Welcome to Old Man Wool Farm

Home to the strangest hodge, podge of creatures ever.

Approximately 130 crossbred sheep with fleeces running from 32s to 64s and multi-colored.

One colored mohair buck who is looking for a girlfriend. Actually, he is not allowed to live on the farm–he lives with a friend in exchange for my keeping of her two sheep.

Four border collies. The one that actually worked has now gone blind from diabetes. She gets her insulin everyday, but doesn’t herd well anymore. The other three are "in training" I just wish someone would train the trainer.

One Komondor. Odin is a rescued Komondor and he was supposed to guard the sheep. Instead, he prefers to sit on laps and snore in beds.

Sixteen geese–four sebastopols, one pomeranian, and the rest are toulouse and embden.

A bunch-o-chickens.

Four muskovie ducks.

Four cats (two in the house and two outside and I refuse to count the pregnant cat that my brother in law put in our barn because he didn’t want his daughter to see the kittens–she was a stray--the cat, not my niece).

Three llamas who live with the sheep.

A gilt named Egg who is looking for a boyfriend (or the freezer, whichever comes first).

One mother–mine.


Six creatures of the equine persuasion which include my older, blind, but ridable mare, a scrawny nag I just bought, a friend’s gelding, my nieces two ponies, and my mother’s pony/horse. None of which get ridden very often.

Hmmmm, do the bats in the attic and the mice in the walls count?


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