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Family: Reception

The Wedding Cake (coconut, ?, etc..) with a water fall!

Xia and Gina (UMM Alumns 02', who knew Marcelo when he attended UMM from 00'-01!

The First Dance!

Enjoying this moment they've been waiting for....

Sal and Soua (Khoua's Uncle) MC together

Khoua waves to the camera

Xia speaks in behalf of Yo (sp?), her husband, who was behind the beautifully made Wedding Cake!

Groomsmen does the traditional garter before throwing it the "single" available bachelors-Shu the groomsmen wins!

Please e-mail any additional pictures to

Itinerary Schedule

*Greeting of Guest at their table (@5:15-5:30p)
Introduction by MC's Sal and Soua
Pastor Sing of Khoua's church gives a share
Marcelo's Speech
Khua's Speech
Prayer by Sing
Supper Serving
-Purple Sticky Rice
-Hmong Salad
Toast from Salvador
Open Mike
-Su's Speech
-Bride and Groom's Short Speech
First Dance
Cutting of the Cake
Boquet Toss
Garter Toss
Group Dance
?Dollar Dance
Party @7:30p start
*Special Song by May Yang @10:45p

*These were added last minute to the "last minute" itenrary schedule made the morning of the Wedding Day. The "Greeting of the Guest" came before the reception was formally started since the MC's couldn't start due to technical difficulties.
May sang towards the end of the Party before 11pm when it ended since here "suprise" song for the Groom and Bride was played early in the Party. Going with the flow...

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