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MidiMe Help

How do I ... ?
Create MIDI music files without expensive equipment.
Set MIDI input options.
Create a drum track.
Select a channel for recording.
Delete a bad recording.
Save as a MIDI file.
Open a MIDI file for editing.
Perform cut, copy and paste on measures.
Edit individual notes.
Use the mouse for added control.
Enter lyrics to create Karaoke files.

Creating MIDI files doesn't need to involve expensive equipment or endless cables. With MidiMe all you need is right in your computer. It is a no frills MIDI sequencer designed to get your creative juices flowing with easy setup and simple editing.

Set MIDI Input Options

The first thing you need to do is set the MIDI input device. On the menu click Midi->Select Input. The first device attached to the system is the default. If no MIDI instruments are attached then the PC keyboard will act as a piano keyboard with "Z" being a low C-note and "Q" being a middle F-note.

Create a Drum Track

You need to set the tempo and beats per measure under the menu items Midi->Tempo and Midi->Beats Per Measure. A metronome tick will now play when you press Play or Record. You can toggle it on/off with Midi->Metronome. You create the drum track on channel 10. The channel has already been given the name "Drums". Click on the button with a drum icon or select Midi->Edit Drums. The drum machine works the same as Maud's drum machine. You choose a drum pattern and instrument and then set the volume at certain beats. Once you have created several patterns you string them together by literally writing them as a string. Ex. 001122003300 would mean play the first pattern twice then the second, third and so on. You can also record the drums through Midi In or the pc keyboard.

Select a channel for recording.

MidiMe treats each channel as a seperate instrument. Choose a channel and an instrument for that channel from the dropdowns. Give your channel a new name if you like with Edit->Track Name. Hit record and you will hear the metronome or drum track play. Play along with you MIDI device or the PC keyboard. Click the stop button when you are through recording.

Deleting a Bad Recording

If you didn't like the recording you just finished simply answer "No" when prompted to save the recording. To later delete the selected channel click Edit->Delete->Whole Channel. To delete all channels including the drum track just select File - > New.

Saving a MIDI file

To save your masterpiece as a .mid or .kar click File->Save as. You will be asked to give the file a name and then click OK. All of your drum track information will be saved inside the MIDI file but you can also save the drum track seperately in the drum editor for use in other songs.

Open a MIDI file for Editting

In MidiMe click on File->Open to reopen a file for editing. Files created with MidiMe will allow you to edit the drum track as before. Some .mid files created with other software may also allow this but usually drum tracks are too complicated for the simple drum editor and you run out of patterns. If you open the drum editor and see that all the patterns are used up just cancel out of the editor and edit the drums like any other notes.

Using Cut, Copy and Paste

Once you have recorded your song there are bound to be edits required. MidiMe uses two levels of "zoom" when editting. The first level allows edits aligned to measures. The second allows selecting individual notes. The toggle zoom button has a picture of staff notes on it. Use the mouse to highlight an area of the piano roll by clicking and dragging. The selection will be highlighted and aligned to either measures or 32nd notes depending on the "zoom". Then use the Edit->Cut, Copy and Paste features as you normally would. You can also paste loops, and modify notes in a number of ways.

Editting Individual Notes

You will often need to edit an individual note. To do this toggle the zoom so notes are enlarged. Highlight the beginnings of notes you want to edit. You can quickly re-align the note-on times by pressing the up/down arrow keys. To move the note-off times hold the shift key down when arrowing. Similarly you transpose a note with the right and left arrow keys. You add a note with the insert key. To delete use Edit->Cut.

Using the Mouse for more Control when Recording

Since the PC keyboard isn't exactly a baby grand, MidiMe allows you to use the mouse for a volume control and either a pitchwheel or mod wheel. Set this by selecting Midi->Echo Midi In and Midi->Mouse Action->PitchWheel, Volume or Mod Wheel. Then, as you record, move the mouse up and down for volume control and right to left for the wheel. Also you can shift the keyboard up/down an octave with the page up/down keys. You will want to make sure you have clicked off the drop down lists before using the page up/down keys.

Entering lyrics to create Karaoke files

A karaoke file should have a channel named Melody. This channel should consist of a single string of notes that would be sung. You add a lyric by highlighting a note and pressing CTRL->INSERT to insert a word or syllable at that specific note. Press CTRL->RIGHT to insert text at the next note and so on until finished. CTRL->DELETE removes the selected text. CTRL->HOME will edit the selected text. Move through the text by pressing CTRL->UP and CTRL->DOWN arrow keys. Move through the notes by pressing CTRL->RIGHT and CTRL->LEFT arrow keys.

For more information, updates, help or suggestions you can contact the author at