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Oliver Tony Malbon was born on July 6th, 1989. My mom's friend Bonnie had a daughter a little older than me at the time, and she wanted to get a cat. I would come over to their house all the time since my mom would always work out in their gym. I would play with the cat untill we had to leave. I didn't ever want to go of course because I fell in love with him the first time I laid my eyes on him. Bonnie's daughter eventually named the cat Stevie. Later did I learn, that the cat known as Stevie would be dropped off beside our door. Bonnie said that the cat was always knocking down her plants. She also said she gave him to us because her 2 sons kept abusing him like pulling and stepping on his tail. And that was pretty much it. One day in the car I remember my whole family trying to think of a name for Stevie. At first I thought Sam would be a good name for him for some reason. But then I remembered my favorite movie at the time was the Disney film Oliver & Company. And that's how he got the name Oliver. I have many nicknames for him of course. They include Oli, potifer, potty, big old man, Olimon, kitty, and Mr. Man. The reason I came up with the nickname potty, is that Oliver went to potifer, then potifer went to potty. I'm a psychopath, I know. Today Oliver lives with me here in Minnesota and he is still my baby. I love him so much. Everyday I ask God to protect him. So far so good. He's a full grown, very healthy, and frisky cat. To my parents he's just another animal, but to me, he's part of the family, just like a person, I treat him as though he is a human and has real feelings. That's the right way to treat animals in my opinion.

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