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Penguin Paraphernalia

Hey Everyone! This a page dedicated to my twin sister, Aynsley. She loves penguin and collects them and all that. So I am going to make a page for her.


~~There are 18 different types of penguins.~~

(I was looking at sites with facts and some said 17 and some said 18. So um yea.)

~~When you think of penguins you must think of the North Pole. ( Sonja pointed out to me that penguins live in the South Pole. Isn't it cold in both places so if they do live in the South Pole then I guess only my penguins live in the North Pole.) Penguins do live there but there is one type that lives on the Equater in a warm climate.~~

~~The tallest penguin is the Emperor penguin that can get up to 4ft tall.~~

~~ The smallest penguin is the Little Blue penguin that is about 16in tall.~~

Those are all I could find but if I find more I will add them.

This is a story that Aynsley wrote:

About a year ago there was a famous penguin named Mr.Waddles. Every other male penguin wanted to be him and all the girls wanted to date him. One day Mr.Waddles, whom had a problem with having a high self-esteem, went on a walk and saw a fish that needed water really bad so he found a fish tank and saved his life. Reporters were interviewing him all the time and he was all over known as a hero. When Pauly Penguin heard about this he was very proud for what Mr.Waddles did. Pauly wished very much to meet Mr.Waddles. Pauly and Mihlo Monkey, his best friend, were out playing basketball when Mihlo saw Mr.Waddles walk by. He couldn't believe what he saw and quick told Pauly. Not believing what Mihlo told him they went searching for Mr.Waddles. They walked around the corner and were so surprised they ran up to Mr.Waddles asking for his autograph. When Mr.Waddles turned around they got really scared, he was making a deal with someone to kill Lily Lizard, Mr.Waddles only enemy who was they only thing stopping him for becoming the most famous animal alive. Mr.Waddles quick grabbed them and took them hostage. That night when Mr.Waddles was sleeping they ripped out of the ropes and went and got help to keep Mr.Waddles from killing Lily. Pauly returned with the flying frog cops and said Lily the Lizard from being killed. Mr.Waddles was then arrested, and Super Pauly went down in history as the braviest super penguin alive.