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My Final thoughts

OK, here I would explain the final stuff to the N64 sucks saga. People can look at my chart, read my descriptions, and look at my numerical ratings and still not see why the N64 sucks so bad. Well It's not just that its such a bad console, its just that it is worse than a 32 bit console.

Never before in history has a console with less bits ever succeeded a console with more bits. But this time I'm talking a 32 bit difference. Nintendo failed to use all of the available resources to make a console.

I know you heard me before but they used cartridges. Why did they use cartridges? Maybe they felt quality of a product is not as important as how easy it is to carry a product. I dont know! If you want to know, don't not look at me but rather ask someone who works at Nintendo. The cartridges go way back to the 8-bit Nintendo and I believe maybe even farther back. Hardcore gamers deserve better than 1980's technology and Nintendo didn't give it to them!

When you compare the Playstation's bits to the N64's, you are percentage wise comparing the old Nintendo to the Super Nintendo, or the Super Nintendo to the Playstation. Do you see what I see? There is not much of a comparison, and that would all hold true if Nintendo 64 wasn't a piece of toilet paper that some 2 year old pissed all over.
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