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All the The Great Race sounds are sampled at 11kHz.


anotherr.wav (327K)
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Prof. Fate: You cheated! Cheated! I hate you! I refuse to accept! I won't win any way but my way, you've ruined my reputation, do you hear?! You I hate! You and your hair that's always combed, your suit is always white, your car is always clean! I refuse to accept! I challenge you to another race!
Leslie: Get off my hood!
Prof. Fate: Another race!!

becare.wav (48K)
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Prof. Fate: Be careful, you idiot! You'll blow us both to kingdom come!

blanket.wav (202K)
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Leslie: He's a cheat and a liar!
Prof. Fate: That's besides the point!!
Max: The point is that we're freezing!
Ms. DuBois:Yes, and the time has come to cast aside our personal differences.
Prof. Fate: Bury the hatchet!
Leslie:And you KNOW who has the hatchet.
Max: He doesn't have a hatchet, I promise you. He doesn't even have a whole mustache, now why can't we just settle this whole thing underneath the blanket?

blowup.wav (20K)
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(Makes a great error sound)

Hezekiah: You're lucky it didn't blow up on you!

bomb.wav (95K)
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Max: I never saw a car like that in my life!
Prof. Fate: Yes, and you never will again, either. Give me the bomb! Heh hemm hmm! The bomb! The bomb!

brandy.wav (64K)
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Prince: I waltz just enough to comply with tradition, then I sneak off to more rewarding activities. BRANDY!!

farewell.wav (55K)
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Prof. Fate: Farewell Leslie! HAHA! Away!

finish.wav (623K)
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Leslie: I know how disappointed you must be. But it's amazing that you were able to accomplish what you did.
Ms. DuBois: You mean "amazing" because I am a woman.
Leslie: The steamer is a fast, sporty, attractive automobile...designed for city driving and country picnics.
Hezekiah:You're lucky it didn't blow up on you!
Leslie: You know, its really amazing that ANYONE was able to go this far. I congratulate you, not as a woman, but as an intrepid autoist.
Ms. DuBois: You mean an intrepid woman autoist.
Leslie:A rather dubious honor...when you consider that the accomplishment is predicated on the fact that you chose the wrong automobile.
Ms. DuBois: Ahh! But the choice was not mine. My editor, a man made the arrangements.
Leslie: Your editor is something less than an authority on automobiles. But you, on the other hand, claim full knowledge of the auto and its workings.
Ms. DuBois:So?
Leslie: So, being a woman, you chose to ignore the practical evidence, acted emotionally, entered the race knowing full well that you couldn't possibly finish.

gngtowin.wav (46K)
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Prof. Fate: We're going to win, Max! We're going to win! Haha!

hateu.wav (14K)
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Prof. Fate: I hate you!

hisgirl.wav (300K)
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Cowboy: He's lucky Texas Jack ain't around...he'd gun that dude for sure!
Prof. Fate: Pardon me, Mr. Pahd-nuh, who is this Texas Jack?
Prof. Fate: Who?
Cowboy: The roughest, toughest gunslinger in these parts...Lilly's his girl!
Prof. Fate: Whoo, hoo, hoo...Lilly's his girl.
Max: Terrific...

native.wav (54K)
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Leslie: Are you a native of Boracho?
Lilly: I ain't no native! I was BORN here!!

proffate.wav (40K)
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pshbuttn.wav (104K)
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Prof. Fate: Push the button, Max!
(Garage Explodes)

risenshn.wav (100K)
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Max: C'mon Professor! Rise and shine!
Prof. Fate: RISE AND SHINE?!
Max: 7:30!
Prof. Fate: Then YOU rise, YOU shine!

shutup.wav (100K)
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Ms. DuBois: I want to thank you again for this opportunity, Mr. Goodbody.
Mr. Goodbody: I had very little choice after your conversation with my wife.
Mrs. Goodbody: Henry, if you can't be more gracious, shutup!

tckerinr.wav (96K)
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Prince: Who's going to tuck me in?
General: I..I can manage.
Prince: OH NO! You're the sloppiest tucker-inner in all of Potsdorf. If there's anything that I abhor, is a sloppy tucker-inner.

theres1.wav (44K)
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Prof. Fate: Well, there's another one Leslie can try on for size!

throbran.wav (54K)
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Prince: Hmm! Brandy! Ya-ha! Throw more brandy! Throw brandy!!

towork.wav (34K)
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Prof. Fate: Hahaha! To work! To work, Max!

utopia.wav (141K)
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Leslie: You're not talking about equal rights!
Ms. DuBois: I know what I'm talking about!
Leslie: You're talking about some convenient feminine utopia, that has all the advantages and none of the responsibilities.
Ms. DuBois: Responsibilities?
Leslie: Yes!
Ms. DuBois: Look who's talking about responsibilities!

wstngtim.wav (140K)
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Prof. Fate: You're wasting your time!!
Leslie: Perhaps.
Prof. Fate: We're melting!
Leslie: Slowly.
Max: We're gonna sink!
Leslie: Eventually.
Prof. Fate: Then you're wasting your time!!


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