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2 by 4 grid
3 by 4 grid
2 by 5 grid
3 by 5 grid
4 by 5 grid
2 by 6 grid
3 by 6 grid
4 by 6 grid
2 by 10 grid
Use these grids to replace messed up ones in your puzzle book, or so that you can swap used books with others.

Dimensions are CATAGORIES by LINES/CATAGORY. Selecting any grid will open a new window so you can see what each one looks like without reloading this window each time. To print the grid just click PRINT from the new window. Hope you find these useful. I'll try to get every possible variation up there when I have time. Meanwhile these are the most common ones.

TIP: To eliminate page numbers and web address, click FILE and PAGE SETUP and remove the text from the header and footer boxes. You'll need to re-type it if you want them back in the future, however.