved". No portion of this site may be reproduced or redistributed in any form. Meezerlove Designs =^..^= 2005