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This is a PSP7 ©Tutorial written by 'Meezerlove Designs', Copyright January 2002 and may not be reproduced in whole, or in any part, without my prior permission.


For this tutorial you will need the contents of this folder .

This contains the Doily Tube, Rose Tubes, Jan's Pearls Tube, and the Ribbons Tubes. I have also included a Partially Made Doily made for those that might not want to construct the layers. Click here for the Texturizer PlugIn, and the Linen Texture. Unzip all in to their proper folders.

**Hint: Remember to save your work often as a .psp.

Open a new image 600x600, Transparent.

Layer/New Layer/Raster Layer. Note* All layers you will be adding will be Raster, so I will just say New Layer.

Choose your Preset Shapes Tool Elipse/Antialias Checked/Line Width 1/Solid Line. Have your Foreground on Black and your Background set to Null.

Place your curser on the Image and draw an oval. Make sure it's centered and not close to the edges. Use the Deformation Tool and drag the oval into a nice oval shape in a little from the edges leaving room for the Doily tube. Drag to 268, 594.

Layer/New Layer, name Doily.

Tubes/Doily-Place a Doily - scale the tube at 85 - at the top of the black circle so that a little overlaps the black line on top. Next add a Doily to the right and left sides and the bottom.

Effects/3-D Effects/Inner Bevel with these settings.

Effects/3-D Effects/Drop Shadow with these settings.

Layer/New Layer-Name it Doily2

Now add a Doily on this layer in between each of the other Doily's so that the sides just barely overlap.

Apply the same Inner Bevel and Drop Shadow as above.

Layer/New Layer. Now we want the Jan's Pearls Tube. I sized mine to about 62-64. Place a pearl in the center of each Doily in the little circle. *Hint: You may zoom your image larger for better viewal.

At this point we want to go to layer 2 on the Layer Palette, that should be the one with the black circle. Delete this layer. Layers/Merge/Merge Visible these remaining layers. Leave the image active but go to Files/Export/As Picture Tube and save this image as a Tube for future use. *Hint: You don't have to add a .jpg, .gif, or tub extension to the name, it will automatically be done for you.

This is what your Doily and Pearls should look like so far. I have placed mine on a background so that you may see it better.

Layer/New Layer. Name this Layer SingleRose.

Get your Single Rose Tube and scale at about 64. For this step you will need a new and separate layer for EACH Single Rose. I started at the top and placed 4 Single Roses. After the first, I added a Drop Shadow with the same settings as above. After each layer and Single Rose I did the same. Now Layer/New Layer and start the process on the right side, not forgetting new Layer each time and Drop Shadow each time. Work your way around the Doily till the bottom and left side are completed. *Hint: about every other Rose I changed the size or scale of the tube about 3 sizes smaller. I also went to Image/Rotate/ and either left or right 35-70 for a more pleasing and natural appearance. If it will help you, name each of your Single Rose Layers, give them a number, eg.

Layer/New Layer. Now to the Selections Tool - set at Feather 18. Again make an oval Elipse in the center of your Doily, extending it just a tiny bit over the inner edges of the Doily.

Flood Fill this area with White.

Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Image/Resize/250x250. Effects/Sharpen.

Layer/New Layer. Move this layer below your merged layer.

With your color picker, pick out a nice, soft and light color from your image and flood fill this layer.

Effects/Texture/Texturizer. Load Texture, browse to your PSP Textures and fine the Linen Texture that you have saved there. Set the sliders at 100 on top and 7 on the bottom. Apply or OK.

Layers/Merge/Merge All.

Pick a deeper color from your Image and have it as your Background Color for a Border.

Image/Add Border/2.


Effects/3-D Effects/Cutout with these settings, OK, but then go back and set the sliders at -1. Deselect.

Files/New/New Image - 350x350 Transparent.

Again use your Color Picker to pick out a color just a little bit deeper than the first.

Flood Fill the new image.

Effects/Texture/Texturizer - your Linen should still be there for you, it will say Load Texture but you've already done that, so Apply or OK.

Now on your original image - Edit/Copy

Then select the new Image and - Edit/Paste. Now your original image should be centered on your new background image.

Selections/Elipse/Line Width 1, Feather 2. Draw an Elipse in the center of the Doily letting it extend just barely over the inner edge of the Doily.

*Note: You may leave the white center in your Doily for other designs and decorating purposes. However for this tutorial we are going to remove it. Leave the Marching Ants and:

Effects/3-D Effects/Cutout with the same settings as above, but DON'T do the -1 setting.

Now, hit Delete and your white inner elipse will disappear.


Layer/New Layer.

On your Layer Palette move this layer between the Doily Layer and the one under it. Name it Rose Bunch. Just drag it.

We now want your Rose Bunch Tube. Scale this down to about 35, you will have to experiment a bit with the size. Place in the center of your Doily. Move it around and size until it looks good.

Layer/New Layer - Name it Ribbons.

There are two different size ribbon tubes. You may want to resize even further. On this layer place the larger of the ribbons. I added another layer for the one on the left and did an Image/Mirror on it.

Layer/New Layer - Name it Ribbons2.

You will want the smaller of the ribbon tubes at this point and follow the same steps as above. I also added a slight Drop Shadow under these and the Rose Bunch, using the same settings as before.

Layer/New Layer - Name it PearlsB.

I sized down the Jan's Pearls tube even smaller and placed a few small Pearls with the ribbons.

I also made a string of Pearls on a New Layer. I used the Preset Shapes Tool for the clasps and then Super Blade Pro Gold on those. Add a Drop Shadow with the same settings as before.

When it pleases you, Layers/Merge/Merge All.

Pick a deeper color from your Image and have it as your Background Color for a Border.

Image/Add Border/2.


Effects/3-D Effects/Cutout with the same settings as before, but then go back and set the sliders at -1. Deselect.

Layers/Merge/Merge All.

When you're are all finished, your image should look similar to this.

I hope that you have enjoyed working with this Tutorial and getting a better feel for layers and moving them around on the Layer Palette.

I am going to put in some other images I made using this Tutorial.

This tutorial copyright 'Meezerlove Designs'. All rights reserved. Individuals and PSP graphics groups may link to this page. It may be downloaded for personal use and instruction. However, this tutorial, including its graphics, may not be published in print or on the web without prior written permission by 'Meezerlove Designs'. Copying of any webpage, in whole or in part, except where permission is specifically given, may be considered copyright infringement, which is unlawful and punishable by fines.

A new concept in Tutorial Writing.

If you are interested in learning to work with PSP and making your own graphics, please visit this site. Here you will receive "Go At Your Own Pace" instructions, plus, you'll have alot of fun learning.