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Your friends are those you can be yourself with.
Your friends are thrilled to do nothing with you.
Your friends are there when you need someone to talk to.
Your friends are there when you need a shoulder to cry on.
Your friends are there when you need to share a hug.
Your friends are those you can share your deepest secrets with.
Your friends give you confidence and encouragement.
Your friends are those who you can laugh with and cry with.
Your friends are there to pick you up when you are down.
Your friends stand by you when you've done something not quite right.
Your friends are honest with you.
Your friends don't judge you.
Your friends accept you for the way you are.
Your friends forgive you when you unintentionally have hurt them.
Your friends are those who know everything about you
and still love you anyway.

Meet my friends
Icebrkr, Ladyice, Snowdove, Kp, Pabes, Lylab, Austin, Saucey, Muzzie,
Arri, Kat, Steph, Alsmerc, Laura, Superman, Sun, AmLovinU2
Steve, MeetMe, MrBlobby, Cherie, Ronnie & Aylene
Thank you for being you, each unique in your own way
and contributing something important to friendship.
Each of you hold a special place in my heart.
I love you guys!

Created September 20, 1998

"You've Got a Friend"

"Happy Days"
