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Bio information removed due to lack of significant reason for it's appearance in any form associated with the wrestler and/or the RHW.

Finishing Move: "Crimson Dreams"(Kryptonite Krunch)

Favorite Maneuver/Submissions: Variety of suplexes (northern lights/german/t-bone), steel chair assisted leg-drops/dropkicks (any form of steel chair attacks used by Sabu included), amateur style takedowns and lock-ups, and a simple 'guillatine' choke.

Influences: Sabu, Cactus Jack (EC F'N W!), Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Doug Furnas, Terry Funk, and Taz (ECW days of vicious, neck breaking suplexes!). Along with the boys from High Impact Wrestling in Arizona, that includes Scar and S.E.W too. Japanese garbage wrestling, Extreme Championship Wrestling, and any person who enjoyed watching me get beat up/ beat someone else up in my backyard at the expense of my own body. I'd also like to thank those who told me that I was "crazy" for what I did in my prime of "hardcore" wrestling and spread the word to others, you built me a reputation that still has effect today!

Intro Music: "Waiting To Die" (hed)p.e.

Favorite Weapon: Fork

Titles held: RHW World, RHW Hardcore, RHW Tag-team (Current), RHW King of the Death Match (Current)

Hair Colors: Blonde , blue, green, pink, red, orange, yellow, purple, brown, and BLACK, Blue/green

Interests: (besides inflicting pain upon other human beings) Tattoos, piercings, drawing, writing lyrics, and promotion of immoral values on the face of our "lovely" society.

Favorite moment in RHW: "Shortly before my infamous battle with Scar, I thought I'd get ready for it by setting up a match with myself and anyone who wanted to help get me primed to face off against Scar. So, I ended up agreeing to a Tai Pei (thumb-tacks instead of glass)/ Barbed-Wire Boards Death Match against a fairly new face to RHW at the time, 'The Unknown'. Anyway, all throughout my day I kept hearing from various people that 'The Unknown' was going to try to step up to the plate and seriously fight me. Anyway, after a throw of a light tube at him it busted him across the side of the head and opened him up pretty nicely. I figured I'd justify my reputation of not tolerating attitudes like his that day by not pinning him until I successfully connected with my finishing maneuver...onto a barbed-wire board. I ended up folding him in half pretty smoothly with the Kryptonite Krunch...then I pinned him and helped him clean his profusely bleeding, ignorant ass up. I did feel bad for my actions and apologized for the result, because I didn't intentionally turn him into a crimson mess on purpose. He had no problem with the match, besides it not being taped...but I did get quite a surprise a few days later when the local law enforcement greeted me on my arrival at home to discuss my "unlawful" activities. 'The Unknown' did get busted pretty badly, so his father decided to inform them of the event...they advised me not to wrestle anymore, but I agreed even though I had a few days left until I was supposed to wrestle Scar. With that conversation about my "extreme wrestling", they thought it would be a good time to give up the name of one of my friends who supposedly had "drugs" on them when I was wrestling 'The Unknown'. Irrelevant questions aimed at me are put to rest with 'smart ass' comments, that helped me escape their barrage of illogical inquiries when brought up during the topic of 'extreme backyard wrestling'. That was my fond memory that sticks out in my mind...since the next time I wrestled, I became a criminal and began my less than friendly association with the local law enforcement officers, who still have yet to prove that I'm guilty of any of their alleged crimes that they have failed to stick me with in the court of law..."