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"Military Transports"

It is in the new book "Military Transports.
The first volume of Military Transports features data on five aircraft, the Douglas C-124, Fairchild C-119, Transall C-160, De Havilland of Canada DHC-5, and the Antonov An-12. 

"Military Transports" has  eighty pages of high quality pictures, drawings and marking schemes in a soft covered publication.

If you are:

  • a model builder
  • aviation professional
  • advanced aviation student
  • aviation enthusiast
  • former member of military
  • or a lover of Aviation --- This book is a must for you.

    Now available for only $15.00 which includes postage and shipping and handling. (International order please add $3 shipping, handling and additional postage).

    Order by mail to: Air Transport Publications, P.O. Box 586073, Oceanside, CA 92058-6073.

    Or order by email click here

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