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Jack Kemp...

comments on school choice, 1974-1998

"If our schools could only tap into the inventiveness of parents and teachers -- if there were a market that could get around the morass of rules and regulations -- then we would really have something." -- April 18, 1995

"The best 'Department of Education'
is a family." -- February 24, 1988

"Experience has taught us that the bureaucracy does a poor job of providing workers with useful and relevant skills. The empowerment approach would put resources for education and training under individual control -- limiting the government's role to providing information about the efficiency of alternative kinds of training so that workers can make intelligent decisions about what training to pursue. It would provide assistance through tax breaks and vouchers for education and job training, instead of directly funding public training programs themselves.

"Embracing this approach is not easy for politicians steeped in the dogma of their respective parties. For the right, it requires stepping back from the notion of every individual for himself or herself -- and from the ideal that devolving from one bureaucracy to 50 somehow empowers working families. For the left, it requires weaning from a powerful addiction to government entitlements for every needy group -- and getting Democratic constituencies that now control job-training programs to yield that control." -- June 20, 1995 (with Al From,
President, Democratic Leadership Council.)

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and the Lombardi Trophy
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