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Raveen Kats

Walking around the stone caverns, you come to one that you hadn't noticed before. The ground is completely made out of sand and the room is comfortably large with another passage leading outdoors. As soon as you enter the room, you hear movement in one of the corners. You look to find out what it is, but see nothing. Looking closer, you see a kat the same color as the sand, quietly grooming herself. She stops and looks at you warily with golden eyes, sitting up but making no move to advance or retreat.


"Her name is Sunsubira and she's a Raveen Kat." You jump as Lessa comes up beside you unseen. You nod your head at the information and listen to what else she has to tell you about this kat.

Name: Sunsubira (Sunset)
Gender: Female
Litter: 2
Element: Sand
Abilities: Sand Storm


A male eyes you from the tunnel that you saw earlier that leads outside. He flashes you a wicked grin and walks back outside. You can hear thunder crashing outside and the wind howling moments later.

Subira shakes more of the sand from her coat, and begins to groom herself. Lessa shakes her head. "That was Kauus. He's the resident terror around here. I'd watch yourself if you want to return to your homeland unscathed. Next time he may bring that storm inside with him. He's really a kind of nice once he thinks your okay, but he likes to make people think he's tough."

Name: Kauus
Gender: Male
Litter: 3
Element: Chaos
Abilities: Chaos Wave-Picture all the main natural disasters, put them all together and you have Chaos wave. Basically it's a wave of hail, fire, acid rain, and rocks followed by a tornado.

After deciding that you don't want to know anymore about that black demon, you inquire if there are any other, nicer, kats around. "Oh yeah, but you'll have to be able to stand the heat over in the next room. She likes it hot over there." Lessa leads you through a curtained door after you affirm that you'll be able to take it.

Walking into the next room you see a small raveen kat resting on a stone slab near a pool of running water.


She raises her head and gives you a kat-like smile as you enter. You can't help but notice that it feels like a greenhouse in here and that you're already beginning to sweat. Standing up, she walks over to you and playfully butts your leg.

Name: Senkulpeca (Innocence)
Gender: Female
Litter: 5
Element: Innocence
Notes: She has a very thin build and is no taller then a common ocelot. She is sometimes confused with a teen due to her build. Like most Innoccence Kats she prefers a tropical climate and hates fighting, but will fight if she's threatened.
Abilities: Inner Soul-The ability to 'calm' the target's soul, rendering the target 'calm' for an hour. As such, the target will not be able to even think about attacking. Also during this time, the target's abilities will shut down, rendering them useless for two hours.
