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How Much Does

God Love You?

Do you ever look up

to see the stars at night?

Have you tried to count them all

0r imagine their number,

feeling small and insignificant

and overwhelmed at the sight?

Do you ever try to picture

the Hand that put

each star in its place,

that knows their number,

and - more importantly -

knows that you are looking up

to see the vastness

of His universe?

He sees your face,

hears your thoughts,

and reads your heart.

God loves you more than

all the stars in heaven.

There's an endless amount of love

that He is always sending you,

and His love is there to cover

every moment of your life.

- Barbara J. Hall

This beautiful picture "Living Water" is from

Love lights up

the world and makes

our troubles

seem insignificant

Love is God's

most magnificent gift

- Joanne Bragdonne

This beautiful background and graphics are from

This background is the art work of

Rik Berry

The wonderful midi "You Light Up My Life" is from

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