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Red Alert Strategies

Here are some strategies for the Allies and Soviets on Red Alert: I defeat the computer when they are Soviets by training Tanyas and blowing up their base, building Light and Medium tanks, launching Atomic bombs, building Turrets and camo. pillboxes for base defense, and Cruisers to take out their base. Cruisers are my favorite because they have extreme range and they are what make the Allies so good. Just remember AA guns and gap generators are important to protect your base. If you surround your base with a lot of turrets everywhere, you will be very hard to defeat.

For Soviets, to take out their construction yard and other enemy structures, I build a helipad, and then a chinook. Then you build an iron curtain and use it on the chinook while having 5 Tanyas in it. Transport the chinook by their base or at least close to it (so the iron curtain lasts long) but free from being attacked. Then use the iron curtain and land it by the enemy structure. If there are flametowers, or tesla coils, or turrets, or pillboxes, near by where you landed, wait until they shoot at the invulnerable chinook. Then unload the Tanyas and click on the Tanyas and then on the structure and they will blow it up. The reason why you need to use the iron curtain on the chinook is because their are either AA guns or Sam Sites. Everything needs power so build a lot of power plants so things can run. Soviets are the best for land power because they have double barrel tanks, tesla coils, flametowers and flamethrowers. If you have a lot of tanks, flametowers, and teslas for base defense, you will be hard to beat. If I had a lot of tanks I would launch an attack to bring down their population of units. Remember teslas and flametowers help a lot! You should have a lot of sam sites and bazooka soldiers surrounding your base also to resist air attacks. You can do modem play for Red Alert and it is very fun. I usually win with the strategy given above against most of my friends that play me. E-mail me if you have any questions or if you would like some more of my strategies.

Basic Strategy

The basic strategy of Red Alert is really to build Ore Trucks. Crank out ore trucks while having just the right amount of defenses. To do that you'll then have to understand the meaning of concentrated fire. What it means is to have all your units targeting at one enemy unit.

Allied Strategy

Allied Forces mainly depended on speed and stealth. They're good for squishing people into pieces. The computer most of the time will attack your pillbox. This might be a good way of trashing soviet's waves of attack.
When mine layer come into use, use them to get rid of tanks and ore trucks. Build Navy units when allowed, they're pretty tough against ground units.
But they're very expensive so make sure you have a lot of cash rolling in.

Soviet Strategy

Soviet have very strong powerful units. V2s and heavy tanks play a big role.
Heavy tanks defend V2s while V2s blow up buildings such as turrets. A cheating way is to have your V2 standing just close enough to fire. Once it shoots run. Or else you can build a team of migs. Scramble into the sky.
If you've enough the target usually get blown up into pieces. Don't worry about the number of planes lost as long as the target is hit right?

A tactic by: Phillip

OK a few tips and facts: 1. Allies rule 2. You are not in a hurry and are cautious of money and need ore trucks a good tactic is to build the whole refinery then sell it and you keep the ore truck! better yet you enroll half the money you paid in the first place to build it so you overall gain around $400 and an ore truck! BIG SAVE ! ( this also works with helicopters and helipads $$) 3. soviets are moldy poo (Boris Yeltsin and Joseph Stalin is a festering bowl of dog snot) 4. Got slow units (cursers, mammoth tanks, etc.)? wanna speed em up? well first make a group of the slow units then add to the group a fast unit (transport, mine layer, apc, etc.) select all the units then press and hold Ctrl+(one through nine) making them a group. [now any time you press that number it will auto select all of those units] then the most important part press your group number and then F. this will format them so that all the units travel the same speed as the fastest unit in the group. 5. Russia fights with cubical minions of elephant crap! 6. a few tips: a) Whenever you need a building away from your base then use silos making a path to your wanted site there make a defense structure (turret, pill box, tesla coil, etc.) then sell all your silos and go from there! b) Never build silos! Spend your excess money unless... c) Unless you take into thought my strategy eight and are bringing in loads of money, (always GUARD YOUR SILOS thieves are nasty unless they are yours). d) Never keep your units clumped! Send all excess units to the permitter of your base in the gaps. e) Keep artillery units off the front line of battle. f) use strategy a to build turrets (2) at the entrances of your base (bridges ridges walls or any place an enemy scum might slip in) then pillboxes (2 also to the outside of all the pill boxes. LEAVE NO GAPS TO YOUR BASE! ( that means air to; build AA guns and Sam sights especially rocket infantry) g) have one medic to every ten infantry (if you have aftermath have one mechanic to every ten tanks) h) if you are a fool and decide to be soviets (mistake) after you construct a tech center, sell it and you still keep all the advantages I) Artillery and rocket infantry shoot further than flame turrets. 7. The key to over throwing a base is through strategy if possible taking out POWER! power is the number one hey source of the enemies ability to keep up a base. A few ways of taking power could be a) using cursors to demolish! ( navel command is a strong allied advantage) b) Tanya (a Tanya in your or an enemies base is DEADLY! Tanya is the strongest unit in the game USE HER! c) Allied air is expensive and week (DON'T GO THERE) d) A BOMB is one of the best ways, the comp usually lines up power, (foolish) learn from this and SPREAD OUT YOUR BUILDINGS! and keep defense within your wall you'll be seeing chronoed units and para troopers within your walls and you could lose with in seconds! keep a small quick sweep force ready for such an alert! ( three tanks, five riflers, two rocket infantry and a a jeep) e) once power's gone RUSH (by now there base might be gone) probably 15 tanks per average base. Always double their tank number and defense strength make your tanks in to 1-9 groups probably three. then using strategy crush em! 8. To get MONEY one of the key factors to the game. first in multiplayer have at least five bases each a con yd. ore refinery, gap gen., and a few turrets and tanks. your money rates will double. then sell the con yard. get mcv's by building a service dep. and then selling it. chrono the mcv's any where (the best places are wealthy islands). but on single missions the best to gain is three ore trucks per refinery. 9. Engineers are vital for a good game. By capturing soviet con yr. you may gain universal domination. use them by knocking a buildings strength to red then infiltrating, immediately repair. 10. Last of all have fun it's what the game is made for! Find out your own tactics and demolish your friends! [NEVER GIVE UP] maybe keep an emergency transport the proper equipment to start up a new base and always if you see a few curser shells flying at a structure sell it, keep engineers around to repair. There are thousands more tactics but my wrists are dying. Find out your own and past em on some awesome ones like this one! Thanks for your time and remember Soviets suck!


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